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Gura: uhhh is there anything I can help you with?..
Mumei: not really just that the meeting they are gonna have is really boring.

Gura: huh- but aren't you like the assistant or?
Mumei: assistant? No hahaha I'm her fiancé
Gura: ohhh wait with the tall big boob lady?

Mumei: Yup!
Gura: ohh nice nice
Mumei: what about you? Are you Ame's fiancé?

Gura: Fiancé?! No of course not I'm just her assistant!
Mumei: huh really?? Most of the time the head of the company has to bring their fiancé along.
Gura: what kind of rule is that?

Mumei: it's not much of a rule but it's tradition.
Gura: I see then

A few hours have passed and Gura and Mumei got along well they had some things in common as they continued talking.

-knock knock-

Mumei: Who is it?
Kronii: it's me I'm coming in

Kronii opened the door and Ame was behind her

Mumei: what can we help you with, we are having a really important meeting right now and you are disturbing us.
Gura: super meeting.
Mumei: indeed.

Kronii: we'll sorry to interrupt your "super meeting" but Ame and her assistant have to go.
Mumei: no.
Ame: uhh-

Kronii: Mumei we've talked about this, you can't just kidnap a random person just because they are your friend.
Mumei: but but but we are best friends right Gura?
Gura: yeah!

Ame just looked at Gura as in bro what are you guys doing.

Ame: we'll sorry to Interrupt you meeting Mumei but we have work to get back to, right Gura?
Gura: uhh..yea...

Mumei: awh man.. Gura give me your number, I'll send you my favorite cat videos!
Gura: okay!!

Once they were already in the car Gura kept her eyes on her phone, laughing at the video Mumei had sent her. Not that Ame mind that she had a new friend but cmon now, it's rude to be on your phone while someone is with you.

Ame: so. What did you and Mumei talked about?
Gura: hmm just some things we have in common.
Ame: like?

Gura: wait give me a sec I gotta send Mumei something.

Ame didn't like the fact that she was putting Mumei in between them so she scooted closer to Gura without her even noticing.

Ame: What do I have to do.. to get your full attention?~

Ame placed her hand under Gura's chin slowly drifting her hands down to her neck. Gura just stood there shocked. Slowly leaning in towards her neck giving it small pecks and soft lick Ame couldn't help but to love the expression on Gura's face.

Ame: don't worry~ I wouldn't make such a high risk right now, but if you wish to continue then you're allowed to do overtime~

That being said Ame sat back to her placed and looked toward the window with a grin on her face.

Gura stayed quiet throughout the whole ride, still trying to process what just happened as calm as she could.

???: We've arrived back to the building Ma'am.
Ame: Thank you very much for the ride, you were a big help. Cmon Gura we still have things to do.

Gura opened the door to the car and exited the car, she felt her skin shiver knowing they were going to be in that office alone. Her heart wouldn't stop throbbing and her buddy was aching.
Armando: oh welcome back guys, how did the meeting go?
Ame: it was normal you know? Typical old stuff
Armando: I see then welp I'll be heading out since I have to check up on my team, great work today.

Gura didn't want Armando to leave, knowing once he steps foot out the door things were going to go down hill.

The door had been shut and nothing but silence echoed through the room. Gura couldn't help but to feel stiff and concentrate on her work.

Ame noticed Gura's actions she found them a little cute.

Ame: relax, I won't do anything without your consent.
Gura: I hardly believe that.
Ame: You could at least say thank you or something for the other day.

Gura: Thank you?! You sexually harassed me!
Ame: yet you didn't stop me, so we're both in the wrong darling.

Ame: Look, I apologize for the other day it was wrong of me to push myself onto you.
Gura: You're still not forgiven but I'm glad you apologized.

Ame: right.
Gura: though, it's embarrassing to admit that I did enjoy it..
Ame: meaning?

Gura:..im fine with anything as long as it stays between us..
Ame: hmm?~ what exactly are you fine with?
Gura: you know what I mean!

Suddenly Ame approaches Gura, She placed a hand on her hips and pulled her closer to her.

Ame: so you'll be fine with this?~

She whispered in her ear as her hand was placed on Gura's shaft. Of course at this point it didn't surprise Gura anymore but the excitement she would feel would turn her on. A small moan escaped as she felt Ame biting her neck while sucking on it, making her way up to her ears.

Gura: W-wait..
Ame: hm?~
Gura: We still have work to do..
Ame: So?

Gura: So it means you will have to wait till we finish.
Ame: what?
Gura: yup no sex until work is done.
Ame: are you forgetting who your boss is?..

She continually messaged Gura's shaft, of course Gura wanted it but she wasn't going down without a fight. She pushes Ame to the side and makes her way to her desk.

Gura: Like I said, Work gets done first.
Ame: You sure have some nerves, but fine whatever you say.


Helpless Secretary~♡  (AmeSame) hololive Gawr Gura x Amelia WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now