Out of your mind?

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The silence in the room was loud not a single word was spoken, Gura did her best to not make no eye contact with her boss.

Ame on the other hand hated the situation, it was too quiet for her. She at least expect Gura to bring up the topic but nothing was there to say.

-it is now 4pm and neither of them have said anything. At this point Ame was getting bothered by the situation.-

Ame: ahem.. how was your day off?

Gura: it was good.

Wow the fastest way to cut things off.

Ame stood up from her chair and walked over the nearby big window she has next to her desk. It wasn't usual of her to be slacking off at work but she had to something.

Ame: So. Just gonna pretend nothing happened?
Gura: what do you mean boss?

Ame: I see then.

Gura didn't realize Ame was walking up to her she was too focused on her paper work until..

Ame: Should I help you remember what we did in that small room? Or would you already have an idea by now.

Faces close to each other, eyes on the lips, everything was good to go. Back to her senses Gura faced away from Ame and focused on her paper.

Gura: what suddenly bring it up?

Ame: why you ask?... probably because someone left without an explanation. Right when we were at the good part~

Gura could hear her words whispering right through her ear sending shivers down her throat.

Gura: I'm sorry okay? Are we good now?
Ame: hmm I don't know Gura.. Are we good now?

Gura: will you stop teasing and get back to work.
Ame: ohh I see we are ordering the boss now? That's impressive.

Ame pushes back Gura's chair and sits down on her lap facing her, reaching over for her tie and pulling her close.

Ame: if I remember.. I am the one in control here no?
Gura:.... Yes.

Ame: glad you know~

Gura having her eyes looking away Ame took the chance to crash their lips together. Whimpers and moans echo through the room, Ame was glad the quietness of the room went away.

Stopping to catch their breath Gura quickly placed her hand in between them.

Gura: Stop..someone will come in.
Ame: You said that last time~

-knock knock-

Gura: See what did I tell-
Ame: Shh

The door was opened by Armando, he was confused to see both of them acting weird when he walked in. Ame standing right in front of the door and Gura facing the wall.

Armando: uhh.. Hello!
Gura: oh hello Mr. Armando

Ame: hey, it's time already?
Armando: yeah! The car is already waiting for you guys down the entrance.

Ame: alright then, cmon Gura let's go.
Gura: right!

Armando: Say hi to Kronii for me.
Ame: I will, Bye now.

As the both headed out the door Gura kept glaring at Ame, pretending she wasn't seeing her expression they continued to walk to the main entrance.

???: ah Hello Ma'am sorry if I got here a little late haha.

Said the driver as he opened the door for Ame and Gura.

Ame: don't worry you're right on time.

As they both got on the car Gura still was glaring at her boss.

Ame: Your face will get wrinkled if you keep making that face.
Gura: we we're almost caught!

Ame: but we didn't~
Gura; geez I can't with you.

Through the whole ride they talked about the leftover work they still had and random topics until they arrived to their destination.

???: here you go ma'am! If you need anything I'll be waiting for you here. Take your time.

Ame: thank you will do.

Gura was speechless as she saw the company, it was HUGE! she already felt tired just by looking at it.

Ame: this is my cousins company, you will meet her in a bit.
Gura: just how wealthy are you guys!

Ame: enough to continue.

As they both walked up to the entrance two staff approached them and greeted them. Taking care of their bags and leading them to the main boss's office.

Gura's eyes would wonder around everywhere, this place didn't even looked like a company. Everything was so shiny it even felt expensive looking at it.

Ame: it's cool right?
Gura: ah.. yes very.

As they went up the elevator Gura lost count at how many floors this building had. Finally once they arrived to the destined floor, the staff knocked on the boss's door.

???: Who is it?

A very mature voice was heard from inside, it made Gura shiver for a bit.

Ame: it's me loser open up.
???: ah it's you dumbass, come in.

Gura's pov: HAH?!

???: So.. who's this?
Ame: This is my assistant Gawr Gura, Gura this is my cousin Ouro Kronii.

Kronii: Yo.
Gura: ah pleased to meet you..

Kronii: it's okay girl I don't bite, just how much have you traumatized this girl Ame?

Ame: no comment.

Kronii: we'll alright then- anyways let's get to business now.
Ame: okay.

Through the whole meeting Gura couldn't comprehend what their conversation was about. She tried her best to catch up but in the end there was no hope.

-Knock Knock-

Kronii: ah- who is it?
???: it's me!
. Kronii: who's me?..
???: You are Ouro Kronii!
Kronii: Mumei just come in.
Mumei: hehe~

The door was opened by a girl with long brown hair, she was kind of the same size as Gura but a bit taller.

Mumei: oh. I didn't know you had guests over my bad.
Kronii: it's fine it's just Ame

Mumei: hello Ame we meet again.
Ame: Hello.

Mumei: and you are??
Gura: uhh.. Gawr Gura...

Mumei: Gura huh.. COME WITH ME!!

Mumei had dragged Gura out of her chair and dragged her outside the office.

Ame: ah-
Kronii:...sorry she has a habit of doing that..

Ame: That's a.. weird habit.
Kronii: I've tried to fix it but she doesn't listen.

Ame: right. Aren't you two getting married already?
Kronii: Yeah this upcoming summer, even though it was for the business I don't regret getting together with her.

Ame: must be nice huh
Kronii: what about you? Found anyone yet?

Ame: hmm.. yeah I've found someone~

-To be continued-


Helpless Secretary~♡  (AmeSame) hololive Gawr Gura x Amelia WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now