To do or not to do.

894 26 10

It was now 8:00 pm everyone was packing up to head home for the day, it didn't take long for everything to get quite. No more ringing phones nor sounds of printers all over the building, just pure silence.

Gura: ngh~ h-hey I thought I sai- mph!~

Sounds of hot breathes echoed through the room, saliva dripping from each other and slightly scuffed up moans.

Ame's head was blank all she could think about was Gura, being able to touch her like this felt like a miracle. Gura on the other hand was filled with nervousness, wondering how far they will get would excite her but also scare her.

They stopped a moment to catch their breath but that didn't stop Ame, she reached over to Gura's neck slowly sucking and kissing her all the way up to her ear. Gura felt her bulge getting bigger and bigger when Amelia would touch her, wanting to get her lust over with.

Ame: Someone sure is excited today aren't they?
Gura: S-shut up...
Ame: If I were you..I would watch my language when talking to my boss.

Pressing a knee in between her legs pressing on her bulge made it hurt a bit, Gura squirmed a bit.

Gura: A boss..wouldn't do this to a co-worker..
Ame: that's right..but there's no rule not to? Hehe~

Grabbing Gura by her tie she pushes her closer to her, a grin on her face showed the emotion as " You have no escape"

Gura: you think?.

Slowly unbuttoning her shirt Gura could feel nervousness down her spine, of course it wasn't the first time they've done this. She just doesn't have enough experience.

Ame: have you ever done it with anyone other than me?.
Gura: why would you ask that?
Ame: dunno just curious. I haven't done it with anyone..
Ame: I'm glad..

She placed her hand on Gura's skirt, unbuttoning that as well. Gura couldn't help to look down on what she was doing, everything felt so unreal.

Ame: You ready?
Gura: uhm...I don't know..
Ame: don't worry, I'll go nice and slow just for you~

Ame pushed Gura to her seat making her sit down so she could at least calm down but that just made things more exciting, seeing how Gura looked at her with those eyes of frustration made her feel good about herself.

Gura: what if someone walks in? What if they lock us up inside? What if- mph!~

Her words were cut off by Amelia's lips, her tongue exploring every inside of her mouth. She could feel her body getting hotter and hotter every single second, she wants her, she needs her in every way possible.

Ame sat down on Gura's lap facing her, she could feel her bulge pulsing in between her legs. After the long kiss they shared Gura realized what position they were in. Her face just kept getting more and more flustered.

Ame: I need to know if you're really okay with this..I don't want to end up doing something without your consent.
Gura: you're really asking me that now?..
Ame: mhm..

Gura: we'll..we're both in this so I don't see how my opinion matters..
Ame: be honest.
Gura:...yeah I..want this..
Ame: good.

Ame started to strip herself in front of Gura, slowly unbuttoning her shirt and exposing her breast. Gura knew they were big but never knew they were this big up close, her waist was so thin she could just grab it at any moment.

Ame: mind helping me unhooking my bra? I can't see it.
Gura: uhm..sure..

Gura slid her hands behind Ame unhooking her bra, her skin felt so soft she could just tell by placing her hands on her for a few seconds.

Once it was unhooked Gura was a whole embarrassing mess, she had them right in front of her.

Ame: it's okay to touch..
Gura: right..

Slowly aiming for her breast groping them in a gentle way Ame would whimper of every grip, Gura's hands may look small but they sure do have some strength.

As the groping continued Ame started pressing in a bit on Gura's shaft, Slowly rubbing herself in on it.

Her legs were dripping wet, she reached down to Gura's underwear and pulled them down.  And continued rubbing herself on it, Gura could feel her folds in between Ame's underwear.

Gura: ahh~..ngh..
Ame: mhm~..I wonder if I should just..give it all in? Hehe..
Gura: p..please..

Ame: hm? Did you say something?~

With no hesitation Gura started to thrust into Ame in between her fold, not being able to thrust all the way in bc of her panties.

Ame: hehe..alright, alright I'll lend you a hand.

Ame stood up from Gura's lap and slowly slid her underwear off, Gura stood up from the chair and approached Ame with hungry eyes.

She grabbed her waist and placed her toward the desk, Surprised by her actions Ame just followed Gura.

Gura made Ame's legs spread open she slid a finger in between her fold, feeling how wet Ame already was she easily slipped a finger inside of her. It made Ame jump a bit.

Ame: Mhp!~ h-hey!~
Gura: You've been enjoy yourself teasing me, now it's time to change that.

Gura slid another finger and another inside of her making Ame's legs tremble, slowly moving in and out she reached up to one of her breast and started groping them.

Ame: ahh!~ ah f..fuck~..

Thrusting her finger faster inside of her made it hard for ame to stand, she could feel her legs giving up. The amount of pleasure was insane, gasping for air and clenching on the corners of the desk Ame could feel herself getting close.

Ame: ngh!~ G-Gura~ I'm close!~
Gura: don't cum yet.
Ame: b-but!~ it's too much pleasure!~ I can't!~

Gura: wait until I tell you to..

Looking down on her Gura bit down her shoulder as she continued thrusting into her, she had all of Ame's juices on her hand squirting all over the floor.


Sorry for slow updates school started and my motivation for writing as been low, but dw I'm still going to continue writing whenever I can^^

Helpless Secretary~♡  (AmeSame) hololive Gawr Gura x Amelia WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now