He's Terrifying / 20

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Dashing out of the room with Emporio, Jolyne and Weather, you tried controlling your breathing the best you could while doing this strenuous exercise. This wasn't paced running, you were sprinting non stop with tons of curves and turns, agonising when you had to run upstairs. As you ran, you heard the warped running of the enemy a few meters behind you, making your chest tighten with worry as you ran alongside Jolyne.

Too focused on running in a straight line, you didn't see what made Jolyne gasp, but she was still running so it can't of been anything too bad.

Twisting around a corner, you saw Weather entering a void-like space behind a prison jacket, his hand outstretched for you as his body hid within the hung coat. Reaching forward, your warm hand clasped around his cold one, sending you flying inside the coat as you squatted next to Emporio within the otherworldly space, panting for breath as you caught Jolyne being flung inside too.

Agonisingly quiet, you spied on the enemy from the coat, watching his odd, (and downright creepy), movements. With a grimace, you held back your shudders as he crawled on all fours, walking barefoot on a prison floor.

Why did he have shoes tied to his ankles if he wasn't going to wear them?

Once he finally left with the odd sucky sounds from his fingers, you sighed in relief as the others joined you with spying on the space the enemy once was.

"That was horrific" you commented, chuckling in relief as you felt Jolyne's hand on your head, using you as a way to push her head out of the coat more.

"Stand users always have something odd about them" Emporio informed, "It's a part of the phenomenon. If they don't display their oddities physically, then there's something odd mentally".

"...Huh" you muttered, staring of into space as you thought about it, "Good to know, and I'm not even being sarcastic. That could help me with figuring out the enemy in future battles".

"Glad to help then" Emporio smiled, after pushing himself out from the ghost coat and setting his small shoes on the ground. Weather followed after him, then Jolyne, then you.

Tugging on the bottom of the ghost coat, it slipped off the clothes hook and into Emporio's vast pocket. "Come on" he said, "Let's think of a plan".

"I've already thought of one" Jolyne informed, crossing her arms as she leant back against the wall, "Emporio, you stay out of this, I don't want you getting more involved than you already have".

Looking at Emporio nod, Jolyne continued as she looked over at Weather, "I have a plan for myself and Y/n, but I don't know the rules when it comes to the men's prison".

"Oh!" Emporio alerted, driving the attention back to him, "The men's and women's prisons are connected by the factory, where you repair stuff. Weather can go in easily, but Y/n and Jolyne will need to bribe the guard since it's not repair time".

"Alright then" Jolyne nodded, "Weather, you go in first. Y/n and I will be behind a few meters away so we don't look connected. We will bribe the guard, and catch up".

Looking around the group, Jolyne watched as everyone nodded. She kept her eyes on you for a second, trying to spot any cracks in your resolve - so far there were non, you were confident in your own abilities and everyone elses.

As Emporio traveled the corridors away, having to use his ghost objects occasionally, you and Jolyne tailed behind Weather slowly. While walking, your kept your head held high, having some of your confidence grow back knowing the guard isn't a stand user.

Once Weather left the guard, you and Jolyne approached, "Hey" she alerted the guard's attention, "Me and my friend want to repair our shoes - they're busted from rec time". Bringing her leg up, she showed her shoe, showing it at an angle were deciding if it was broken would be difficult. You copied her actions, tugging the shoe lace out of your sneaker slyly and presenting the guard the lace-less shoe.

Glancing up from his sticky, cola'd hands, the guard groaned as he looked over you both. "Repair times over, you should've been here a few hours earlier. Also, are you the one who shook my cola?!" He shouted towards the end, only stopping once he was your raised hands, your palms facing him passively.

"Hey, we didn't do that, promise" you grinned, "but we did get you some napkins under the saucer, you should probably use them".

Side eyeing you suspiciously, the guard lifted the saucer slightly, spotting fifty dollar bill folded under the plate. "We really need our shoes fixed, it's a safety hazard to our farming side job".

Humming, the guard turned away from you both and rooted through his mini fridge. Watching him patiently, you were snapped out of it when you saw the saucer floating up and hitting Jolyne's back.

"Uh, Jolyne" you whispered, subtly getting her attention as she looked at you confused. Above her hand was her shoe floating, and her hair was starting to splay around like she was underwater.

Stunned, you watched as more random objects floated around her, and you watched her shocked expression. "Did a stand hit you?" You asked in a panicked whisper, stepping backwards once, not wanting to get too close while she was like that.

"He spit on me" she said, referring to the creepy enemy, "Now come on, we have to alert Weather".

Turning around in place, Jolyne started running through the corridor leading to the repair factory, you tailing her awkwardly with your laceless shoe. You still had the shoelace in hand, but you couldn't exactly squat down and take your time redoing the lace while she was running.

"Woah!" You heard her proclaim as she tripped, but instead of falling to the ground, her body started floating up into the air, twirling around nauseatingly.

"Wha-?" You cut yourself off, shaking yourself out of the momentary shock as you ran towards her faster, "I got you, Jolyne! Try slow down!" You shouted as you made your way towards her.

"How am I supposed to do that?!" She shouted back, still spinning uncontrollably, twirling her arms around desperately for balance.

Slowing down as you stood below her body, you waited with anticipation as her legs made their way downwards in their spiral. When the time was right, you jumped in your spot and grabbed her legs, pulling her down with you as she stopped twisting. Unfortunately, the sudden stop of momentum caused her father's stand disc go dislodge from her inside pocket, now spinning reckless through the air.

"No, the disc!" She yelled, pointing her finger and letting her blue spring fly towards it as you pulled her down into your arms. Luckily you could hold her in the carry position because of her weightlessness.

From the shaded side corridor, the enemy, Lang, sprang forth, grabbing the disc in his flattened fingers before Jolyne's wobbly string could take it.

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