Chapter 11 - Close Call

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Fucking Alistair. Couldn't he just keep his gap shut.

"Yes, Divoká Rostlina. That's his or her pseudonym. Do you know them? I saw a painting hanging in Richmond's office, and I thought, 'I must have one'. But when I searched, I can't find any anywhere, and those who have one are unwilling to sell, even at the amounts I was offering." He looks dejected, pouting like someone has told him he cannot have another Bentley after owning ten already.

No big surprise, really. While Alistair was rich, the people that bought my paintings were similarly rich and didn't buy art to resell. He no doubt insulted them in the process. Richmond owned a large chain of successful luxury hotels, all turning a profit that would make a normal person sick.

Realizing I have stiffened at his words, I try and relax, giving Aashiv a quick look before answering.

"No. I'm not familiar," is all I say, looking away as his face falls, displaying overdramatic dejection.

"I suppose you wouldn't after being a social hermit for the last three years. What have you been doing all this time? Wait, was it because of that guy? What was his name?" He is back to clicking his fingers in the air, his botox face angled as he searched his thoughts. I look around the table, mortified. Everyone is quietly looking at me, this conversation way too interesting and loud to miss, especially as Alistair has chosen to have it across the entire table.

I look up at Niklaus, his eyes fixed on me, taking in every movement I make. Gauging every reaction I have. I'm starting to feel overwhelmed, my eyes close as I try and keep the tears back.

"Ohh everyone, it's time for my famous cheesecake," Aashiv says loudly, my eyes opening as I see everyone's attention shift to her. Everyone but Niklaus. I can feel his eyes still on me.

"And then, if you all want to move outside, we will be having a firework show in the gardens!" she says excitedly, the attention span of those at the table short as they jovially clap in excitement.

Her eyes meet mine briefly as I mouth a thank you.

The cheesecake arrives seconds later as my appetite departs. I push a piece around on my plate, willing this night to be over.

"You don't like cheesecake?" Niklaus asks, his words causing me to jump.

"I do, but I'm not hungry." He frowns, putting his fork down on the plate, his cheesecake, similarly nearly untouched, bar a bite.

"Really? You barely touched your main meal. Skipping meals isn't healthy." He is scolding me like a mother scolds a child, which makes me smile. "I'm a big girl Niklaus, I can take care of myself."

"Can you? So far, I have bailed you out of dancing with Alistair while your friend moments ago bailed you out of a situation you were clearly overwhelmed in. You're doing a sterling job." He leans back in his chair, angling his body towards me so that his knee touches my leg. The jolt I feel at just that touch has me blushing as I think back to the elevator and how his thigh had been wedged between my leg as he devoured my lips. His hand rests on the back of my chair, his keen gaze observing me. He no doubt has witnessed the blush creeping up my face. The words he just spoke conflict with his tone. It sounds like he is attacking me, but his tone conveys honest curiosity, lacking the criticizing undertone I would expect.

"I didn't ask you to interfere with the Alistair situation," I say quietly, looking away as I know full well that I sound like a petulant child. "That's why I don't like people doing things for me. I don't like feeling like I owe them."

Niklaus leans forward, and before I know it, he has my chin between his forefinger and thumb, gently guiding my head back to look at him.

"You don't owe me anything. Ever. I'm not the kind of person who lords deeds or items over another as a source of leverage for something I want. Perhaps in business, but never when it comes to personal affairs." His words are spoken softly and forcefully in a manner that conveys the seriousness of what he is saying. As if his direct gaze didn't already tell me.

"And you didn't need to ask me to intervene with the Alistair situation, Allegra. The look on your face said it all. Have you ever thought that perhaps people do these types of things because they care for you, not for some sort of payback? Though I will say it was fun seeing if Alistair's face could reflect shock with all that crap he has pumped into it. Apparently not." He smirks, looking over at the man we are talking about across the table.

I just stare at him, pondering his response. What is he trying to say? That he cares for me? How? We barely know each other. How could a man I just met a week ago care for me? I must be mistaken, and he must be referring to Aashiv's assistance with diverting the attention away from me earlier.

I don't have time to ponder as people at the table start getting up, moving towards the outside balcony where comfortable loungers and chairs have been set up in preparation for the firework display that would take place at midnight. Aashiv was seeing Christmas Eve in as one would New Year's Eve. I briefly wondered if there would be a countdown.

Niklaus and I rise from our seats, following the party outside. Looking for a quieter spot, I see a chair on the opposite side of the balcony. It's a bit further from the outside heaters, but weighing up my options, I decided heat could be forfeited for silence. I was growing weary of the constant chatter.

Continuing onwards and under the assumption that Niklaus would no doubt find somewhere else to sit amongst the horde, I make my way over to my chosen spot. He gave me a lift and got lumped with me at dinner, but we weren't here on a date. There was no reason for him to stick around. Besides, everyone would start talking. This lot had a way of spreading a rumor, no matter whether it was true or not.

"Trying to get me alone?" Niklaus' voice behind me has me jumping.

"Geez, Niklaus. You scared me. Are you sitting here?" I ask him, pointing at the small two-seater facing the gorgeous garden view from the balcony.

"Yes. Aren't you?" He must see the shocked expression on my face as he waits for a response.

Recovering, I answer. " Yes. I thought you would want to go sit with the rest of the mass. You don't need to babysit me. I'm sure I can stay out of trouble for the next half hour."

"Allegra, if you don't want me here, then just say so." Niklaus' words have my head snapping up to him, an emotion flicking across his face that is so brief I miss it.

"That's not it at all. We have been together the whole night, and you dropped me off here. If you sit with me, rumors will no doubt abound about our relationship. One we aren't even in. I'm sure you don't want people assuming I'm some sort of love interest." Niklaus is a very handsome man, one who paired better with a model than me. He no doubt had a taste that veered as far away from me as possible. Challenging him in the elevator was what led to our kiss, nothing more. He didn't strike me as a man that backed down easily.

"I don't care," he says, sitting down while I eye him from my standing position, gobsmacked by his words.

He grabs my hand, gently pulling me forward, "Stop overthinking everything and just sit down, Allegra."

I take a seat next to him, mentally shaking myself for being so awkward. It felt like every social interaction I had was a disaster.

We sit in silence, watching and waiting for the firework show to start. The night air is chilly, and I shudder involuntarily as a small breeze drifts over my bare arms and legs.

"Here, lean forward," Niklaus says, his jacket already in his hands. Stunned, I oblige as he drops it over my shoulders. I am immediately engulfed with warmth and his scent. Closing my eyes, I inhale. Sandalwood, vetiver, musk, and a scent I can only assume is unique to Niklaus. If I were an addict, this smell would, without a doubt, be my addiction.

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