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The thing about honesty is that is it very rare. Finding it in the world is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Some people conceal the truth to save their own skin. Others do it because they are afraid of that the truth might mean for them once they accept it.

Then there's another group who believes that there's no difference between the truth and a lie. They're both deadly weapons of mass destrutcion.

If I were to box myself in a category, I'd say I'm in the group that conceals the truth because they're afraid of what it might mean. Denial is easy, it's a safe haven. If you pretend it never happened, you'll probably believe it enough to be true.

The events of the past two weeks have been a lot for me, a normal teenager, to handle. The truth is, I've had a couple of moments when I started questioning what I did to deserve it. It makes no sense to me because I would like to believe that I'm a good kid who doesn't bother anybody and minds her business.

Now, my boyfriend-or ex boyfriend-at this stage in my life because if Kai ever comes back alive, the relationship is over, has some sort of ties with the Vincenzo's or the Musitano's (maybe both), I have a new step brother bodyguard because my life is in danger and I have a crush who may or may not be affiliated with Kai.

The third problem must be resolved this minute.

"I want you to be honest with me Lisa, because I know everything." I say suddenly much to her confusion. Her brows tend to furrow and her eyes become a tad bit smaller when she's confused. That's another thing I've noticed about Lisa Manoban.

"You have to be more specific. What exactly do you know?"

There's an old saying Grandma told me when I was a little girl. In order to catch a monkey, you have to behave like a monkey. I haven't forgotten it even after all these years and it's going to be a powerful tool if I'm going to get the answers I want from Lisa's mouth.

My phone has been buzzing, no doubt it's from Hyejun, but I don't answer it. We're not that far off from where his Sorento is parked so even though he may not be able to listen in on our conversation, he can see us.

And as he can see, there's no foul play.

"I now that you deliver weapons to my boss, Kim Jongin."

Her mouth opens to say something but I hold a hand up. I know she's going to deny it. "For the love of all things holy and pure, don't deny it. I heard him talking to you on the 7th of September."

Reservation is present on her face, but I refuse to back down. If I'm going to squeeze the truth out of her, then so be it. Noticing my resolve, she sighs and says. "Your boss was my boss too."

In order to catch a monkey, you have to be a monkey.

Classic case of reverse psychology.

"And he was also your boyfriend."

I want to gasp or act like I'm shocked but I can't. At Jisoo's party, when she had me pressed against the door, she stated that she knew I had a boyfriend. Back then, I didn't know id she was aware of who it was so I dismissed it thinking that Kai and I were in the clear since we were extra careful.

I don't deny her claim because it's the truth and she takes my silence as a confirmation. I don't know where Kai is so there's no secret to protect anymore. Moreso, since she has confirmed what I wanted to know, then it's only fair if I reciprocate it.

"How did you find out?"

She stiffly reponds. "I was at the Park."

Our first date.

Hate You, Love You. | JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now