Just like that?

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Gura groaned as she felt her muscles give up on her, supporting herself onto Ame. Hearing her hot breath echo through the small room, Ame looked up to her with a small grin on her face.
Gura: I.. what huh..
Ame: pff-
Gura: hey!-

Lips clashed together again, saliva almost dripping out Gura just couldn't help to get surprised every kiss.
Ame: if you talk too loud we'll get caught~

Finally brought back to consciousness Gura pulled up her skirt and underwear, Ame got confused with the actions she was making. Once everything was back to how it was she opened the door the the room.

Gura: I gotta go now, thanks.
Ame: huh- you're leaving?

Without another word Gura left and did not look back at Ame. Standing speechless and confused she started to think maybe she did go too far.

Ame: oh well.. can't be helped huh.
-The next day-

Today is Gura's day off which means there was no chance of asking her why she suddenly left the other day. Ame knew she shouldn't be thinking of her right now since work is always busy.

-knock knock-

Ame: come in.

-door opens-

Armando: Yo!
Ame: oh it's you.
Armando: of course it's me who else would you expect?
Ame: what do you need?

Armando: geez always so cold, anyways I came to drop this report of the financial goals for the building. I'm thinking of making more rooms and adding—

Ame: sounds good.
Armando: yeah I know~
Ame: I was thinking.. if maybe we should start making another building. Something more bigger and nicer than this one.

Armando: we could..but it will have to wait, getting blue prints and construction workers is hard.
Ame: Time goes so slow, I hate it.

- As the day went by Ame managed to finish some of her work in time, as she grabbed her bag and headed out of her office she couldn't help but think if Gura will show up tomorrow.-

-With Gura-


Stressed girl on the couch was going through crisis.

Gura: how will I face her tomorrow? I'm scared what if she's mad I just left like nothing, Ugh I totally ruined the mood.

Pushing herself back she looked up to the roof.

-flashback of last night-

Gura: omg. omg. omg. OH MY GOD!

Flustered Gura was in her car trying to process everything that just happened in that room, looking down to her buddy.


-back to present-

Gura: I can't say I hate it because I didn't, what I hate is that my body keeps craving for more..

She stood up from her sofa and headed to her room and grabbed some clothes.

Gura: I'll just pretend nothing happened tomorrow, gotta take a shower now.



Gura: I really don't want to go in, what if she fires me! WHAT IF SHE DOESN'T WANT ME AS HER ASSISTANT ANYMORE!!

After calming herself down she got out of her car and fixed her clothes a bit, looking up to the building she already knew it was going to be a long day.

Gura: let's just get it over with.

Heading over to check herself in, she came across a who girl fell and dropped all of her paper on the floor.

Gura: Are you okay?

She said as she offered her hand to help the girl.
???: ah! I'm so sorry for suddenly falling like that.

The girl took Gura's hand and stood up

Gura: here let me help you pick these up, you didn't get hurt right?

???: just twisted my ankle but the pain will go away, thank you so much for your help.
Gura: I'll help you with the box.

???: ah thank you! I'll show you where to put it.

Heading ove to the girls work place they had a small conversation.

???: You seem new here what's your name?
Gura: I'm Gawr Gura just recently started working here 3 days ago, what's yours?

???: I'm Ninomae Ina'nis I'm from the financial team, what are you from?

Gura: oh I'm the boss's Assistant-

Suddenly the girl stopped walk and stood there shock.

Gura: uhh I guess so?
Ina: you must be exhausted working with the boss maybe I should be carrying the box.

Gura: ah no worries I'm not exhausted at all, plus your ankle still hurts.
Ina: thanks then, so how is she? Is she scary or hard person to work with?
Gura: hmm she's alright, she does her job and I do mine. She can be stubborn at times but she makes sure we have a break once in a while.

Ina: really? I've never really met her, I only know her brother. I've heard a lot of rumors about her though.
Gura: we'll rumors are rumors so can't be helped on what you hear.

Ina: yeah but now that I heard that coming from you she's just sounds like a normal person, anyways this is it thanks a lot for helping me out.
Gura: no problem if you need anything else you can come find me in the boss's office.
Ina: thank I'll make sure I will, maybe some other time we can go out for some drinks or idk?

Gura: sure that sounds nice, I gotta get going now see you around.
Ina: once again thank you byee!

Getting on the elevator Gura's heart started to freak out, she was really nervous of facing her. She felt the elevator going faster than usual.


As the doors opened she bumped into the person she was afraid of facing.

Ame: ah- there you are
Gura: Good Morning boss.
Ame: Boss huh.. why are you late?

Gura: ah sorry I was helping someone out someone who hurt their ankle.
Ame: Alright then. Cmon we have a lot to do today.

Both of them walking into the office, Gura felt anxious as the door closed behind them.

Ame: alright so today we will be working half day.
Gura: half day? What's going on?

Ame: I have a meeting with another company this afternoon and you will come with me as my assistant.
Gura: huh what about Mr Armando?

Ame: he will be looking over the company while I'm gone.
Gura: I see then.. is that all?

Ame: yes we will be leaving at 5 so let's try to get as much as we can get done.



Helpless Secretary~♡  (AmeSame) hololive Gawr Gura x Amelia WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now