New person another exit.

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*knock knock*

Ame: What?

???: ma'am we've gotten a new application, would you like to review it?

Ame: Have Sam review it, im busy right now.

???: Yes ma'am.

Ame: ugh this paper keeps growing and growing every single day!

*knock knock*

Ame: ugh who is it?

???: Ma'am Mr. Watson assignment an appointment for the 23rd would you like to receive it?

Ame: No. That bastard keeps trying to give the company to another fucker.

???: I'll decline right away ma'am.

Ame: I've come this far just to lose it all. He's old already he's just stealing oxygen at this point.

*Suddenly the door was burst open by a guy*

Ame: wtf Armando don't you know how to knock?!

Armando: Didn't feel like it, anyways Sam looked through the new application and it seems that the person is a first timer in this type of job. Would you like to have an interview with her?

Ame: hmm..sure I doubt she'll stay though.

Armando: She will if you treat her right, Ame you have to understand that not many people can deal with your bullshit. Get it together or else that old man will take advantage of everything.

Ame: yeah yeah if she gets work done fast maybe I'll let her off the hook.

Armando: I'll schedule the interview for tomorrow, make sure you behave.

Ame: Don't tell me what to do Armando, im older than you.

Armando: Whatever bye now!

*Armando left Ame's office, she went back to work*
The day felt like it went really slow for Ame since work is endless, she packed her stuff and headed home. Knowing she'll be doing the same thing tomorrow she doesn't think too much about it.

As she arrived home she could feel the emptiness roaming everywhere in the big house. She hates that feeling but can't do anything about it.

She quickly headed to her room to shower and get ready for bed as she brushed her hair, once she was done she went to bed right away.

*the next day*

Armando: good morning are you perhaps here for an interview miss?

???: ah yes! Sorry am I late?

Armando: nope you got here just in time, just that we have a little problem. The boss hasn't arrived yet would you like to wait or arrange the interview for ano-


Armando: about damm time! You almost left the girl waiting!

Ame: Yeah yeah whatever let me set things up then you send her to my office.

Armando: Alright. Sorry for that as you can see that's the boss, would you like to wait or re arrange the interview ma'am?

???: ahh don't worry I can wait, I've been looking for a job like crazy. Let's hope I do end up getting this one or else I'll have to continue looking.

Armando: I see then, now before you go into her office. You must know that the boss isn't someone who's very social and her way of talking may be harsh, will you be able to handle it?

???: Hmm yeah I think so?

Armando: Alright then let's-

Ame: bring her to the office Armando

Armando: okay~ let's go!

They headed up to Ame's office, Armando worried the girl might end up leaving since Ame is not very good with people.

Armando: Alright we're here, I wish you luck and remember what I said okay?

???: okay! Thank you very much uhh?

Armando: Armando

???: Thank you very much Mr Armando!

*knock knock*

Ame: come in.

???: uhh good morning

Ame: take a seat.

???: right.

Ame: name?

???: Gawr Gura

Ame: age?

Gura: 22

Ame: why do you want this job?

Gura: To be able to help out as much as I can and-

Ame: ok whatever next Are you good at talking with customers?

Gura: Yes!

Ame: From what I see in your report you've never worked for a company. Where did you used to work in?

Gura: I used to work In a pet store, until I graduated and managed to apply for more jobs-

Ame: when are you available?

Gura: anytime.

Ame: Alright were done, we'll make sure to send you an email or something.

Gura: that's it? You don't need my ID or-

Ame: I don't like wasting time, I have a lot of work to do so please be on your way already.

Gura: uhh okay thank you for your time.

Ame: mhm.

Gura stood up from her chair and left.

Armando: how did it go?

Gura: hmm to be honest it went by fast and she kept interrupting me.

Armando: yeah sorry about her, she's really stubborn and wants things to go her way. Anyways we'll make sure to send you an email to see if you got the job or not.

Gura: Alright then thanks you very much Mr Armando byeee.

Gura left and Sam had approached Armando.

Sam: so? What position are we going to put her in?

Armando: hmm she didn't really complain about the way Ame is, apart from her interrupting when she would speak. Maybe we can put her as Ame's secretary.

Sam: oh poor girl.

Armando: yeah let's just wish her the best. I'll go talk about it with Ame and see what she thinks.

Armando left to talk to Ame while Sam went to finish replying to emails.

Ame: so what do you want?

Armando: what did you think about the girl?

Ame: she talks too much.

Armando: apart from that.

Ame: hm she's alright

Armando: that okay I guess anyways I'm thinking of hiring her as your assistant.

Ame: you know she'll leave if you give her that job.

Armando: she won't if you treat her nicely.

Ame: yeah whatever.

Armando: Ame im serious right now, you need someone to be able to help you with your work. You can't just do everything by yourself.

Ame: I've done it for year and look where I am now. Look im not against it but I rather do things myself.

Armando: last time you didn't celebrate Christmas because of work that also goes for new years and Thanksgiving. Mom was really upset and you know that. You're not little anymore Ame.

Ame: Will you shut up and leave if I accept the girls application?

Armando: and put her as your assistant.

Ame: done now leave.

Armando: good.



Helpless Secretary~♡  (AmeSame) hololive Gawr Gura x Amelia WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now