~A little more?~

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They have now moved from the entrance to the sofa, Both of them having their hot breath and moans roaming the room. Gura's back got all arched up wanting more and more of this hot feeling, Ame on the other hand was pressing down on Gura while their lips were still connected.

Slowly Ame brought down Gura's underwear down revealing her dick twitching for attention, At this point Gura didn't care of anything she just wanted to feel good.

Ame stopped to get her clothes off for a second, She took off her buttoned up shirt and bra. Seeing the pair of tits Gura didn't want to hold back anymore, she pushed Ame down and shoved her dick in between her breast.

Ame: hm..
Gura: S..sorry I..

Ame gave Gura's dick a quick lick while it was in between her breast, Something triggered inside of Gura that she instantly started thrusting. Roughly grabbing onto her tits her hips couldn't stop, she could feel her pre-cum all over Ame's breast.

The soft and slimy feeling was too much for Gura at this point she was more closer to finish but..

Ame: stop
Gura: h..huh?
Ame: you aren't allowed to cum yet.
Gura: but..I'm..

Ame: I know and you will but..I want to tease you a bit~

Ame stood up made Gura sit on her lap not facing her, she pressed her breast on Gura's back while she stroked Gura's thighs. She then started making her way onto her dick and stroking on it, this made Gura arched her back.

Ame: Remember you aren't allowed until I tell you.
Gura: ngh~..

Placing hot kisses all around her neck while rubbing her off was too much pressure for Gura, as much as she wanted to hold back her moans Ame made it impossible.

Gura: h-hey!..s..slow down..
Ame: You know you don't like it slow...
Gura: I..you're making it impossible for me to not cum...

Hearing that Ame started sucking and biting her neck, sending shivers down Gura's spine. Gura at this point fell like giving up..she kept twitching at how ready she was to bust all over Ame's handjob..

Gura: Ame..please..
Ame: Hm?~
Gura:...please..I can't anymore!!

That being said Gura came all over Ame's hand and on the sofa, she couldn't hold it anymore..

Ame pushed her off the sofa, making her fall onto the floor, Gura confused Ame got on top of her while laying down on the floor.

Ame: I gave you a simple task no?..
Gura: I..

Ame then made her way up to Gura's face and sitting on it. holding onto her hair she made sure Gura could still hear her.

Ame: Since you want to disobey me that much then..suck me clean..

Hearing that Gura felt so nervous..in a few seconds her dick was erected again..

Gura then started to lick Ame's entrance making her flinch..Ame covering her mouth with her hand and the other holding onto Gura's hair she started rubbing herself onto Gura.

Seeing this expression of Ame, Gura then started to stick her tongue farther in. Making a moan slip from her you could tell this was exiting Ame her juices were slipping everywhere.

Ame's legs were giving up on her her whole body was, she could feel Gura's tongue roaming all over her insides..Every move would make her twitch..it didn't last long before she felt her sperm building up..

She then grabbed onto Gura's head with both hands and started to ride her face
Ame: ngh!! G..Gura!!..more!..give me more!! I'm going crazy...

Hearing that Gura started to suck onto her harder sending shocks into Ame, she rubbed one more time before making a sperm mess all over Gura's face..she backed up a bit so that Gura could breathe.

Gura felt all of Ame's juices on her face..she didn't hate it just.. she needed more.

She then got up and headed towards Ame

Gura:..can I..put it in now?..
Ame: I just came give me a second..
Gura: but I really want to..
Ame: I'm sensitive right now give me a few minutes..

Gura couldn't wait longer she pushed Ame down and rubbed her cock in between her folds..giving it no second thought she shoved her dick inside Ame making her moan loudly.

Ame: Ah!~ G..Gura?!~ w..wait!~

Not listening Gura started to throb her cock inside of her making Ame scream of pleasure, She then started stocking Ame's breast giving them sloppy kisses making her way up to her neck. Ame felt her legs getting weaker and weaker, she garbed onto Gura scratching her back all the pleasure she couldn't handle.

Gura continued to thrust harder and harder onto Ame she felt her cum building so she continued to thrust into her. Feeling Ame getting tighter and tighter would make her more excited.

Ame: Gura!~ Gura!~ I..I'm so close!~ harder please...!~ fuck!~

Gura: hah..hah..

With a few more roughly thrust into Ame she then

Gura: inside or outside?...hah..
Ame. I..inside!~ fill me up..~

Thrusting into her harder and roughly she then busted inside of her, leaving her legs twitching and shaking. She slowly pulled out seeing both juices flow out of her.

Both of them collapsing onto each other trying to catch their breath slowly started to fall asleep.

-The next day-

Gura woke up in her bed, not remembering how she got there she looked around to see if Ame was still in her house.

She got up to see Ame sleeping on the sofa, somehow that pissed her off they fucked yet they won't share a bed. She carried Ame into her bed and covered her up with a blanket.

Hey guys!! Sorry it took me so long to continue writing, some stuff had to be dealt with but I just wanted to say thank you for all the support you guys have given me while I was gone. I'll make sure to work hard to give you guys more stories.<3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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Helpless Secretary~♡  (AmeSame) hololive Gawr Gura x Amelia WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now