Chapter 38 - Revelation

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"At this rate, he is going to kill you," Lisa says, the sting from the cotton swab dipped in antiseptic, burning the cut on my back. One of many. I had only been with David for two months, and already I looked like a different person. A month and a week sooner than our agreed timeframe, but as soon as his spy told him Niklaus stayed over at my house, all bets were off.

I wasn't even aware I was being watched, but I should have guessed. It was David's style. A call woke me up that last morning I saw Niklaus, David warning me that if I didn't leave him then and there, it would be over. Not only for me but for Niklaus. He assured me that with the power he had, he could and would make life difficult for Niklaus. I had seen what he could do firsthand to people he considered enemies, and I didn't want the man I love to suffer because of me. I called my housekeeper Anna and left. Not even leaving with a note or a goodbye. I was all out of words. What could I say?

When I arrived at the location David sent me, I was surprised to see none other than Kraven and Eve there. Eve's smirk matched Kravens, sending a chill down my spine. When David told me the plan and how I would be photographed by Eve kissing Kraven, I adamantly refused. Until he told Kraven to call the police station to reopen charges against Niklaus for the punching incident. What choice did I have?

They had to retake the staged scene several times I was crying so hard. Eventually, we got a shot that was passable. Kraven laughed afterward while I just felt violated. Even though it was just a kiss. After the early morning love-making session with Niklaus, this made me feel dirty. I also knew why David insisted it be Kraven. To make Niklaus think I betrayed him. To make him think our time together was planned. That I was a spy for Kraven. Eve promptly left, no doubt, to go show Niklaus and gain favor with him. Anyone with eyes could see she was besotted with him. Would he see through her, or would anger blind him?

"The one needs stitches," Lisa says, pulling me back to the present. "And your ankle is sprained. How did that even happen?"

My mind goes back to how David pushed me down the patio stairs yesterday after one of his business associates made him angry. He took it out on me most of last night.

"You know what I say will just be a lie," I tell her, sympathy in her eyes as she nods.

She was surprised to see me back here, considering the last time she saw me was over four years ago. She knew the history I had before and how David played a role in the abuse I suffered then. Now was much worse as I had no engagement to hide behind. The abuse I suffered then was light compared to now. At least then, he didn't use a whip or knives. Just fists that didn't leave deep scarring like this. David had a repertoire of tools at his disposal that he liked to alternate between.

"No, Lisa. Just patch it up as best you can. I can't be late. We have an important dinner tonight." Lisa does as I ask, her gentle hands applying bandages on my back and another one to my ankle to stabilize the sprain. I hoped the swelling would reduce by tonight.

"Doctor?" I nurse calls from outside the consultation room, her voice making me jump.

"Wait here. I'll be right back," Lisa says, pulling the curtain closed around the consultation bed I am sitting on.

"Don't forget Davids tablets!" I shout as I hear her exit the room.

I pull my clothes back on, my body physically exhausted from the last couple of weeks. David was relentless, and unless he was away on business, I barely had a chance to rest. And being forever on edge made sleep difficult. His mansion was also like a prison, though thankfully, he did give me a studio where I spent most of my time. Not sculpting, though I did try. But all inspiration departed with my old life.

"Listen, I've got your blood works back," Lisa says, a deep frown pulling her brow together.

"What. What is it?" I ask, standing gingerly on my sprained ankle while shifting most of my weight to my good leg.

Lisa hesitates for a long time, the feeling of dread pooling in my stomach. I have been feeling unwell lately, aside from the obvious. So I thought while I was here, Lisa could run a few tests and see if anything came up.

Her next words leave me speechless.

"You're pregnant, Allegra. Five weeks," Lisa says quietly. "I know it's not Davids," she states, handing me the placebo pills for David's erectile dysfunction problem. She had been swapping them out the last couple of weeks, buying me time so that I could figure out what I was going to do. This situation changed everything. I was out of time. If David found out I was pregnant, all hell would break loose. God only knows what he would do.

Lisa must see the panic on my face as she pulls me in for a hug.

"It's going to be okay. Here," she says, moving behind her desk before scribbling down a name and number.

"It's someone who can help you. Use my name, but please, don't tell David I helped you. Ever." Fear crosses her features, and once again, I am reminded that David is the puppeteer of many lives.

"Won't he find out?" I ask, holding up the pills.

"No. I did tell him these may not work and that we would need to swap over to a different medication if they were ineffective. This is easier to hide than me helping you," she sighs, giving me a weak smile.

"Thank you, Lisa. For everything. I need you to do me another favor. Can you delete these results from the system? I wouldn't ask, but if David ever finds out..." I peter off, not completing the sentence.

"It's already done," Lisa says with a weak smile as I pull her in for a big hug. This would be the last time I saw her. Tears pool in my eyes and hers. We were both trapped in our own ways, and I think we mourned the lives we could have had.

Without another word, I leave, my mind in overdrive at what I had to do. Tonight's celebration would give me the perfect opportunity to escape. David and his associates usually carried on with their activities long into the night, him only arriving in the early hours of the morning. That would give me enough time to pack and leave, though I would need to circumvent the guards somehow. Lucky for me, the guard assigned to my door at night was having a relationship with the cook and would often leave for two or three hours just after midnight.

The rest of the guards would be easy enough to avoid. I knew of a back exit rarely used. The housekeeper showed it to me when I first arrived, a small smile on her kind face. She was my only friend in the house, and now I think she told me about that exit for a reason. I even think she would help me if I asked. But I didn't want to risk more people becoming involved and potentially suffering David's wrath.

Limping down the passage of the hospital makes me even more certain that I cannot remain in this situation any longer. I would risk losing our baby, or as terrible, he would grow up around David. I shiver just thinking about it.

Our baby. Niklaus and I. We were going to have a child. If he knew, would he even be happy? Perhaps I should tell him. But what if he didn't want us anymore? And what would I do about David? And would Niklaus even forgive me? Would he understand that I did this for him? I'm sure by now he heard that I was with David. The man paraded me around like some sort of trophy, my face in the social and political articles more than I like. He beat me so badly after our first appearance, telling me that the next time, I better look like I enjoy being on his arm. That he was a catch, and I was lucky he was so interested in me. If this was what lady luck was dishing out, then no, thank you.

From now on, I would have to create my own luck. And that would be tonight. Tonight everything would change. Again.

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