Chapter 5

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The Task Force saw in surprise what L is doing and wondered how Light is awake and moving, when he's supposed to be in the hospital. He told them he was actually sleeping the whole time and that all his injuries were part of a theater production he's in and the blood is fake and the black eye is also fake too. Everyone was confused, flabbergasted indeed. Soichiro thought he was having a heart attack when he saw Light all moving and everything, but he didn't have one. "Why did you handcuff me, Ryuzaki?" Kira asked L, who was clearly angry right now.

"It's obvious you lied about being sexually assaulted and I want to make sure you don't do so anymore." He said, but was stopped by Soichiro.

"Ryuzaki, what are you doing! You shouldn't be doing this! In fact, I don't think this is Light. It's someone else who is pretending to be him." He told him and Kira tried not to laugh and L glared at him, fixing his hair with one hand and saw Kira's eyes. They are red and that could mean they are Shinigami eyes indeed. He knew something was up and was speechless.

"That's right...I am Kira." The 20 year old laughed maniacally and The Task Force was speechless. Watari showed up and dropped the saucer that contained L's tea. Matsuda uncuffed L and left Kira like this.

"But why?" Aizawa said, not understanding how something like this is happening. Kira explained that for four years, he learned about Light and when he found out he is an honor student and everything, he decided to ruin his future by making his new world happen. He didn't further explain the part where he sexually assaulted Light, but it was starting to make sense as L remembered that strand of hair being so similar to his. Of course, he couldn't just say, 'Kira, did you happen to also rape Light?' That would be ridiculous if he asked without further discussing it with the Task Force.

"So you see, I'm making the world a better place and I can prove it to you. See this Death Note? This is what I've been using since day 1 and I haven't stopped using it. In fact, only I can see who I've written in it." Kira devilishly said with a wide grin on his face.

"Does this mean you've killed numerous people too?" Matsuda asked and he shrugged, refusing to answer that one. "Answer the question!!!" He gripped his neck, nearly choking the 20 year old. Kira then kicked him in the stomach hard and grabbed his dagger, stabbing him ultimately and grabbed it out of there.

"Matsuda!!!" The whole Task Force shouted, kneeling down to him. He was losing so much blood as it is and Mogi immediately went to get a rag and came back with it, trying to stop the bleeding.

"I think I'm dying...I love you all..." Matsuda said as he was coughing blood out, then fell unconscious. Soichiro started calling 119 and L was livid most of all. The fact that Kira did this was beyond words repair cruel.

Later that day, Matsuda was still in his hospital bed and was hooked up to an IV, had an oxygen mask on and had a heart monitor was by his bedside. He was being told by the paramedics that he had a faint chance of making it alive. His doctor said this too, knowing how bad the blood loss was during surgery. Kira was in the bathroom and wrote down Matsuda's name in the Death Note. Just then, he flatlined and died at 5:45 pm. Everyone was mourning with tears and anger in their faces, thinking nothing won't be the same now. Especially since Matsuda was a young police officer who had a bright future as one. Now, he's dead.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." The doctor said, feeling sorry for the Task Force and left them alone to give them privacy. Sachiko and Sayu showed up and he told them that they are welcome to be in the room.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Sayu asked Soichiro as he was crying a lot. He looked at her and placed his glasses back on.

"Sayu, Matsuda has died." He told her and hugged her deeply. She started crying as she had this huge crush on him and wanted to tell him this for as long as she could remember. Now, she can't do so and she's heartbroken. Sachiko confronted her and her husband, crying as well.

Light was angry right now. He kept blaming himself for allowing Kira to rape him and nearly killing him in the process. He was really wishing this nightmare would be over as he kept having these moments in his head consistently like a song on loop. He just wanted this all to end and was crying some more. He was still in the hospital as they needed him to stay until he was healed from his injuries and this made him cry harder because he really wanted to be with L and the Task Force again.

"Mr. Yagami, it's going to be okay. We're going to suggest you seeing a therapist about your sexual assault." The nurse told him, assuring that this was necessary and he cried harder.

"Anything but that!" He sobbed, crying more so than ever. He hated Kira with a passion and wanted him dead. But then, what'll happen when he does kill him? He would be seen as him and then the entire world would see him as a murderer. Light shook his head at those thoughts and cried some more. About 3 to 4 days have passed by and Light was in his room still, waiting for his family to show up. They haven't seen him in days and he was worried about them. He said he didn't want to see them all but he realized he was wrong and knew it was important to see them.

"Excuse me, but can you hand me my phone? I need to make a phone call to my family." He asked a nurse who was walking by and she saw him, seeing his phone and handed it to him and then left the room afterwards. Light flipped it open and pushing through his contacts, calling L.

"Hello?" He said, picking up his phone and wiped his eyes from the tears he had in them.

"L, are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked him, worried something happened.

"I'm okay. I just got startled, that's all. Bye, Light." He lied and then ended the call, his eyes tearing up some more and he cried harder. Light didn't know what had just happened and he was desperate to know and with that being said, he started crying again. Nobody cared about him anymore and it is clear he is alone because they all blame him for not being more careful and where he is. We then are seen by the Task Force once again alongside Sachiko and Sayu and they are all still mourning over the loss of Matsuda.

It's been a day since he died and during that time period, they all haven't been the same. L was really upset as even though he didn't like Matsuda at times, he still knew he was a great and dedicated officer. Even though he didn't show it at times with his idiotic personality, he managed to make himself the happiest regardless what anyone thinks and says about him. "I still cannot believe Matsuda is dead..." Sayu weeped, wiping her eyes as the man she once loved more than the other guys in her school is now gone. She didn't even say goodbye either and this made it harder for her.

"We all do." Watari answered, his glasses currently taken off. Soichiro was deeply upset as well as Matsuda was like a second son to him, while L is like a third one to him. Though now, it's changed slightly. He felt like he failed as a police officer and colleague to allow this from happening. Especially now and he started crying deeply and left the main room. Sachiko watched her husband cry and confronted him as he then started crying onto her arms.

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