Chapter 10

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Soichiro couldn't believe what he just heard.

Three months ago, L and Light started their relationship after approximately one year of being friends and ever since then, they've always been together and loving with one another, as well as supporting each other through everything. Even when Light got raped, L didn't judge him again and say he's Kira because that was the old him and he knew he was truly being honest and truthful to him. So, he dropped everything and allowed Light to be his truthful self. Now, everything has changed since then and this was immensely heartbreaking. Soichiro felt horrible and bad his son and colleague are no longer together.

"Yes, it's quite shocking really. I didn't know until I heard L's cries and suspected he might've broken up with Light as he was angry in the hospital." Watari told him this.

"What's going to happen with you two now? He asked, hoping he and L don't leave Japan and go back to England or simply continue flying around different places for L's future cases as he is a detective after all.

"We're just going to stay here in Japan, but that's really it for now. But aside from that, we won't be in the Task Force anymore." He simply said, which Soichiro understood this completely.

"I understand. Well, thanks for letting me know. I'll let the others know." He said, then ending the call afterwards. Soichiro sighed, taking his glasses off and Sachiko went to him.

"That was a long call." She said worriedly as he placed his glasses back on and looked at her. He spoke to her about how L is acting and how he doesn't want to support Light through his suicide attempt and be there for him.

"That's messed up." Sachiko said, clearly disappointed in him. She also knew that he is on impulse right now and will probably change his mind about breaking up with Light. The next day later was Saturday and Soichiro went to check up on Light. He was still sleeping and knocked his door.

"Light, time for you to wake up." He quietly said to him and he slowly opened his eyes, looking groggily and looked at him. "Son, it's going to be okay. I heard you and L broke up. I'm so sorry this happened to you." Soichiro softly said to Light as he nodded.

"Nothing will cure this heartbreak." He responded, looking down as he started crying again and hugged his pillow, sobbing in it. He really didn't want to talk to anyone or even be alive anymore. L hates him and he knew he had just fucked up their relationship in the three months they've been together.

"Light, I was thinking we should spend some time together. Just you and me." Soichiro said to Light and he nodded. It was about 10 right now and they were both walking around the city. "Light, can you explain to me why you committed suicide? I want to know so we can be there for you." Soichiro asked Light as he had his hands in his pockets.

"I was having another nightmare with Kira." He told him, tears welling up his amber eyes as he confessed about the whole thing. "And then when L placed his hands on my shoulders, all I can feel and see Kira." He squinted his eyes with more tears falling from them.

"Why couldn't you tell us or him about these two things? Light, you nearly died yesterday, you know." Soichiro sighed, very upset right now.

"I know, Dad. I'm sorry. I'm just an idiot and I shouldn't have been out in some–" He said, then saw the alley he was raped at and started shaking uncontrollably and hid his eyes. Soichiro saw this and took his arm as they both escaped that neighborhood. Meanwhile, L was spacing out, clearly tired. He has been awake all night, crying as he was also heartbroken. The door knocked and Watari answered it.

"Hey, Watari. Do you and L to join us for fishing?" Matsuda said with a smile in his face. He and the rest of the Task Force didn't know Light attempted suicide yesterday as he only told Soichiro and L to meet him at the hospital.

"I'll ask him and see what he thinks." Watari answered him.

"Sure thing." He nodded and grinned more than ever. Watari went to L's room and found him in his side of the bed. He cleared his throat and spoke to him.

"L, do you want to join the Task Force on a fishing trip?" He asked him, hoping he would get his attention.

"I guess." He shrugged, getting up and went to take a quick shower. During the fishing trip, everyone (minus Light and Soichiro) were just sitting in a boat. L sat in it normally, otherwise he would tip the boat and they would all be wet. "So, we're supposed to sit here and wait for the fish to be present?" He said, never have been fishing until today.

"Yeah." Mogi responded, finding it funny as well that the world's greatest detective doesn't do a lot of normal things outside of eating, solving cases, drinking and more things that interest him.

"That explains–" He was about to say, but felt this pain on his lower stomach for some reason and he groaned as the pain was hurting worse. He wasn't seasick, but he was in a lot of agony and collapsed for some reason.

"L!!! Quick, we need to go back and get him to a hospital!" Watari shouted, worried something happened to L as he didn't have a fever. L was breathing heavily and then groaned, closing his eyes and felt a pushing feeling to his lower side and he winced.

"It's okay, L. You're going to be alright." Matsuda told him, holding his hand. L blurrily saw him as Light and passed out not long after. At the hospital, a doctor showed up and spoke to the Task Force and Watari that L will be okay. He just has to lower his stress levels down but that's just about it. They all got to see him and L saw his arm in an IV. He felt the pain still hurting but was given a muscle relaxer to relax it.

"Ryuzaki, how are you feeling?" Ide asked him, holding his hand.

"Tired..." He moaned, his other hand on his abdomen as the pain was that bad and it was burning like hell. The fiery depths of it and he barely get up. "Ow..." He quietly groaned, needing a cup of water, tea or ginger ale.

"How does this feel?" Matsuda said, placing his hand on L's lower side and he grimaced at it, gritting his teeth and closed his eyes, breathing out.

"Matsuda, can you see that Ryuzaki is in pain?" Aizawa snapped at him, annoyed by his idiotic behavior again.

"Sorry. I wasn't thinking properly." He apologized. We then see Light and Soichiro in a diner, having brunch with Sachiko and Sayu, and Light felt tears in his eyes as he saw someone looking like L and they were eating a strawberry shortcake like him.

"Light, what it it?" Soichiro asked, looking at him and then at the table next to them. There was nobody there and Light was having some kind of illusion, thinking L was there. He got out of his seat and started crying in the bathroom. He went to a stall and sat down, sobbing profusely. He stared at his wrist, crying some more at it. He just wanted this whole nightmare to be over as everything in his life was going downhill more than ever. He really was in a falling point to his life, that he wished he had a Time Machine to prevent all of this happening to him.

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