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"So, what happened at the charity event?" Rosé asks excitedly. I figured I shouldn't be holed up in my room reading all the books under the bed for the duration of our break.

The weather is alright today, not a lot of snow that there is a blizzard although I did have to shovel the driveway a bit and the roads were definitely slippery but I made it to the Park's mansion.

"Hello to you too," I respond with an eye roll. "Jinyoung let me in." Removing my scarf and placing it neatly on her vanity table, I plop on her bed and land directly on her with a whoosh.

Rosé's room is bigger that Ella and I's room combined. It's like a one bedroom apartment stuffed into a mansion. Her walls are decorated pink, something she insisted on since she absolutely loves the color.

She also has a water dispenser, a gumball machine, a mini fridge, a wooden bookshelf which occupies the most space in the room, a game room (for some reason, she loves playing CODM) and a huge ass fish tank with her pet goldfish-Joohwangie.

If I had a room like hers, I'd never want to leave.

"I missed you."

"Tell me all about the event," she insists, bouncing up and down and making the bonnet I gifted to her on her 17th birthday slip off her head. I giggle and place it back on correctly. "Alright."

"Spill! Don't keep me waiting."

"Okay, so I got dressed, put on makeup, had a discussion with my best friend," I tease lightly. She narrows her eyes. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

"You better be."

"It was good and weird at the same time," I admit. "I learned some really serious shit."

"Like?" She probes.

"For one thing, did you know that Yang has a son that's autistic?" Her eyes widen in shock. "No way."

"Yes way. The proceeds for the auction are going to this foundation called Daisylane Miracle Center–"

"Oh I know that place! My parents donate money there every year."

"Yeah, so you know they help kids with special needs and they help raise awareness for kids with autism."

"Yeah. I never knew Yang had an autistic kid and I've been in Winterwood for a while now."

"Then we had our performance." I bring out my phone and show her pictures from the event. "I couldn't take videos of the actual performance because I was you know, singing but these are a few shots from after the performance."

She swipes from picture to picture, giggling at the silly ones and teasing me about how Hyejun and I 'look good together'.

"You need to send these to me ASAP."

"Already did. Check your phone."

"Alright. What else?"

I sigh, but it's not a dejected one. "I ran into Lisa."

Her eyes widen again, but this time they're wider than saucers. "You should have started with that first."

"We had a conversation and–" I contemplate telling her about Lisa's confession. I know if I tell her she wouldn't run her mouth, but there was something so intimate, so vulnerable about her opening up to me and telling me something that only she and Nancy knew about.

From the looks of things, even though she said it happened two years ago, it's still something that haunts her and I understand. It sucks when you think you have control of a situation but then you find out that you're actually powerless.

Hate You, Love You. | JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now