Character Playlist

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Just like my previous books, I'll be adding a chapter with music.

This is to help immerse yourself, (or if you're like me), understand more about this Y/n. Or, just some cool bops.

Obviously this is just me giving song recs, but I feel as if they fit this Y/n, or at least what's to come. Or, they could just be character fight themes or something idk.

Also, if Y/n's stand is the same or similar to another creators, I had no idea. I've only read one stone ocean story, and their stand is completely different from the one I created. So apologies if it's really similar to someone else's.

Very rarely there will be character art at the bottom of a chapter, as to not disrupt the flow. On them chapters I'll put a warning for art, not because it's graphic, but because I know some people don't like seeing other Y/n's. If it is graphic though, I will put a warning for that.

Also general swearing warning for the book

Anyway story begins next chapter. In you're sensitive to strong material, read chap 2 instead.

Chapters will release on Monday, Wednesday and Friday until further notice.

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