Surprised or Shocked..

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Breaking the kiss, Arnav slowly moved away from her and kept looking at her.. Khushi opened her eyes slowly and found he is still standing an inch apart from her with his strong gaze on her.. she removed her one hand from his shoulder and another from his arm.. he removed his hands from her sides,she slowly moved towards the door and Arnav stands on his spot like a statue staring at the wall..

Khushi looked at him from the door step and said softly' Auntie asked me to call you downstairs for a pooja.. that's why I came..' He didn't answer and she left ..

' Shit..shit.. shit.. What the f*** I just did.. Dear Lord why did I behave so irrationally.. what will be she thinking about me now...dammit...' Arnav sat in his recliner with a thud..

He covered his face with his hands, ' Why do I lose my mind every time she is near.. she provokes me and I got provoked.. I should have been I kissed her again..Dammit..' he was punching on the air with anger..

Khushi moved very slowly, she is feeling like her legs were glued, she can't move properly..standing near the stairs,she holds her heart which was beating like a fast speed drums.. She breathes in and breathes out..

'What the hell.. he came near me and I didn't resist, I even encouraged him by closing my eyes..what the heck was I thinking.. I should have stopped him..No, no.. no..this has to stop.. I can't afford to go with the flow.. I have to do something to stop it.. I have to be strong..'

Arnav hurriedly wear a shirt and came out of his room, Khushi was still standing near the stairs.. He gulped seeing her.. feeling his presence she looked at him, they had an eye lock for few minutes, Khushi brook the moment and took her first step in the stairs but he stopped her, ' Khushi listen..'

Khushi looked at him and he continued,' I am sorry, I should not have behaved like that..I don't know what got into me,I think I crossed my limits..'

' You think??' Khushi asked him accusingly..

Arnav sighed, ' No , I agree, I crossed my limit and I am sorry for that but you also didn't stop me and I just..'

'Excuse me..are you trying to put that on me now..'
Khushi looked at him with anger and He nodded his head negatively..

' No, I am not saying that, I am just saying you could have stopped me and you didn't.. however, I am sorry..'

Khushi chuckled with teary eyes, ' You were asking me na, why I am not nice with you like I am with everyone..let me tell you, why?? Because of your this attitude.. whatever happens you always blame the other person.. you are never at fault..'

'When did I say that dammit.. I am saying sorry to you and like always you are being rude with me unnecessarily..' he got little frustrated..

'Unnecessarily?? Open your eyes Mr. I always react to your actions..'

Arnav chuckled,'My actions,really Khushi??..what I did??'

'You always point out my lacking..'

'At first I don't do that and secondly I always say the fact..nothing more nothing less...'

'Tumhe humasha mujper kami hi dikhte hai na..' ( you always see lacking in me..right??)

'You are exaggerating now..' Arnav said with anger..

' You know what let's cut this apology drama and just stay away from each other ..'

' With my pleasure..' Arnav looked at her narrowing his eyes.. Flaring her nose she left..

'This girl is totally crazy..'Arnav murmured and followed her to the down straits...

Everyone smiled seeing Khushi and Arnav at the living room.. Both of them were surprised seeing everyone giggling at them..

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