I'm Such A Baby / 10

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Finally breaking free from Ermes and the little boy, you made your way alone to your cell. The hallways were quiet, since everyone was in the cafeteria chowing down on beans on toast.

Hearing the squelches and grumbles from your stomach, you halted your walking, now stood still. It was quiet, and you were totally alone.

That very thought almost brought you to tears, but you reminded yourself that cameras were watching your every move.

Calmly, you kept walking until you spotted your cell. Stood in front, you saw Gwess' belongings tucked under the bunk bed, and your spare jumpsuit tossed over the end of the top bunk.

Jolyne was still in the punishment ward, and Gwess was presumably downstairs eating. But no, this wasn't a good spot. The guards could still see you through the bars.

Turning away from the cell, you kept walking down the hallways and up the stairs, until you finally reached the rooftop.

It was the start of November, and the chilly, salty air blew against your face and burnt your cheeks and your damaged chin.

Oh yeah, you still had your chin to heal.

Smacking against the floor, your sneakered feet alerted the seagulls perched on the ledges, sending them into a frenzy of squarks and caws. As you got closer to the ledge, you could see the marshy sea drifting calmly against the grassy sand.

Now this, this was the perfect spot. Not only were the cameras blocked by the bird's nests, but you also had a nice view too.

Sitting down crossed-legged, you sat in front of the barbed fence, and instead focused on the dirty sea behind it. Your hands were cold, so cold they felt like someone else's, and that was comforting enough.

As you breathed in the air, silent tears fell as you stared at the horizon.

...Everything was shit.

More tears fell as you sniffed up any watery snot, not having tissues on you right now and not wanting to ruin your freshly washed jumpsuit.

You're so ungrateful.

All your life you've wanted superpowers, and you told yourself you'd use them for good, so you should be gifted with such power. Instead, you knocked someone out and killed a guy.

A choked sob left your mouth as you quickly covered it with your clammy hand. Tears ran over your hand and dripped off your knuckles, landing and staining your knees.

You got mad and let your temper run loose. You had classes to specifically reduce your anger issues, and yet, here you are. You just had to lose control and blind the pervert, and you just had to give McQueen a chronic illness.

You were so fucking awful.

The pervert deserved it definitely, but McQueen? He was just a selfish arsehole, all you had to do was knock him out.

Taking a deep breath after removing your hand away from your mouth, you watched the ocean waves quietly as your stomach grumbled.

"Are you okay?" You heard a soft voice behind you, making you jump in your spot and whip your head back.

"Atroe!" You smiled, standing up and wrapping your arms around her back in a hug, "Where have you been lately?".

"Oh, just farming" a small smile grew on her lips as her cheeks flared. Gently, she wrapped her arms around your waist and let her head rest against your shoulder, "Apparently it's meant to increase my chance for parole".

"Seriously?" Your voice lifted with surprise, ignoring the tears staining your cheeks, hoping they would dry quickly, "I didn't know they did that. Where did you sign up?".

"Just go to the warden's office, but I think he will be asking for more people soon. A lot of people are going missing there" Atroe mumbled, letting out a yelp as you pulled her off you, holding her by her shoulders.

"I don't want you farming anymore" you said seriously, but your voice showed no ill intent, "If people are going missing, I don't want you to be the next victim".

"I can't do that!" Atroe pleaded, "It's my only way out of here!".

Groaning, you leant over and rested your forehead on her shoulder (much to Atroe's delight), "I know" you grumbled, "I just...don't do it alone. Let me sign up, we can do it together. Promise you won't do it without me, I don't want crocs eating you if I could prevent it".

Snorting, Atroe stroked your hair and smiled fondly, "How would you stop an alligator?".

"I'd ask it to 'pretty please' not kill us" you smiled, lifting your head back up to face her.

As the waves crashed against the rocks and the salty air blew overhead, Atroe stared into your (e/c) eyes, enamoured with the flecks in them and how your pupils dilated when the sun would hit them. Your skin looked so inviting, like a pillow waiting to be slept on, and your lips shined in the light.

Wow...she's fallen deep.

Maybe it was her loneliness before you, or maybe it was because you stuck up for her, but she felt connected to you the minute your arm was around her shoulder.

"Y/n" Atroe said, her cheeks pink as she curled her fingers around your hand bashfully, "Can...Can we go get some food? Then after we can play some chess in the library?".

A small laugh left your lips, making Atroe look back up at your joyous smile with her own.

"Yeah, sure" you laughed, "I'm claiming the black pieces though".

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