Chapter 3

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Later that day, Ryuk flew back to the Shinigami realm and started playing cards with the other Shinigami. We see Kira with a smile so evil and sinister more so, he knew he was definitely going to get away with raping his only victim, along with killing him, made him smile more than ever. His perfect world is basically complete now. Ryuk saw the human and saw him with a smile. "Kira, what's making you so happy right now?" He asked him, wondering what's up with the grin on his face.

"Oh, nothing. I just need to take care of business. But that's really it." He told him, acting natural while also hiding his latest scheme.

"I see..." He sighed, unable to play any longer as the image of Light all hooked up to these machines and everything is just gotten too much and it's messing him up.

"Anything new in the human world, Ryuk?" Kira interrupted, wondering why he's upset right now. This is apparent since Ryuk never gets upset much and when he does, it doesn't bother him or he simply tells the other Shinigami as well as him what is bothering him or what is happening.

"My friend Light is in the hospital. Someone apparently sexually assaulted him and it's really bad. Like really really bad. He almost died from several stab wounds too." He explained to the only human in the Shinigami realm this. Kira pretended to be all sad and angry, when in reality, he's really pissed because he wanted Light to be dead.

Why the hell is Yagami not dead?! I just wanted to make my new world happen and this is what is going on! Argh!!!!!! Kira mentally screamed, clearly needing to go back to the human world and do this again. "How long is he in the hospital for?" He asked Ryuk.

"Nobody knows. He's in a coma." He told him, really heartbroken right now.

"Kira, why are you holding that dagger?" Rem asked him, surprised to see it with blood. Ryuk then noticed it as well, along with Sidoh and the other Shinigami.

"Um...I was playing darts. First you add blood to the dagger and then once it's all bloodied, then you throw it to the target. Simple as that." He told them all, explaining how it's done. They don't know I simply raped and nearly killed Light. Kira, you sly dog. He said to himself, smiling mentally with a laugh.

"Interesting..." Sidoh noted, looking for daggers so him, the rest of the Shinigami and Kira can play that too. Especially since cards are boring now and they all are bored. Back in the human world, L was in headquarters, trying to figure out who raped Light. He wanted to solve this case on his own, but Soichiro insisted he and the rest of the Task Force need to do this. He hesitated, then decided it was better this way.

"Obviously none of us would be doing such a thing to our own member or anyone period." Matsuda said, knowing damn well he never would sexually assault anyone, including Sayu.

"This is going to be harder than ever." L commented, using the samples the doctor gave Soichiro and L took them as he is the detective after all and needed to inspect them. He then screamed, freaking out as he saw a bag and container of Light's...stuff.

"L, are you okay?" Aizawa asked him, as he felt his heart thumping loudly. He shook his head no, nearly about to vomit.

"What's the problem?" Mogi asked as well and L started heaving heavily and Ide went to get the garbage can and came back with it. L started staring at the empty trashcan and expelled his vomit and did so for 15 minutes. He then finished doing so, sliding down the wall and was laying in the floor, motionless.

"I can't even do this anymore." He answered, slowly getting himself back up and held his forehead. He stared at the bag again and covered his mouth, literally nauseous again.

"L, if you don't want to do this part, that's fine. You're not obligated to do so." Soichiro assured him, concerned for his mental health as he was really feeling sick to his stomach and feeling anxious. L then looked at a strand of hair and matched it with Light's.

"This looks awfully a lot like Light's hair..." L noted, writing that down. This was going to be a very long investigation and the whole Task Force was in need of coffee for this. L ended up falling asleep and woke up six hours later with drool in his notebook. He was that tired as the caffeine didn't help him and he felt somewhat hurting. Emotionally mostly.

"Well, I guess we will have to continue this investigation tomorrow." Matsuda said, yawning as he was also tired. Everyone else agreed and L ran off to the bathroom and saw two feet in the stalls. He didn't know who it was and was wondering if it was some random person or simply his imagination. He knocked the door and the stall opened.

"Light? When did you wake up?" He asked, quite surprised to see him. Of course, it wasn't Light. It was Kira. He covered his eyes so nobody can tell it's him as they are red, while Light's are amber.

"Oh, I was in the neighborhood and happened to sleepwalk here." He smiled, definitely hiding his malicious smile.

"And you happened to be headquarters the whole time?" L asked some more and he nodded. Kira wasn't obviously going to kill him as he only chose Light and only him only. "Light, why do you have your eyes covered?" L asked, wondering why Kira has them like that.

"I got a new haircut. I asked for longer bangs and they did so." He lied some more. L shrugged and went to a stall and started vomiting as he was really tired now and needed to rest. That night, he was sleeping peacefully and woke up suddenly again, feeling his heart thumping loudly and he went back to sleep, crying.

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