New Job?

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After a week later Gura had gotten the email saying she was hired and was expected to show up on Monday.

Gura: I got the job! Yessss!

Ina: That's great! Congratulations Gura

Gura: thank youuu aaaaa I can finally start making money again!

Kiara: Gura why do you need to work though? Your parents are surprisingly rich?

Gura: well I can't always depend on my parents, plus it'll just be for a while until I finish studying.

Kiara: what are you studying?

Gura: I want to be a doctor, but ughh it'll take years to finish that career.

Calli: Goodluck goob don't worry by the time you know it, you'll be helping people out you know?

Gura: Yeah, though I'm a little bit unsure about this job. The boss there is pretty idk like she's rude but I can't really assume things if I don't really know her.

Kiara: Where are you working Gura?

Gura: Watson's-



Gura: uhh is there a problem with that job?

Kiara: That company is has been going off for a while and they've been getting a lot and a lot of sales! It's amazing-

Ina: You sure you'll be able to handle it? It'll be work non stop.

Calli: cmon now guys im sure Gura will be fine, she's a hardworking girl!

Gura: yeah! It'll be simple like a piece of cake.

*The next day*

Gura: okay I have everything good to go, they did say I have to dress formal but...ughh little bud here is..pretty AAA OKAY WERE GETTING DISTRACTED GURA FOCUS!

*Gura received the uniform from the company in her mail, it was a white button shirt with a black tight skirt and a black coat.*

Gura: lets just hope little bud won't get triggered or else well be having a problem.

Just to be safe Gura had 2 boxers on.

Gura: okay were good to go!

She left her house and headed to her car. On her way to work she stopped by a nearby store to buy some food for her break.

After a 10 minute she arrived to the company only 1 minute late. It wasn't that bad right? I mean its only one minute.

Gura headed inside just to see Ame in the front desk waiting for her.

Gura: Ah Good Morning Ms Watson-

Ame: You're late.

Gura: huh-

Ame: Cmon we have a lot to get done with.

Gura: right!

As they headed up to Ame's office, Gura had just noticed how big the building is, there were a lot of people doing their jobs and receiving phone calls.

Though there was one thing..she didn't know what she was going to do! She didn't read the whole email she only read the part where it said "You're hired". She started to feel nervous since she didn't want to bother Ame by asking her what she was going to do.

Ame: alright then, you will be my personal assistant.

Gura: o-oh that sounds nice.

Ame: right. What you'll be doing is receiving my calls from now on and going through my paperwork to separate them. Once you've separated them you will hand me the papers and I'll start going through them. Got it?

Helpless Secretary~♡  (AmeSame) hololive Gawr Gura x Amelia WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now