Meaty Purse *shudder* / 4

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Both you and Gwess were sat in the cafeteria having your lunch, when suddenly she reveals something from behind her back. "Happy first-year anniversary!" Gwess said, holding out a tub of rice pudding for you, "I would get a candle but I wasn't allowed".

In awe, you gently took the pot from her hands as you opened the lid, "Awe, thank you" you said, sinking your spoon into it as you ate the pudding.

"I was gonna get you a gift, but I ended up liking it too much" Gwess said, pulling out a small golden charm, "Isn't it beautiful? I bought it off someone for $40. It's genuine gold, I checked".

It was an odd little locket - it did look genuine gold, but it also had an aged copper tint to it. The design was quite unique too - it was shaped like some kind of bug, with a sharp point on top.

"Woah, let me hold it!" You said, holding out your hand for it.

"Hell no!" Gwess exclaimed, clutching it close to her chest, "You're gonna steal it!".

"How would I steal it?" You asked, shaking your outstretched hand invitingly, "We literally live in the same room, I can't hide it. The only option is hiding it in my ass".

"Well, I wouldn't put it past you" Gwess sighed, "But fine, I'll let you look".

Dropping the locket into your hand, Gwess retreated her hand as she sat next to you. Running your thumb along the edge of the locket, you admired the detail put into it.

"Wow, wonder who made this?" You gawked, "Must've been a real artist. Who thinks of a design like this? Very unconventional".

Next to you, Gwess talked about its supposed origin, but did say she didn't believe that crap. While she talked, you traced the locket's opening with your thumb, trying to find how to pop it open.

With a sharp gasp, you dropped the locket onto the table as blood left your thumb.

"Woah hey, be careful with it!" Gwess said urgently, picking up the locket and looking over it for scratches.

"No, wait!" You said, watching her thumb slice on the sharp stone poking out of the side.

"Ah, shit!" Gwess yelled, also dropping the locket. Angered, she popped it open, revealing a sharp stone (presumably a broken piece of something), and a family photo.

"Ugh, who left their shit in this?" She said, licking her thumb, "I hope you had your tetanus shot".

"I actually don't know" you said gravely, now worried rust will infect your bloodstream.

"Whatever" Gwess sighed, carefully picking up the stone and the photo, "I'm putting it in the bin".

"Yeah, okay" you muttered, looking at the drying blood on your thumb as it throbbed.


As you looked at your thumb, Jolyne was bending over and showing off her vagina to the guards.

The past few months were rough - she had been a part of hitting someone and trying to hide the body, being arrested and stuck in a holding cell, had women laugh at her for masturbating in front of the Tom Cruise look-alike, and now weird string keeps coming out of her fingers.

She had used this power to cut off a guard's ear, and also listen to her new friend's cries and pleas against the perverted guards.

She was scared in all honesty, but she was managing to hide it well. Using the mask of confidence, she kept her insecurities to herself, and showed off her 'meaty purse' to the cocky guards.

Meaty purse...Jesus.

"Want me to change pose? Or how about I crawl around like a dog too?" She challenged, shaking her ass at the guards.

Embarrassed, the guard with blonde buns dismissed her, making Jolyne smile victoriously as she sauntered off.

She got to keep her clothes from the outside, but she had to wear a prison coat over it. She almost had her hair shaven, but luckily she brought bribe money (thanks to Ermes warning her). Finally, she had to be assigned to a cell.

"As you can see, this place is steaming with shit" the guard leading the group of new prisoners shouted, "You clog up this shit hole more and more, until there are no more rooms left!".

Turning around, the guard's sharp eyes scrutinised every woman in the large group. Her eyes roamed over Jolyne, and remembered she had never been here before. Despite that, she managed to bribe and bend the rules.

Someone helped her adjust.

Smirking, the guard pointed at her, "You! You're number is FE40536. You will only be referred to as that, so get that into your thick skull! You will be in here, but it's a tight squeeze".

Taking keys out of her pocket, the guard opened a cell door as Jolyne stepped forward to face whoever was inside.

Inside was a black-haired girl sitting at a desk, her leg crossed as she looked back at Jolyne, "This is FE18081, there should be another one in there" the guard said, slapping Jolyne's back so she stumbled inside, "Have fun".

Awkwardly, Jolyne stood facing Gwess as the guard locked her inside with the click of her keys.

Eyebrows furrowing, Gwess let her distaste be known, "Wow, I already have to share with one sweaty bitch, now I have to deal with two" she grumbled.

Frowning, Jolyne knew she wouldn't like this woman much.

"Huh? Awe Gwess, how could you say that?" was heard from under the bunk bed.

Stunned, Jolyne took a step back as a (h/c) haired girl rolled out from under the bed. "I'm not that sweaty Gwess. I wash four times a week, just like the rest of us. After all, you do watch me all naked and lathered in soap" you laughed from the ground, watching Gwess stammer with excuses and defending herself.

"She is completely blowing it out of proportion, don't listen to her!" Gwess squeaked, flicking her head between Jolyne and you.

"You're just jealous because your period synced with mine. I'm the alpha now!" You cackled as Gwess stammered more, much to your delight.

Looking up, your eyes met Jolyne's, "Damn, another roomie. You better be decent" you warned playfully, sitting on the bottom bunk.

"I'm not here to cause trouble, if that's what you're implying" Jolyne said, her face like stone but her words true, "I don't like the idea of bunking in a cramped room either, but I'm sure the guard didn't like me".

"Well duh" you said, standing up and flicking one of her hair buns, "You saved your hair, so obviously you knew about the bribe scheme. Lucky, I was bald for a few months" you grumbled towards the end as Jolyne stayed where she was.

"Guards don't like smarties" you said, sitting back on Gwess' bed, "Well, welcome to hell. Treat me right, and I'll treat you right" you smiled, watching her green lips quirk up in a smile reflecting yours.

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