I Need A Piss / 8

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⚠️TW: Vomit, Attempted Suicide⚠️

"I neeeed a peeee!" You sang to yourself, your hands in your pockets as you walked down the hallway to the toilets, "If I don't gooo, I'll piss myself".

You managed to get your hands on four milks, since most people are winding up in the medical wards. Bummer for them, but you got more milk.

You couldn't tell if you were lactose intolerant, or if milk was a laxative for you. Either way, you needed to piss and shit every time you drank a lot of milk.

And oh boy you drank a lot.

Whistling, you opened the girls bathrooms, only to see a janitor hanging himself and a woman floating in the air with weird turbines sticking out from her throat.

"What the hell?!" You yelled alarmed, catching the attention of the woman.

"You!" She choked out, "Y-You can see t-these blue things right?!".

Nodding your head in disbelief, she started clawing at her throat desperately, "G-Get the guy d-down!" She choked out, pointing at the man.

Shakily running over to the man, you gasped as the same turbines popped out of your neck, making you choke as your throat tightened.

What the actual hell was happening? You just wanted to piss!

"Use your po-power!" The woman choked, her voice growing weaker and her face turning redder.

'My power? The fuck is she on about?' You thought, 'If seeing all this shit means I have a power, what could it be?'.

Staring at the choking man, you saw the blood trickle down his throat and make its way to the leather around his neck.

'Izzy...I wanted her to pass out, and she did. It's easy to conk out - reduce the blood flow to the head, and your body shuts down. Stop the blood returning quick enough, and you stay out longer...so'.

'Could I make this guy melt the leather?'

A small (f/c) aura surrounded your body as microscopic spiders flew out of your body, landing inside McQueen's mouth.

'If I were to make his parietal cells produce more hydrochloric acid, he would throw up because his stomach couldn't handle the increase in acid!'.

And just as you wished, McQueen's throat was forced open by his vomit, making both you and the woman take a breath.

The only downside was all three of you had burns around your mouth and neck from the increased acid.

With a snap, the leather burned off his neck, causing him to fall and collapse to the ground - you and the woman joining him on the floor as you all coughed.

"What the hell is your ability?" The woman asked, standing next to you as she patted your hunched back.

"I don't know" you breathed out, standing straight as you looked at the pile of green sick, "I...I think I can alter people's cells...I made a girl pass out, and now I made this guy's vomit so acidic it burned the leather, and our mouths...sorry about that".

"At least we aren't choking" the woman said, hissing when she touched her burnt chin, "I'm Ermes".

"Y/n" you replied, stood beside her as you both looked at the guy coughing up blood.

"What the hell's your problem?!" Ermes yelled at the janitor, "Why'd you hang yourself?!".

Gasping, the man stood up and looked at you both, "You two...you saved me...It's the first time anyone's cared about me".

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