Chapter 11

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As time went by, Light was learning a lot from his therapy sessions and he was feeling less suicidal, as well as his nightmares not being there as it used to be. His heart still hurt as he was trying to move on from L, given they don't see each other anymore or talk to one another. However, he still was in love with him and he knew he will be for the rest of his life as he hasn't stopped loving him. One day as Light was walking back from the mental hospital, Ryuk flew by.

"Hi, Light. How are you?" He greeted his human best friend and only friend. He hasn't seen him in a year as he figured seeing him would be traumatic due to Kira's presence being around then.

"I'm slowly doing better." He answered him with a smile.

"That's good to hear. I'm very happy for you." He congratulated him, even though he doesn't know he was having nightmares about Kira, while feeling suicidal and heartbroken all at once.

"Thanks. Ryuk, I have a question about Kira. How come he lived in the Shinigami realm as a human?" He asked him as they walked some more.

"Well, I guess he wanted to be the first human to live there as he needed to write down who's names on the Death Note in private so he doesn't get arrested." He explained to him, which made him shocked to hear this.

"Jesus. Wow, I don't know what to say now. But that's really sneaky." Light whistled, surprised to hear those things.

"Yeah. But at least he's dead now so there's no need to worry about him anymore." Ryuk nodded. He paid attention to the bandage on Light's wrist and gasped, placing his hand over his mouth.

"What's wrong?" Light asked him, looking at him as he was surprised to see him like this.

"Light, what happened to your wrist?" He said, pointing to it. He explained to him about it and the Shinigami didn't know about his suicide attempt and anything regarding it as he hasn't been in the human world in ages. He was extremely worried about Light now, even though they haven't spoken in almost a year.

"Ryuk, I don't want to be rude, but I really don't want to discuss any more of this right now. I feel very tired and exhausted right now." Light told him and he understood.

"That's fine. I'll talk to L and see if he knows." He answered. That name. Light thought to himself as he sighed. He really didn't want to bring up his ex boyfriend as hearing his name makes him still heartbroken. Ryuk flew somewhere else in Japan and Light continued to walk home. When he did so, he opened the door and went to his room, about to take a nap.

"Hi, Light. How are you doing?" Misa said, standing there. He didn't answer her as he was really tired and needed his nap.

"Misa, what are you doing here?" He asked her, surprised to see her. They haven't seen each other lately due to her being busy all the time and his relationship with L was in the way at times, so he didn't speak to her much.

"Sachiko invited me over and I thought I'd come by and see you." She explained to him, hugging him as she heard about everything that has been happening to him. He nodded, crying his eyes out again and hugged her.

After quite some time of crying, Light was really exhausted and needed to take a nap. He asked Misa to stay and she did, watching him fall asleep. Soichiro came home from work at 6 pm as he has been doing so instead of later than usual. Plus, he wanted to make sure Light is okay and doesn't have another suicide attempt. It is now December and currently two days before Christmas itself. The Task Force threw a Christmas party and their families were there. Just as Light was about to open his present, he got a gift from some anonymous person. He didn't recognize the handwriting and was wondering who did this.

He opened the present and saw it was some bracelet with chakras. He tried it on and it fit him perfectly. He wanted to know who got him this bracelet as it was really thoughtful and he loved it. Misa saw it and smiled. "That's a really nice bracelet, Light. I have always wanted a bracelet like that, but never thought of which one to get." She told him.

"The only question is who gifted me this bracelet." He said to her, trying to figure it out. Light has never received a Christmas present like this ever. It just seemed random and out of the blue someone would do such a thing for him and never say anything on it. Just then, Light decided to go to his old apartment. He told Misa to let everyone know he'll be back as he has to make a last minute plan. "Thanks, Misa. Gotta go now." He said as he sped off. He drove to where the building complex is and when he got there, he went inside and took the elevator to his old floor and made it to room number. Light took a deep breath and exhaled, knocking the door.

"How can I help you sir?" A man said to Light, opening the door.

"Does Ryuzaki live here?" He asked him, wondering why he's in the room.

"He moved out of here three weeks ago." He told the younger Yagami this. His heart started thumping and Light couldn't believe this. L is gone. He actually is really gone now. Light left the apartment and went back in his car, sobbing. The man who answered the door was wearing a disguise, hiding his identity and took it off afterwards. Light really couldn't grasp that the former love of his life really left Japan. Maybe he's still here. But there is no way, given he was only the country for the Kira case mostly. Light cried some more and looked at his bracelet, thinking he has no use for it if he can't know who gifted it to him. He threw it to the sidewalk and drove off. A familiar person saw the bracelet in the ground and picked it up, placing it in their pocket.

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