Blonde Bitch / 23

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The following events happened like a blur.

You managed to keep Weather pressed against your body as you hobbled for help - a guard spotting you both and helping you both to the medical wing. While you all walked in tandem, blue frogs splattered outside, until they finally stopped when Weather was put under anaesthesia.

As for you, you sat next to Weather's resting body, lightly tracing your sore jaw as you looked over his vital monitor. He seems good, nothing too serious or worrying. So, guess it's time to leave him alone.

Pushing back your chair with your legs, your shoes left soft thuds against the ground as you walked out of the sterile room, making your way past the barred cells, and making it downstairs to the cafeteria.

All your clothes were in the laundry, so you were stuck wearing your sweaty, bloody jumpsuit from the earlier fight. Your appearance didn't help the looks inmates gave you - you looked like absolute shit with your swollen, but fixed, jaw and your unruly hair.

By the time you made it to the phones, you were so tired and fed up. You wanted to sleep away the day, but you had your scheduled phone call due. It's not like you could skip out on talking to your parents, you also needed more toiletries.

While yes, there was a shop in the prison selling shampoo and tampons, you would never let yourself use 4 in 1 shampoo. Shampoo, Conditioner, Body-wash, and Toilet Cleaner? Sounds like scalp burn and radiation poisoning. Also the pads and tampons were low quality, and didn't absorb enough blood for what little amount you could buy.

Gently tapping the blonde woman's shoulder in front of you, you heard her say "One min" then turn around to face you cutely.

"Oh hey" she said, her voice high and cute, sounding pathetic, "I'm still on a call right now, but I'm sure you can come back later, hm? It's really important, I'm talking to my family". Ears perking slightly, you heard muffled snickers through the phone, telling you everything you needed to know.

"Give me the phone". Your voice was cold, your eyebrows raised in a neutral position, but the frown on your lips and the dangerous glint in your eye's telling the blonde to not test you. Your hand was raised slightly, inviting the phone to you - but the blonde kept a firm hold on it as she looked at you dumbly.

A scoff, and she turns around, "Anyway" she says to whoever was on the other end.

God, what a bitch. You could feel your raised hand tremble as your lips tightened. You weren't shaking in fear, surprisingly, but in anger.

Anger is such a controlling emotion, much more severe than the others. So when your anger whispers sweet nothingness into your ears, you can't help but follow its orders.

Raising your left hand, you gripped the back of the blondes hair, and ragged her back to face you. Her pained face let out squeals as she whimpered out "What's your problem?".

Slowly, predatory, your seemingly relaxed eyes looked over every intricate detail on her face, all while you kept quiet. She looked uncomfortable, greatly so as the phone in her hand tightened.

"Let go!" She yelled, swinging the phone to hit the side of your head, only to be stopped by your other hand gripping her oncoming attack.

Both women stared at each other, their different angers having a battle of dominance as your cold gaze held with her childlike fury. Her teeth gritted together, all while your busted up face stared into her soul.

Tense quiet flooded between you both, that is until your lips parted slightly, "...Give me the phone".

"Tell me why I should!" She argued, trying to wiggle from your grasp, "I've waited weeks for this!".

"And I've been waiting months, no thanks to people like you cutting the line or taking your sweet time" you responded, your tone flat as your eyes moved over to her golden earrings, "Give me the phone, or I can't guarantee you'll keep those Pandora earrings".

"Why? You gonna steal them, petty theif?" She laughed, a challenge on your psyche as the line behind you grew, prisoners now watching curiously but with a sense of excitement.

Stone cold, you leaned forward, letting your lips hover next to her ear canal, "...Not only will I rip them from their place, I'll eat them and make you dig them out of my shit. Do you want to be known as The Shit Slinger? 'Cause trust me, my guts are feeling a bit rough today" you spoke calmly, but the threat known. It wasn't a threat to her health, but to her social standing.

And social standing meant everything in prison.

"Jeez fine, sicko" she relented, pushing the phone into your hands as she ripped herself away from your hold, storming past the line of prisoners as she went to the cafeteria.

With one last glance to her leaving body, you let out a quiet breath as you punched in your mother's number.




"Hello?" She answered, "Y/n sweetie, I haven't heard your voice in months! Tell me, how are you?".

"Fine" you responded, a small smile growing on your lips as your heart raced at the familiarity, "I've been okay, no ones been rough with me and I've even made some friends".

"Seriously?" You heard her gasp in delight, "That's wonderful honey! What's their names?".

"Jolyne, Ermes, Gwess, okay this is a weird name but Weather Report, and...Atroe" you mumbled towards the end.

"...And do they have last names?" Your mum asked, her motives unknown to you as you let out an "Um" in thought.

"Cujoh...Costello, I think...Honestly no clue what Gwess' and Atroe's names are. And I think 'Report' is Weather's last name but I could be wrong" you said, hearing scribbling on the other end of the phone. "What'cha doing?" You asked her.

"Oh, just writing down my shopping list" she responded, "Did you need anything? Shampoo, fruit?".

Snorting, you let out a chuckle, "Fruit? It will rot before it arrives. But seriously, some shampoo, conditioner, body-wash and, like, five packets of overnight pads, the winged ones". With how unhygienic prison is, it's best to not insert anything into your vagina, even tampons. So, for safety, you used heavy sanitary pads.

"Okay honey I've got it down" your mum said, scribbling heard in the background, "But how are know, mentally...I'm worried about you" her voice quieted slightly.

"Um" you mumbled, leaning against the cubicle wall, "Well...I had a fight today".

You heard her gasp, and then the questions began, "Really?! Are you alright hun? Did you report it to the guards? How bad were you beaten up?".

"I'm okay!" You repeated again a few times, just so she would quieten down, "I got out with only a dislocated jaw! I knocked the guy out!".

You could practically hear her place her hand on her heart as she let out relieved breaths, "Oh thank God" she said, "Just...try avoid that, please? I can't stand the thought of you getting hurt and me not being able to do anything!".

"But yeah" you said, trying to diverge her attention, "The whole thing has made me feel's like, I'm still scared of people and confrontation, but I'm getting better at masking that fear...but I'm noticing that the fear doesn't linger, it turns into anger...I end up not feeling like myself...?".

Your mum was quiet too, both of you listening to the warning beeps coming from the phone box - the call was about to end soon.

"I'm visiting" she declared. You opened your mouth, a sound leaving your lips before she interrupted you, "Me and your father are visiting. We need to see you in person. I'll arrive as soon as possible, whenever the prison lets me".

And with that, the call ended, and you were left staring at the phone box, dread seeping into your bones as you realised your parents would be entering the lions den.

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