New Faces

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Gura: uhh very nice to meet all of you

Ethan: so.. how did it go for your first day? Must've been a pain in the ass right?

Kate: Ethan watch your language, she's new

Ethan: right.

Gura: it was actually pretty smooth, the boss isn't that bad.

Ash: that's just for now, later on she'll be dragging you like a dog.

Gura: what?.

Kate: Guys!

Armando: it's okay Kate, I understand that my sister might be a little rough on you guys.

Kate: *sigh* that not it..

Gura: we'll in my opinion I think the boss was pretty interesting, she's a hard worker.

Armando: thank you Gura for handling my sister today, I hope you can continue working with us.

Gura: no problem and you didn't tell me I was going to have my own desk! I wouldn't gotten the job earlier.

Armando: hahaha is that what you liked?

Gura: I love it! I feel like an office lady doing sales.

Armando: you sure are and interesting one Gura.

Kate: some people here would do anything just to not be in their desk.

As they continued to chat, Ame suddenly showed up. Everyone got quiet and awkward. Except Gura and Armando.

Armando: ahh welcome sis I didn't think you would actually come.

Gura: helloooo Watson!

Ame: I just have time to spare I guess?

Gura: here take a seat next to me.

Ame: thank you, hello everyone

Ethan & Ash: hello.

Kate: hello boss how was your day?

Ame: it was nice thanks for asking.

Gura: let me get the waiter for us so that we can start ordering.

Armando: No it's okay I'll get it, you guys just hand here for a sec.


Gura: uhhh how did we end up like this?..

Gura had a drunk boss on her shoulder while Ethan had a drunk Armando on his shoulder as well.

Ethan: it happens all the time, I don't usually let them drink for the same reason.

Ash: did you see when he fell as he tried to go to the bathroom?! That was hilarious!

Kate: I guess the boss is knocked out as well right?

Gura: yeah-

Kate: if you want I can take her home, you must be tired.

Gura: ah not it's okay I can take her home, but I don't know where she lives.

Kate: oh okay I'll send you her address, try to wake her up before you drop her off though.

Gura: okay got it thanks, we'll I guess the boss and I should get going before it gets more dark.

Ethan: be safe on your way home

Ash: I'll get going as well byeee

Kate: bye girls

Gura exited the restaurant with Ame, it took a long time for them to reach Gura's car. Kate had already send Gura the address to Ame's house.

She sat Ame down on the passenger seat and put her seat belt on.


30 minutes of driving they had finally arrived, Gura's eyes were in shock as she saw how big Ame's house was.

Gura: uhh ahem..Watson?

Gura tried to wake up Watson in the most peaceful way possible. Unfortunately that didn't work soooo

Gura placed a hand on her shoulder and shook her a bit, Ame slowly opened her eyes.

Gura: uhm..We're at you house uhhh

Ame: huh?...

Gura: uhh you got a little bit drunk, I had to come drop you off.

Ame: 5 more minutes...

Gura:... did she even listen to me-

As Gura kept trying to wake Ame up she noticed how tired she was, She felt guilty for waking her up.

Gura: Watson..

Gura shook her one more time, this time Ame had finally woken up.

Ame: oh fuc- where the huh?!

Gura: Uhh

Ame: Why am I here?! Where am i?!

Gura: calm down we're just right outside your house, you and your brother got really drunk and ended up passing out. I was given the task to take you home.


Gura: Uhh as for your car its still over at the company- uhm..

Ame: *sigh* Thanks for bringing me home safely, I'll make sure to be more careful next time. I'll send one of my workers to bring me my car.

Gura: do you need help walking? I don't know if you're still a little wobbly.

Ame: I should be fine thank you.

Ame took of her seat belt and opened the car door, as she tried to get up her legs still felt a bit wobbly. She would've almost tripped if she wouldn't have hold on the car door.

Gura: pff- let me help you out.

Gura took off her seat belt and opened the car door, she got off the car and headed towards Ame. She picked her up and walked over to the front entrance.


As they entered the house Gura placed Ame on a nearby sofa, her eyes wondered around the place. It was even more beautiful inside than the outside.

Ame: ughh I'm starting to get a headache..

Gura: do you have any painkillers?

Ame: I should have some on the top shelf over there.

Gura opened the drawer and found the painkillers, she grabbed a water bottle from the table and brought it to Ame.

Ame: *sigh* I'm sorry you have to see me like this on your first day...

Gura: Oh no worries I've had a lot of fun, im looking forward to working with you and knowing more about you.

Ame: huh-

Gura: welp I have to head out now, here I'll give you my phone number in case if you need anything.

Ame: wait-

Gura: Sorry I really have to go, I'll see you tomorrow at work boss!

Ame: I told you not to call me that..


Gura arrived to her apartment, she quickly opened the door.

Gura: I can't believe I forgot!

She sprinted toward the kitchen, she took out some cat food.

Gura: I forgot to feed by babies! Im so sorryyyyy!

Her two cats were patiently waiting for her to feed them.


Helpless Secretary~♡  (AmeSame) hololive Gawr Gura x Amelia WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now