Chapter 7

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Three weeks have passed by and Light was still having nightmares and everything. He hasn't been able to eat properly or sleep because of Kira. His therapist saw this and knew that it would be best for him to have intense therapy instead, which could help but he didn't want to risk it either. He was that afraid of leaving his own home. Meanwhile, L was crying and refusing to do anything as well. Watari gave him his breakfast and he didn't eat it all. He just kept spacing out, feeling hopeless now. He then went through his awards and certificates, removing them from the shelf and threw them to the trash bag.

"L, what are you doing?!" Watari said angrily, surprised to see him all red and upset.

"Removing everything that is who I am!" He yelled, clearly upset and not in the mood to say why as he was really hurt and depressed.

"But why?" He asked him calmly, trying to understand what he is doing and why he is doing such a thing.

"I don't want to be a detective anymore, Watari. In fact, I'm just about to give up now." He explained to him as he was all finished now.

"Why would you do such a thing!" He argued with his surrogate son about this, expecting him to change his mind.

"I'm 20 years old and I need to live my own life as myself. Not as the world's greatest detective. Myself and only myself. Watari, will you take this bag to the donation center for me, please?" L asked Watari nicely and he refused to do so.

"Absolutely out of the question. You're acting out of your mind and I'm not allowing you to do a stupid thing like that!" He shouted at him some more and they started arguing with one another a thousand times than ever. The next day later, Watari decided to be call the Task Force to come over and he would explain to them what happened. The door knocked minutes later and he answered the door for them.

"Thank you all for coming. The reason I asked every single one of you to show up is because Light is screaming in his sleep a lot and refusing to leave the house still. Not only that, L doesn't want to do anything anymore either." He explained to them all about this whole thing.

"What happened with him?" Ide asked and he told him as well as the Task Force he gave up to be a detective. They all were shocked to hear that and thought this was some kind of joke. It's not. Soichiro went to L and found him by the deck. He was crying like crazy and kept looking at the ground.

"L, what's wrong?" He asked him, worried about his future son in law as he was breathing heavily and crying more so.

"It's all my fault! Kira is dead because of me! I didn't ask him if he might've been the one who sexually assaulted Light and I feel like an idiot...I don't know what to do now..." He sobbed, hugging him as he kept weeping some more. Soichiro hugged the dark haired 20 year old, allowing him to cry in his arms and rubbed his back.

"You're going to be okay. Hang in there, alright? It's going to be okay." He softly said, rubbing his back some more.

"Soichiro, I don't want to be a detective anymore. I really don't." L told him, his eyes red and puffy as he was really not wanting to be doing this job anymore and refused to take more cases, including the Kira case. That is already over. Even more so, now that he is dead.

"I understand. But if you stop being one, you'll end up jobless and be looking for a job. Not only that, you and Light will be–" He said to him and he cut him off.

"I know. Just let me do something right for once. Please. I don't want to be a burden anymore." He said, begging him to let him make this one decision only.

"Alright. We'll look for jobs later today, is that okay with you?" Soichiro asked and L nodded. For the first time ever, he knew he was going to make things better for himself and that was be himself in public. Not Ryuzaki, Hideki Ryuga, Eraldo Coil, Deneuve and many, many more alias. Simply as L. That night, Light was barely eating his dinner and L saw him very tired and weak.

"Light, how's therapy going?" Sachiko asked him and he didn't answer her as his face started crumbling and he began crying. L hasn't held his hand or placed his hand on his shoulder as he doesn't want to be touched at all. L then went back inside and when he did, Ryuk was there.

"Ryuk, what are you doing here?" He asked him, surprised to see him.

"Kira had his funeral today. In fact, we just inspected his dagger. He used it towards Light and carved his name out as well as stabbing Matsuda. I hope you understand this last part too, but the last thing he said before he actually fully died was that he sexually assaulted Light and never gave a reason. But it's obvious to why. I have to go now. Talk to you soon." The Shinigami explained and started flying away from the human world as he needed to talk to L solely.

He couldn't believe it. That strand of hair, semen and just about everything else that are in the samples all came from Kira? This is crazy. He took a deep breath and exhaled afterwards. Back in the deck, he sat down with a small smile on his face, eating more of his Neapolitan pasta. He actively loves it more than spaghetti as the taste is more flavorful for him and he doesn't mess up his white shirt much.

That same night, Watari was sleeping and L and Light were watching a movie. L was thinking about telling Light about Kira, but wasn't sure how to, without scaring him or making him uncomfortable. He cleared his throat quietly. "Light?" He said to him quietly.

"Yeah?" He answered, his eyes focused on the screen.

"I know who sexually assaulted you. It was Kira."

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