Chapter 9

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Later that day, Watari came home at 3 pm as he went to make lunch. He noticed the bathroom door was closed and opened it, but saw that it was locked. "Light, are you in there? Are you alright?" He knocked the door, thinking something must've happened to him. Watari then went to get the key and unlocked the door and once he did so, he opened it and saw that the shower was running. He closed the levers. He saw Light all wet and unconscious with the blade in his left hand, his right wrist bleeding.

"Oh my god!!! Light, what did you do???" He said, surprised to see him with blood and wet from the shower. Watari immediately had to call 119 and did so, waiting for an ambulance to show up. Once it showed up and the paramedics went inside the apartment, Watari explained to them what happened. Light had no recollection of anything going on and when he woke up, he was in a hospital bed alone. A doctor went to see him and checked some of his vitals.

"Where am I? Why do I have this bandage on my wrist?" He asked quietly, his eyes closing again as he was tired.

"You nearly died from blood loss." He told him as he opened his eyes again slowly. Light was surprised to hear this, knowing for once, Kira didn't do this.

"I did...? That explains a lot then..." He answered weakly, needing some water as his voice sounded hoarse. Once the doctor was done, he went to the waiting room and spoke to Light's family, including Watari and L.

"How is Light?" Sachiko asked as tears flowed in her eyes some more. She really hoped her baby boy was still alive as she didn't want to him to die. Not now. He's too young to die.

"The cut in his wrist was deep and he almost died. We might consider taking him to an outpatient mental hospital." The doctor explained to them all sadly, which made the whole family more upset that Light is that suicidal right now.

"Can we see him?" L asked, tears flowing from his eyes some more as he really was needing to see Light more than anything else right now.

"Of course." He nodded softly and each and one of them showed up to Light's room. L went to see him first, holding a cup of water and closed the door.

"L..." Light hoarsely said, holding his hand out for him. L held his, smiling a bit. He was happy and relived to see him alive. But he was upset that he almost killed himself. He didn't want to lose his boyfriend and best friend in the world, as he already lost his parents. This would break him more than ever and he would die too, if Light didn't make it.

"Hi, Light." He said to him, taking his seat and handed him the straw and he slowly drank his water. L was trying to not cry some more as he's been doing so all day, wearing his sunglasses. He didn't want their family to see him like this, even though they knew he was crying and hurting inside. "You scared me there, you bastard!" He shouted at Light, clearly angry now.

"I'm sorry...I just wanted this pain to go away...L, please don't break up with me..." He said, needing some more water and L splashed the cup of water at him, more pissed off at him.

"Goodbye, Light Yagami!" He exclaimed, running away as he left the room in tears and went to the parking lot, waiting by the limousine. Light was upset that L ran away like that and he felt his heart breaking into a million pieces and wanted to cry right now. Watari and Sayu showed up, wanting to talk to him and making sure he's alright. He told them he will be and to no longer worry about him. Finally, Soichiro and Sachiko went to Light's room together and he was still in his bed.

"Light, we're so glad you're okay. How are you?" Sachiko said as she and Soichiro hugged him in unison and she stroked his hair.

"Tired...sad all the time...I don't know what to do now..." He breathed out, crying again as he didn't want to be in a mental hospital, even though he'll be in outpatient therapy instead.

"Light, it's best for you to be healthy again. You haven't been yourself for nearly half a year and we are all worried. Please consider getting help. We can't bear to lose you." Soichiro softly cried, holding his hand. Light sobbed more than ever as hearing those last words made him think about L. The younger Yagami cried deeply and was really starting to feel true heartbreak as he continued to cry more so than ever. That same day, Light was in his old bedroom at his parents home. He and L broke up indeed and this made him really sad and more depressed than he ever was.

Sachiko and Soichiro saw him in his bed, laying down in his side and wondered what went wrong after the hospital. Sayu showed up from her room and was about to get ready. "Mom, Dad, is it okay if I go to the mall?" She asked them as they were about to see Light.

"Sure. Just be back by 6." Sachiko responded and she then left afterwards. "Soichiro, have you noticed that Light has been more depressed after he was discharged? He hasn't spoken to L since he was in the hospital." She spoke to him quietly, hoping Light didn't hear this.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure they'll work it out." Soichiro responded, hugging his wife and kissed her. Just then, the door knocked and he went to answer it. It was L and he had Light's suitcase and backpack. The police officer didn't know what he was doing with them and was curious to know as such.

"Here, Soichiro. This is all of Light's belongings." L told him, handing him his backpack and suitcase and headed out to the limousine. Soichiro caught up to him and Watari looked at him. "Watari, let's go." L interrupted in a rude way.

"Not now, L." He told him, letting him know to wait patiently. He didn't want to do so as being in the driveway and Yagami household is becoming a distant memory to him and he wants to move on from Light.

"No." He said, demanding to be out of the driveway right now as he was not willing to be there any longer.

"What's going on?" Soichiro asked, surprised to hear L acting like some child right now.

"Watari, don't answer what this man has to say. Let's leave and never come back!" He interrupted again and Watari sighed, doing so and he quietly told Soichiro he will talk about this on the phone. He understood that and then the older gentleman drove off. Once they made it back to the apartment, Watari glared at L with anger in his face.

"Lawliet, I'm beyond livid at you right now. Instead of helping Light through a crisis, you break up with him. How do you think he feels now that his best friend and former lover did this to him? You are so selfish! I've tried to be patient with you for everything you want and need me to do, but this is something I won't accept and allow from a child like you!!!" He yelled at him, which made L more angry.

"I'm not a child and I don't need a talking to from you!" He argued with him as they got out of the car and a bunch of the neighbors could hear this as they went to their floor and made it to the room.

"I raised you like one of my children and if you can't accept your behavior, then don't come to me for any problems or anything else you want and need." Watari said, slamming the door to his bedroom. L breathed heavily, going to his room and started throwing out anything that reminded him of Light and their former relationship. He fell to the ground and started crying. Watari could hear all this from his room and went to his phone, calling Soichiro. He waited for an answer to show up and he picked up his phone.

"Soichiro, it's about L."

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