Mama I'm A Criminal / 28

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"There's been an attack!" Foo Fighters heard, watching from the floor as officers ran past their hiding spot. Foo was huffing to themselves, trying to regenerate their leg as they chugged water from the bucket Ermes gave them.

Speaking of Ermes, both her and Jolyne had run off to chase Sports Max, leaving Foo behind to heal. They appreciate the kindness, but would like to help out more.

Guess it's the disadvantages of relying on water to live.

Sighing, Foo shuffled over to the hallway, watching guards run like crazy to the visitation area. 'Wait...Y/n was there, wasn't she?'

Standing up, Foo tested their legs strength, and deeming it strong enough to walk on, they hobbled over to the crowd of growing prisoners. Because of their short height, Foo weaved through the crowd until they made it to the front, ignoring the arguments from other prisoners.

All eyes were on the line of doors in the visitation area, and watching the police barge into one of the rooms. There was demands being shouted, and a few insults and threats, then a herd of guards left the room, their guns pointed at the prisoner inside.

Foo recognised the mop of (h/c) and the grey jumpsuit as soon as it hit their eyes - they instantly knew it was you being dragged from the room by your arms. Your knees were scraping the floor, your legs having given up and letting the stone abuse them. Your arms were raised as two guards held you by each arm, keeping you handcuffed to their wrists so you couldn't run away. The other guards surrounding you had their pistols and tasers pointed at you, looking madly tense and suspicious.

Foo looked at you with wonder, trying to see your face through the hair covering your downcast head. You were completely limp, so the guards must've knocked you out, but by the way they were still threatening you, you must be awake.

What the hell did you do to get them so mad?

You were dragged down numerous halls, all while Foo slipped past security guards to see where you were being led. It took a few twists and turns down the halls, then they realised exactly where you were going.

The Ultra-High Security Building.

Foo was amazed, watching your body get dragged inside and the large doors lock with a slam. Did you crack? Did you finally free yourself from your anxieties and become your true self? What is your true self? Foo was dying to know already.

As they watched the unmoving building from the window, they couldn't help but ponder you. The way your brows twitched when you felt a strong emotion, the way your lips would wobble slightly when you were nervous, the way you would smile in relief when everyone was okay. Foo knew exactly what this feeling was, this wonder and amazement. No matter how much they tried to distance themselves from Atroe's memories, her feelings still remained.

It was heartwarming, knowing love can exist beyond death. But at the same time, this was starting to annoy them. This was their body now, not Atroe's.

But...Foo has loving memories which formed after Atroe's death. Like when she saw determination glint in your eyes as you defied your fear, and ran to help Ermes; Like how you bounced back from your horror, and stood strong as you intimidated the bodies Foo possessed; Like how you helped them in the cafeteria; Like how you accepted Foo for who they were, despite them living in the body of your ex-friend slash potential lover; Like how you treated them as an equal, despite them being an entirely different species.

Warmth bubbled through the plankton flooding their body, and a goofy smile grew on their painted lips.

They had sworn loyalty to Jolyne, but that didn't mean they couldn't swear to you too.

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