Daddy's Money

350 16 8

Let me tell you a story about a woman who fell into two crowds: the good and the bad.
Of course, there are pros and cons to each category, but I suppose it only depends on the way you look at it...

TW!: Kidnapping, swearing, alcohol use, guns, graphic depictions of blood, vomiting


Her head throbbed.
Her entire body seemed to be stuck in one place without any hope of escape. Wrists and ankles burning with discomfort, her butt asleep, and her neck kinked with the uncomfortable angle. It wasn't hard to breathe, but the thick smell of smoke made her lungs burn to the point where she felt as if she had asthma.
She was uncomfortable, to say the least.

What had happened? The last thing Eden remembered was stepping down from her train car, being escorted by a taller man with a mask covering his face- although, he did seem rather small for a man. Skinny, but not malnourished, slim, even. Usually, men this day and age were tall, around maybe 6', and had broad shoulders and biceps. This man however stood at maybe 5'8" and had a muscle mass maybe half of the man he killed in front of Eden.

That's right... Eden had forgotten all about the two passengers who fell victim to the outlaw's gun. Eden thought there was something wrong with her at first when she realized that she had completely erased all memory of Mr. and Mrs. Hansley; she was quickly mistaken as she remembered their bloodied bodies.
She wondered if the train to Saint Denis had reached its destination yet- no doubt it did. She then wondered if the couple had been buried yet, a funeral already set out to mourn the lovers. Speaking of lovers... she contemplated what Ethan had planned to get her back. Ethan Belvis, her fiancé, her one love, the one man whom her father really accepted into the Cornwall family legacy.

Her father... Leviticus... what was he going to do? Would he send the Pinkerton's after her capture? Or maybe even go looking for his first born himself? Leviticus was a mysterious man in Eden's eyes, she could never tell what he was thinking behind his old eyes.
She missed her dad.

The sound of a sharp object dragging against another sharp object was the first thing Eden Cornwall heard as she regained consciousness, sending her brain into an immediate state of urgency and anxiety. It took a while for her eyes to finally prop open, and when they did, she was greeted with a dark room constructed of wood, the sun piercing through the old, broken walls, and a darker figure sitting on a chair that faced a door.

Eden took a slight look around herself to assess her situation, she was tied to a chair that sat in the corner of the room, hidden away from all light almost as if it were intentional. Her hands were bound behind her back, ankles to the chair legs, and back hunched over from being asleep for God knows how long. The man across the room noticed Eden's shifting the moment she raised her head.

"Yer awake." he spoke in a dark, much clearer tone; he wasn't wearing a mask. "Thought I'da killed you."

Eden had no words. She didn't know what to say. She was tired and scared, her head hurt, and her joints burned while a complete stranger smoking a cigarette sharpened what looked like a butcher's knife. She felt it would be safer to not say anything, she had learned from etiquette training to never speak unless spoken to; she supposed she broke that rule when she compromised her position on the train now that she thought about it.
If she was being honest, the reason why Eden didn't answer, was because she was terrified that anything she would say would upset the man with a knife. She was afraid that the knife he held would be used against her. Hopefully, it would never come to that.

The sharpening ceased when the outlaw's head perked up to analyze the woman in a purple dress; Eden couldn't stop her body from twitching. Her capture sheathed her knife before standing up and walking toward the younger woman, taking a puff of smoke from her cigarette. As the stranger got closer to Ms. Cornwall- soon to be Mrs. Belvis- she got a good look at the man who held an entire train car captive. Once close enough, he leaned down and put the majority of his weight on his knees, coming eye to eye with the heir of the Cornwall franchise.

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