It's about what you want.

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It was now 8:28 pm it was already dark outside, the whole time Gura couldn't really focus on what she has been doing, Ame on the other side would steal glances of her.

Gura: we'll I'll be heading out Ame..

Ame: hm? You don't want to go eat or something?

Gura: uhh actually I'm not really feeling well.. I didn't sleep well last night after all.

Ame: hm? Such a shame then, I guess I should walk you out then.

Gura: huh?! You don't have to haha.. aren't you still busy with work?

Ame: I am but I don't mind walking you out.

Gura: right...thank you.

As both of them walked towards the exit, Gura did her best to not steal a look nor a sight from Ame. She just wished her legs were fast enough to run outside and never come back.

Ame: you're awfully quite, did something happened?

Gura: oh really? I didn't notice haha..

Ame: did something happen in the bathroom?..

Gura: oh no, not at all it's just..

Ame? You really thought I wouldn't notice huh.

Gura: wha!-

Ame faces her and takes her to a storage room.


The light was off Gura couldn't see everything was black, All she could feel was hands on her.

Gura: hey!- what are yo- mph-

Ame covered her mouth with her hand preventing her from talking too loud.

Ame: you're too loud. Be quiet and just let it happen.

Gura: mph! Mm!

Ame removes her hand from her mouth

Gura: are you crazy?! Why did you bring me here-

Ame: shhh I told you to be quiet.

Gura: just what do you want?

Ame: this is not about what I's what you want.

Gura: what do you mean?..

Hand slowly moved down to Gura's bulge

Ame: what else would it mean? Hm?~

Gura:'re not playing any games right?..

Ame looks down to Gura she leans closer to her head near her chest.

Gura: I don't think this is a good idea.. mph!-

Ame slowly licked Gura neck while her hand was rubbing her.

Gura: w-wait- not the neck please..

Ame looked up to her and liked her reaction, she wanted more of it. Not another word said she slowly placed small kiss on her neck all the way to her ear.

Gura would try to avoid everything going on but she just couldn't with Ame.

Gura: w-we just met a day ago!

Ame: so?

Gura: what do you mean "so"?!

Ame: I'm not asking you to be with me or anything.

Gura: then why are you doing this?!

Ame: for fun?

Gura: how is this any fun?! You dragged me to a room and just started touching me how is this any fun?!

Ame leaned towards Gura and connected their lips together, Gura in shock didn't know what to do.

All you could hear was their hot breath and small moans.

Gura: haa.. haah wait- I need a minu- mph!~

Gura felt her body getting hotter and hotter every kiss would feel hot.

Ame: if you stay still we can make this quick~
She whispered in her ear.

Gura felt hopeless her body had betrayed her and her head was fuzzy.

Ame kneeled down and started unbuttoning Gura's skirt.

Gura: wait- let me get mentally prepared for this...

Ame: don't tell me this is your first time?

Gura: it is!

Ame: don't worry I'll make sure you it doesn't hurt.

Looking down on her made Gura's lust stronger..

Ame: well are you ready?

Gura: I think so..

Gura shivered a bit when she felt Ame's hand on her dick.. her hands were cold. Hand hardly moving Gura already wanted to finish, but she knew she had to wait a bit longer. Suddenly the feeling of hot and wet reached to her, the lights were off so she couldn't really see Ame well.

Ame slowly started licking the tip while moving her hand, her hot breath would hit Gura which would make her jump a bit. Ame would look up at Gura to see her reactions.

Gura started to get desperate she wanted in now, she placed her hands on Amelia's head and inserted her dick inside her mouth.

Ame: mph!~

Gura: s-sorry.. my hands moved on their own.

Ame didn't mind at all but she now knew how Gura wanted it. She started taking all of Gura's dick inside of her until none was left to be seen.

Gura: agh!~

Ame started rubbing her dick faster as her mouth moved, Gura tried to hold on to something as she couldn't take it. Her back arched up and her legs shaking she couldn't anymore.

Gura: Ame!~ I have to..

Ame stops what she's doing and looks up to Gura.

Not yet.. we're the words that rang through the room.

Ame stood up and connect her lips with Gura's

Gura: he- hey!~ I can't anymore..

Ame: just a bit longer..

A hand placed on Gura hip pushing her forward, lips connected while drool would spill.

The other hand slowly rubbing Gura's dick.

Gura: Ame~ please..

Ame started licking Gura's neck again this time she started to leave some bite marks on her. Her hand was now moving faster.

Gura: Ah!~ mph-

Lips connected again but this time the kiss was different which made Gura more sensitive. Gura hands were placed on Ame's shoulder gripping her hard.

Gura was already at her limit..

She pushed Ame over to the other side of the wall and started to touch her breast and kissing her roughly. Ame shocked from the reaction knew she was already at her limit.

Gura gripped on Ame's breast hard, both girls now only listening to whimpers and hot breaths.

At last Ame picked up the pace and started stroking Gura hard. Gura already felt her ejection coming, she gripped onto Ame and let it out.



The next chapter will be released before the end of this month. Hope you enjoyed this chapter im not good at writing this type of stuff😭

Helpless Secretary~♡  (AmeSame) hololive Gawr Gura x Amelia WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now