Farming Simulator / 11

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Waking up, you completed your morning routine, Jolyne-less since she was still in the punishment ward.

Woke up, read your book for half an hour, washed your armpits, face and teeth in the sink, dressed in your jumpsuit, and ate your breakfast with Atroe and Gwess.

Both girls seemed oddly weary around each other, but you didn't press into the issue.

Right now, you were standing in a crowd of women next to Atroe, listening to the warden talk about an important meeting.

"Two inmates went missing last night in the farm" he said, his pink crocodile puppet exclaiming "Oh no!" In a high-pitched voice, "You will not get any rewards for this, I am asking you to do this as a kind person, but I need six volunteers to look in the fields".

Seeing Atroe raise her hand, and wearily side-eye the buff woman close by, you raised your hand too. You didn't want her alone in the marshes.

A few more women raised their hands, and eventually, six were chosen.

"Whoever I chose, come forth!" The warden shouted, waving the pink puppet in the air as it screeched excitedly.

Stepping forward, you looked to your left, spotting two women, Ermes and,

Jolyne? She got out of the punishment ward? But you didn't see her this morning. She must've only just gotten out, why would she want to do this?

Feeling your gaze, Jolyne turned her head and saw you, a small smile on your face as you sneakily waved at her. Keeping her face straight, she looked back at the warden.

"Now, I'm sure our guard here will explain the rest" he said, looking over at the moustached guard.

Stepping forward after a respectful head bow, the moustached guard looked over the line of women, "Now!" He shouted, "You will all wear this special cuff! We call them 'like a virgin's!".

A few guards came forth, securing a thick, metal cuff to your wrist, as well as the other girls, "Go fifty meters away from me, and you'll lose your wrist with a boom!" He shouted, instantly making you pale as you looked at the device on your wrist.

If that blew up, could you seal the wound in time?

Looking over at Atroe, you saw she had gone pale too.

Could you save her in time too?

"Alright, now let's get moving!" The guard shouted, hopping onto an off-road buggy, driving down the muddy road surrounded by fields.

"Huh? Slow down!" You heard Jolyne yell as she ran after the buggy, the other women and Ermes following.

"Come on Atroe!" You hurriedly said, taking her hand as you ran, her trailing slightly behind, "I don't wanna get blown up!".

As you ran, you felt Atroe catch up enough so you didn't have to pull on her, so you both paced yourselves the best you could while chasing the cruel guard.

"Ugh, I'm so sick of dickhead guards!" A girl with a black ponytail said, her red dress becoming soaked with sweat, "I was always last place in track team!".

"No kidding!" You yelled back with a short laugh, now running alongside her, "I was never great either!".

"Stop talking!" The guard yelled, now slowing to a stop as everyone panted around the buggy, "Now get searching!".

Groaning, you straightened your back while looking around at the marshes surrounding you.

Over with Jolyne and Ermes, they both walked around the area, spotting a tool shed, "So, Jolyne" Ermes started, standing behind the bunned girl, "What's the deal with White Snake? I read that guy's memory...McQueen's, and I saw the stand giving him that suicidal ability".

"I guess you didn't get a good enough look" Jolyne said, looking over the tool shed, "He's hiding stand and memory discs in a tractors tire. It's a good spot, no one in their right mind would search it. He has my father's discs".

"Your fathers..." Ermes raised a brow, before raising both of them in realisation, "So you're doing this to save your dad?".

Stunned for a moment, Jolyne walked out of the tool shed silently, Ermes joining her too, "How's Y/n been?" Jolyne asked suddenly, much to Ermes' confusion.

"Y/n? Ah, the (h/c) haired girl with the weird invisible stand" Ermes said, looking over her shoulder to see you close by the guard and Atroe, "I think she's been fine. Why'd you ask?".

"I could tell she was a stand user, but I've never seen her in action. I'm guessing you've seen her, what's she like power-wise?" Jolyne asked, looking back at you too.

"Power-wise?" Ermes hummed, "Well, I'd say strong. She broke McQueen's bones without even touching him".

"And what's her fortitude like? Can she handle high-stress situations?" Jolyne asked, observing your slightly hunched form as you picked up a big stick, showing it off to Atroe who seemed pleased.

"She's a stress head" Ermes said simply, "Can't make choices under stress, or if she does, it's erratic and careless. From what I've seen, she is a regretful person and likes being out of the spotlight. Can't help but feel a little bad for her - she seems to be struggling to cope with her newfound power".

Humming in thought, Jolyne turned on her heel towards the barn, where the two other girls were already there. Approaching them, and having an unimportant meeting with the moustached guard, Jolyne and Ermes listened in to the chatting girls.

"Ew, I'm not going in there!" The ponytailed girl said, plugging her nose with her fingers, "It stinks of mildew in there!".

"Well, I'm not going in!" The woman with an undercut said, turning around to face behind Jolyne, "Hey Atroe, get in here!".

"Nah, I'll do it" you said, coming to walk past Jolyne. As you walked past, you said a quick "Hi!" to her.

Behind you, Atroe meekly walked, keeping in your shadow as you looked inside the barn, "Yeesh, it does stink" you commented.

"Alright enough gossiping!" The guard said on his buggy, driving away, "Let's go!".

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