Meet up

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After Gura was done with her bath she dried her hair and changed into a new pair of clothes. Once she was done with all of that she called Ame just to see if they were still going to eat. After all of that moving she felt tired but also hungry.

Gura: uhh Hey are we still going to meet up to go eat?
Ame: Yeah let me just finish getting ready and I'll go pick you up.
Gura: how do you know where I live?..
Ame: I'm your boss of course I would know where you live.
Gura: right..we'll then I'll see you in a bit.

Ame: okay bye
Gura: bye

She threw her phone over to her bed and went to the bathroom to fix up her hair while she waited for Ame.

As she was doing her hair it came to mind that Ame and her weren't what would they call the relationship they have?

Gura: I wasn't planning on ever doing it since I thought someone would find it weird..*sigh*

Gura had once been in a relationship with someone a long time ago, They meant everything to her and even now it still impacts her on how she's different from others. It was their anniversary so of course they were going to try to do it..but when the person saw what Gura had been hiding the whole time they quickly got their stuff and left.

Even now Gura still has that insecurity of being different from others.

Lost in thought Gura didn't realize someone was knocking at her door. She quickly hurried to open it to see who it was.

Ame: Yo. You ready to go?

Gura didn't realize how deep in thought she was that even Ame got here to pick her up, she was only wearing a t shirt and her underwear and that was it..

Ame: pff- it wouldn't be the first time I see you without clothes, if anything what you're wearing right now is a blessing for my eyes..
Gura: You perv.

Gura brought Ame inside and closed the door, Ame took a seat on the sofa while Gura headed towards her room to get some clothes.

Ame noticed that the apartment Gura was living in was a bit small..but if it's only her living here then I guess it would be okay for her.

Ame: Gura
Gura: Yeah?
Ame: how much do you pay for rent here?
Gura: uhh I think like 1,500 a month
Ame: ah..
Gura: why?

Gura was done putting on her clothes and came back to the living room, she was wearing casual short shorts with a white T shirt.

Ame: How much do you make?
Gura: Like 800-900 a month
Ame: hmm..Okay..let's get going.

After the car ride and picking a place to eat they were finally able to sit down and enjoy their evening, Although Gura had barely even noticed what Ame was wearing..

Gura's pov: her boobs look good In that..

Ame had already noticed where the short girl was looking, She pretended to stretch her arms out.
Gura instantly knew she was caught and picked up the menu to cover her flustered face.

Ame: haha here I thought you were enjoying the view.
Gura: W..what view idiot..
Ame: want me to give you a closer look-

Waitress: Hi! welcome what can I get for you two lovely ladies?
Gura: right uhh may I have the Alfredo pasta? What about you Boss?~
Ame: hm..I'll take the same just not too much cheese if possible.

Gura knew Ame didn't liked being called boss but it's fun teasing your boss once in a while.

Waitress: Alright then, what about drinks?
Gura: Strawberry Lemonade please.
Ame: Water
Gura: ugh..water..

Waitress: Alright your food will be here soon, thank you!

The waitress left and somehow she kept her eyes on Gura when they were ordering, Ame noticed it but Gura is too much of an airhead to notice.

Ame: hm..
Gura: what?
Ame: that waitress..
Gura: what about her?
Ame: I don't know..something seemed off.

Gura: you're probably just tired.
Ame: tired? I doubt it..I don't like the way she was looking at..
Gura: at what?
Ame: never mind..

After some time of talking and waiting for food it finally arrived yet it was the same waitress, when she was handling the plates for the girls she slipped a paper under Gura's plate and pointed at it. Gura was confused by her actions so she just let it slide, But Ame felt bothered by that.

Gura: we'll..let's dig in!
Ame: right..

Once they were done with their food Ame still felt bothered by that waitress, how could she do that right in front of her. Ame accidentally knocked her fork under the table, and got off her chair to pick it up.  While under the table she noticed the table cloth was long which she would not be noticed outside.

Gura: Did you get your fork Ame? Or do you need help finding it?
Ame: give me a second...

Ame slowly crawled over to Gura's side, Suddenly Gura felt hands on her thigh's..

Gura: huh?!- Ame what are yo-
Ame: Shhh... look up and don't say anything..
Gura: wait-
Ame: I said shut up.

Gura had no choice but to obey..she felt Ame unbuttoned her shorts and slowly massaging her dick. As much as she wanted to stop her it excited her more that people were around.

Ame: oh my...hard already?~
Gura: Not here..please..
Ame: look how hard you are...gosh.
Gura: Ame..

Ame could hear the voice of Gura as if she was begging for her to do something, Ame slowly started stroking her dick a bit rougher than last time.
Gura: ngh~

Next she pulled down her underwear and continued stoking Gura's dick while she licked the tip.. Gura felt her heart beat faster and faster trying to hold on onto the table..


Helpless Secretary~♡  (AmeSame) hololive Gawr Gura x Amelia WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now