Baldilocks And The Psycho / 3

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"You will be referred to as FE12896, do you understand?" The woman leading you to your cell said, making you nod as you eyed the women around you.

You could tell who had been here for years, and who were fresh meat. You're pretty sure the other prisoners could tell you were new due to the cold breeze on your head.

"This is your cell" the guard said, standing next to the barred room, "You'll be sharing with FE18081. If you both start fighting, you have to deal with that yourself".

After you silently nodded, the door was unlocked and you were shoved inside, face to face with a black-haired woman in a funny hat.

Nervously, you stayed still as she scrutinised your appearance. Looking at the top of your head, a snort left her lips as she crossed her arms, "They gave you the snip, huh?".

Frowning, you placed your hand on your shaved head, already missing your hair.

Turns out you were meant to bring bribe money...but you didn't, so now you're bald.

"My names Gwess" she said, a small smile on her lips as her eyes stayed slanted mischievously, "What's your name, roomie?".

Jerking out your hand stiffly, a smile wobbled on your face as sweat formed on your brow, "Y/n!" You forced out, immediately regretting your tone.

Her smile widening, she took your outstretched hand and shook it, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance. The bottom bunks mine, got it?".

With a stiff nod, you eyed the small room, noticing how all her stuff was on the top bunk.

"D-do" you cleared your throat, "Do you mind if I move your stuff then?" You asked, releasing her hand and pointing up at her stuff slightly.

"Yeah, I actually do mind" she said, her tone dangerous as she sat on the only chair in the cell, "That's where my stuff lives".

Tense silence filled the air as you sighed, admitting defeat as you climbed the ladder to your top bunk.


Absolute hell.

You stood out like a sore thumb with your bald head reflecting the overhead lights, which meant tough prisoners would try to mug you of everything you had.

You've always been a recluse, and you get anxious easily. You're an overthinker, which stops you from taking action. So when women are pinning you against the wall and demanding you give them the small amount of cash you have, you can't fight back.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner was a nightmare. Gwess let you sit with her, but only if you gave her your milk and rice pudding.

At night, you would struggle to sleep because of the dark. As babyish as it sounds, you need to see your surroundings at all times. In the pitch black, you freak out, and your mind plays games with you and creates things that aren't there.

You had been haunted by a ghost for some time now, ever since you got into this prison. Every night, something would grab your foot, leaving you awake all night until you passed out.

What you didn't know was there wasn't a ghost at all - It was Gwess.

Another night, another duty.

Holding in her chuckles, she slumped out of her bed and ducked at the end of it. Rising to a stand, she stretched her arm onto your bed and went to grab your foot.

Every night she had been grabbing your foot, just so the next day she could enjoy your tired eyes and dazed state. It would make it much easier to pickpocket you.

Grabbing your foot, she felt you stiffen up, which made her smile as she released it. Unexpectedly, your leg jolted down and booted her in the forehead, making her cough as her neck cracked back.

Thudding to the ground, she looked up to see your (e/c) eyes stare down at her furiously.

"Go to sleep before I piss in your mouth!" You yelled, ignoring the other inmates complaining about the noise.

Something in you snapped that night, and you no longer let people bully you.

When women would try bully you out of your money, you wouldn't fight them, instead, you'd run away with incredible speed. If you were cornered, you'd shoulder them away and leg it.

You wouldn't give up your food anymore, instead you'd wolf it down and return to your room.

Eventually, you stopped retreating to your room, and instead spent your time in the prison's library. Gwess only saw one book you were reading, and she had no clue what it was saying.

She was never that great at biology.

What she did understand were the diagrams of humans and their organs. She understood the drawings of blood cells, and the diagram of an animal cell.

What were you up to?

The guards caught on too, and after flicking through your profile, they let you continue what you were doing. They even printed out worksheets for you.

After some snooping, Gwess found the reason for all of this.

Before you were arrested, you were a first year at The University of Medicine. Thankfully, the University was on your side of the assault, so they let you do the theory in prison, and talk to you over the prison phone.

Feeling admiration (and also a little guilty for bullying someone who's trying to do good), Gwess backed off, and instead decided to be friendly with you.

Thus the start of your rocky friendship.

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