02 | Queens Princess

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Life Is Just A Game, Doesn't Matter If You Rich Or Broke — The Only Thing That Matters Is How You Spend The Rest Of Your Life. We're Brought In This World Just To End Up In The Same Place, Six Feet Down. It's An Illmatic World Situation.

- 𝒥uan Collins


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     1997. The second period bell rang, signalling the end of the lesson and the start of lunch. As everyone prepared to leave the classroom, sounds of chairs, backpacks, and desks could be heard. "That's all for todays class! Don't forget to come together with your partner for todays week project, thank you all and have a nice day!" Students were now saying their goodbyes and exiting the classroom as Ms. Green spoke. Jade and Yolanda were about to leave the class, along with the boys who had been following behind for a moment, when Ms. Green stopped them.

"Jade and Juan." They stopped walking with the persons they were with when Ms. Green beckoned them over to her desk, forcing them to look at each other. When the other students realised Ms. Green just wanted to speak to those particular twos, they left the class, leaving only the three of them. Roscoe made sure to give Juan one of those taunting looks before leaving the classroom, as Juan only shook his head and grinned at how foolish Roscoe was. — Inquisitive about what she would say to them, the two now made their way over to Ms. Green's desk.

Ms. Green sighed somewhat before addressing both of them directly. "If it's okay with you, Juan would like to show you around the school as you two are already partners in the project and it would be beneficial for both of you to get to know one another better." She spoke while giving Juan a little nod, trying to convey her intentions to him. Despite the fact that they both knew it wasn't really his purpose to show Jade around the school, Ms. Green was the type of teacher who would lie through her teeth to get what she wanted to happen. She was the same way with all of the students, not just Juan. Every kid was aware of Ms. Green's personality, so Juan couldn't be upset by it or think she was strange because everyone else was familiar with it as well.

Juan gave her a peculiar expression while maintaining his composure because he didn't want Jade to see it. He didn't know how to respond to what she had said. He already had plans with Malik and Roscoe, but he refrained from backing down or saying anything about giving her a tour out of respect for her. Instead, he just nodded. When he turned to face Jade, she maintained a solemn expression and continued to look directly at Ms. Green as if Juan didn't exist. Before turning to gaze at Ms. Green, who was only sporting an awkward expression like she could smell chilly air between them two, largely emanating from Jade, he furrowed his brows, finding her attitude odd.

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