Second day

715 22 2

The sound of Gura's alarm echoing through the room had been going on for a few minutes, no matter how loud it was she wouldn't wake up.

Gura: mhmm~ 5 more minutes~

The alarm had stopped ringing after 20 minutes had passed by suddenly the realization hit Gura.

Gura: Oh crap!- oh no oh no oh nooooo what time is it?! 12:20?! I overslept AAAAAAAAA!!

Gura quickly got out of bed and headed to the restroom to brush her teeth and hair, then she puts on her work clothes but.... There was a problem.

Gura: huh.... What- Did I?- DID I HAD A WET DREAM?!

Gura looked down on her boxers, her buddy was pointing out, She didn't have enough time to take care of it she was going to be late.

Gura: out of all days why today little bud?! Ughhhhhh

She made sure it wouldn't look too much visual, she took a handbag just in case if she had to cover it.

Gura: alright babies take care of the house while I'm gone okay? Byeeee

Ame: ugh I have a really bad headache..

Armando: tell me about it..

Armando and Ame were sitting down on a couch Ame had in her office.

Ame: What time is it?

Armando: it's currently 12:31

Ame: someone's running late.

Armando: yikes go easy on her, I gotta get back to work.

Few minutes had passed and Gura had still not showed up

Ame: late on her second day? She sure has some guts.

*knock knock*

Ame: Come in.

The door opened and it was Gura with a really nervous smile, she quickly tried to avoid Ame and headed to her desk but was stopped by Ame.

Ame: Care to explain?

Gura: uHhHhmm I had to uhh chase my goldfish who was drowning... you think I'm an idiot?

Gura: No Ma'am I'm sorry.

Ame: get to work before I make you work overtime.

Gura: Yes Ma'am

Ame: drop the "Ma'am".



As Gura was doing her work she tried not to face Watson too much, she wouldn't stand up for too long and always kept her hand covering her yk what.

Ame noticed her actions but didn't think too much of it, although she didn't know why her hands were placed in that direction.

Ame: Gura can you bring me the file's that say "DSAM"

Gura: hmm found it- uhh...

The files were placed at the very top of the shelf, Gura was too short to reach it.

Ame: never mind it's okay I'll get them

She stood up from her chair and headed towards Gura's desk, Gura quickly sat down and placed her hand on her thigh's.

Ame: You sure are acting strange today, you good?

Gura: hm? What do you mean?

Ame: you're not as chatty as yesterday.

Gura: o-oh I just didn't get much sleep.

Ame: right, by the way thanks again for taking me home when I was waisted yesterday.

Helpless Secretary~♡  (AmeSame) hololive Gawr Gura x Amelia WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now