Chapter 4

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About 4 weeks later, Light slowly woke up and found himself in a hospital and started screaming and crying again. Soichiro calmed him down and assured him he will be alright. He looked at him and started grimacing in pain, writhing at it as everything was still hurting. L saw him all bloodied and wiped the blood from his face. Whoever did this, really got him bad and it's really gruesome. Watari stroked L's hair and assured him that Light will be okay. "Watari, I don't feel so hot." L told him, groaning as his stomach was hurting and his face was slightly swollen for some reason.

"What's going on?" He asked, checking his forehead for a fever but none was detected.

"I feel like dying. In fact, I don't know what happened. I just feel really sick and tired all of a sudden." He groaned, his eyes shutting as he was that tired. L felt a wave of nausea happen as well and he swallowed the taste of bile, which was gross but necessary.

"Maybe you should see a doctor about this." Watari suggested and he nodded. L then went off to find one and as he was doing so, he fainted suddenly. One of them looked at him and went over to his side, checking his forehead. Meanwhile, Light was still in his bed, unable to speak as he was very traumatized still. Soichiro asked again, hoping he answer his question.

"Light, I know you don't want to answer the question. But, who assaulted you?" He asked his son, trying to get an answer. Light finally was able to say something and gulped, holding back more tears from falling his eyes.

"H-he has brown hair like mine a-and he h-has red eyes. Shinigami eyes, in fact." He stuttered and started sobbing profusely and cried in his side of the bed. He cried some more as the pain in his stomach really was hurting as well as his back. His groin still was this way and he swore his legs were stiff. Like really stiff and he couldn't move them. "Dad, Watari, get a doctor! I can't feel my legs anymore!" He sobbed harder.

"Light, just try to rest them and don't put any pressure onto them." Watari assured the 20 year old this and he still was crying. Light continued crying and even when a doctor came to see him, he still was like this. He checked his vitals again and once that was done, he then placed his hand next to Light's stomach and he cried harder. Back to L, he had just woken up and was in a hospital bed with an IV next to him.

"Ryuzaki, how are you feeling?" A nurse asked him and he looked at her with a tired expression on his eyes.

"Tired. But I'm okay now." He answered, definitely telling the truth in that last part as the nausea and tiredness are gone.

"That's good to hear. We almost thought you were pregnant but realized you're a man." She laughed, explaining to him what happened when he was unconscious. L thought there was no way he was pregnant ever. Even if he was a woman, he wouldn't recall having sex without his consent. Either way, this moment is weird.

"So, can I see my boyfriend? His name is Light Yagami." He asked the nurse, giving Light's full name.

"I'm sorry, but he doesn't want to see anyone. We were told about his sexual assault and he is really not wanting to speak or see any visitors." She frowned, which made him upset.

"What about his father Chief Yagami and Watari? They are in his room with him." L said, not knowing visiting hours have ended several hours ago.

"Visiting hours ended already." She reminded him, which he rolled his eyes knowing that already. Once L was discharged, he went to the hallway where Light's room is and left there. A few more weeks have passed by and L saw him by the glass window and he was crying, saying stuff. He felt bad for his boyfriend and knew whoever the rapist is, he will get justice and get what he deserves. L saw another person by his side, based on his reflection in the window and saw that it was that Kira. Or as L dubbed him the Light lookalike.

"Hi, Ryuzaki." He greeted him with a natural smile, getting his attention.

"Light? I'm confused. This is you, but this is also you. Unless, you're..." L said, pointing to his injured boyfriend and pointing to his lookalike.

"Unless what?" He responded, smiling more than ever, while also still trying to hide he's Kira. L didn't know what to say and took Kira to headquarters. They made it there and he was in handcuffs. In fact, the same ones L used when he and Light were handcuffed to each other.

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