For Better Or For Worse? / 22

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'I'm gonna be sick...'.

When you finally crashed back to Earth, it was soft but nauseating. You felt soft sheets under your fingers, and cool air blow over your cheeks. Groaning, you opened your eyes, but immediately shut them from the throbbing in your eyes and the headache swirling in your dizzy skull.

'Has zero gravity stopped?'.

You laid there with your eyes shut, your body wriggling under the mass if soft sheets and it covered your entire body in a mass of laundry. Was this selfish? Probably, but it felt so nice.

Snuggling your face into the bed sheets, you let out a small sigh as you finally stopped feeling dizzy. Peeling one eye open, you saw the darkness that covered your body, but thankfully you didn't get a splitting headache. Twisting your body so you were laid on your back, you sat up the best you could, your head pushing aside the laundry as it sprouted out like a plant.

You were in a laundry bin next to some tanks. Oddly enough, these weren't effected by zero gravity, but everything else was. In the distance, you saw Jolyne gushing blood, along with Weather as they both were in zero gravity.

Did that mean you were flung out of bounds? Finally, whatever God was up there granted you a bit of mercy.

Staring at the two of them, you watched them both flail around, desperate to shut the air vents. You were watching...just a bystander watching it happen.

A peculiar sound caught your attention, the sound of rubber tapping against a metal bar. Tilting your eyes to the noise, not daring to move your head, you saw Lang to your left, still in front of your body by a meter. He was holding onto a metal railing, seemingly watching Jolyne and Weather struggle.

Looking down to the noise, you noticed one of Lang's loose trainers was tapping against a metal pole, still in zero gravity.

It was starting to irritate you. The simple tap over and over, interrupting your delicate thought process.

Carefully, you slunk out of the bin, and crouched your way towards him. You made sure to line up behind him, then make your way forward. If he sees you now, you're screwed.

You can't use your stand when he's in zero gravity - the only way to bypass that is by touching Lang and having the stand crawl along him. Once they're in his body, it's free game.

Looking past his legs, you saw Jolyne and Weather covered in what looked like a cloudy astronaut suit. As it former over them, a word stuck out to you from Jolyne's mouth.


She said your name. It was quiet, but you knew she said your name amongst the rest of her sentence. Was she talking about you?

'No, no'. You closed your eyes for a moment before opening them again. 'Don't get stuck in your thoughts, not now'.

Looking up at Lang, you wracked your brain on how to stop him. He was in zero gravity, which meant you could mess around with his already weak state. However...

Eyes looking back from Jolyne and Lang, you connected the dots.

'His power must be in layers. The outside layer, which means his stand doesn't affect it, which is why I can stay on the ground. The middle, where its zero gravity, but not a vacuum. And the middle, where it's a vacuum'.

'...So, that means I have to push him inside the vacuum...but wouldn't he die?'.

Hearing the small breathing behind him, Lang turned around, seeing your contemplative self on the ground, crouched.

"When the hell did you get there?!" He shouted, bringing out if your thoughts as he readied his screw cannon.

Ah shit.

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