A Kiss to Remember

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Adarsh called Shasi for a talk in the back stage..

'Yes Adarsh...' Shasi said with an attitude.

'listen, I am sorry I should not have said like that..'
Adarsh said with a soft voice.. ' I understand you are upset because I have not consulted with you lately regarding so many decisions I made and I am sorry..'

' l understand and I also overreacted regarding the deal but about Arnav, how can you be so insecure about it.. do you have doubts on his capabilities or my love for him... '

' No, it's just I have really dreamt a lot about Arnav's future and probably in my son's love, I overlooked our friendship.. But Shasi, do I need to tell you what you mean to me.. You are not only my best friend but also a brother to me.. my family, my life everything is incomplete without you..you and me equally work for GR, if I put the starting money you put the effort.. I am sorry if I hurt you.. '

' I understand you Adarsh but you also have to understand I never discriminated between Payal Khushi and Anjali Arnav.. for me Payal Khushi Anjali Arnav and Akash .. all are my kids and equal to me. I never had any issues with Arnav being the CEO of the company, I just wanted him to learn more so that he is ready to handle the position but you misunderstood me..'

' I am sorry Yaar.. '

Shasi hugged Adarsh and said, ' Leave it, it's all good now..' Adarsh nodded and Shasi continued, ' I am very happy today, our kids did a great job today, let's forget everything and enjoy their success... '

But without replying him, Adarsh widen his eyes and with disbelief he said, ' What is this????'

Looking twoards the direction of his eyes, Shasi pointed his finger and said with anger , ' Thats your son in my daughter's mouth..'

They saw Khushi and Arnav standing little far from them pressing their lips together and closing their eyes.. Looks like these two are very much engrossed in each other..

Both the fathers looked at each other awkwardly and little embarrassed, both are confused how to react on this event...

Breaking the silence Adarsh said, ' I thought these two don't get along...'

Shasi said, ' They surely do and I was sensing something is odd between them since they joined office.. '

They again looked at each other awkwardly..
Adarsh said, ' let's go from here before they see us...'

Shasi said, 'No.. let's see what they do next...'

' Are you out of your mind??.. they are our children.. they will be extremely embarrassed if they saw us.. let's go...' Adarsh said getting irritated and too embarrassed..

'I want to see what are they up to..' there was little anger in Shasi's voice...

'Don't be stupid... let's go..' Adarsh pulled Shasi's hand and dragged him from there...
Breaking the kiss, Arnav stared at Khushi nervously, he was trying to digest what they just did, trying to understand what is she feeling but she is not opening her eyes, standing there closing her eyes, trembling a little bit, he had a urge of kissing her again, few seconds ago he just pressed his lips with her but now he wants to kiss her properly,till he gets the answer what is he feeling.. he leaned towards her and she opened her eyes, so many emotions running through her eyes.. Arnav stopped himself understanding he can't just go with the flow, perhaps it will complicate the things between them..

They stand there holding each other silently, breaking the silence Arnav said...

'Khushi I.. I..'

' I know..' she said nervously still holding his collar in a tight fist...

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