Everything Tastes Better with Moonshine

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Let me tell you a story about a young woman who fell into two crowds: the good and the bad.
Of course, there are pros and cons to each category, but I suppose it only depends on the way you look at it...

TW!: swearing, drinking


"Good mornin', Agent Mint. Fine day t' be fishin', don't ya think?"
"Indeed, it is, Kambria."

God, how she hated that name. Kambria Shaull was someone Kam left behind a long time ago. She was just a little girl who went missing 20-years ago, nothing more, nothing less. She was gone. Missing. She didn't exist.

"What a fine young man in such... complex circumstances." the agent spoke, gesturing to Jack as Arthur hid him behind his legs.

Agent Milton was a man that Kam had the displeasure of meeting one too many times. He was older than her by ten years or so, dressed in a suit and tie nearly every day, with a circular hat atop his head. He had taken Kam to jail once, sentenced to be hanged the following day before she bribed one of the guards and then proceeded to kill him as soon as she was out. Milton had followed her everywhere: from Armadillo to Blackwater, and Tumbleweed to Armadillo, now from Strawberry to Valentine. He was a persistent little tick that refused to let Kam run away.

"He yours?" he asked as his finger pointed from Kam to the kid hiding behind Arthur.

"Sure. Me n' yer daddy's." she took a step forward, now standing between Arthur and the detective.

"You better watch your mouth around me, Ms. Shaull. I could arrest you right now." his finger pointed straight at her face as they stood five feet apart. He spoke again as Kam's glare tensed. "Arthur Morgan and Kambria Shaull... one, Van der Linde's most trusted associate, the other, O'Driscoll's right-hand."

"And Agen' Milt'n, the most stubborn pain 'n my ass I have ever had the misfortune of meetin'." Kam chuckled to herself as Arthur kept his guard up. She loved this feeling. The feeling of standing between life and death. The thrill of knowing that any minute Agent Milton could pull a gun on her and shoot her dead flat. She loved the feeling of adrenalin coursing through her veins.

"You've read the files." Milton turned to his partner and spoke to him, completely ignoring the woman before them. "Orphaned street kid seduced by that maniac's silver tongue and matures into a degenerate murderer." he returned his gaze back to Kam with a twinkle in his eye. She didn't like how he looked at her. "And then we have a simple girl, kidnapped by a homicidal criminal and turned into a weapon."

Milton placed a hand to his chest, introduced himself, and then did the same to his partner, whose name was Agent Ross. He specified that there were a part of the 'Pinkerton Detective Agency' and took a few steps forward. Kam didn't budge nor allow her eyes to look anywhere else but between the two detectives.

"We know a lot about you two."
"Do you?" Arthur spoke, his voice calm and collected.
"You're a wanted man, Mr. Morgan. There's five thousand dollars for your head alone."

"Five thousand dollars? For me?" his voice trailed off to his own thoughts "Can I turn myself in?"

"We want Van der Linde." Milton turned to Kam to be met with a hard glare. "And Colm."

"Ol' Dutch?" Arthur shrugged his shoulders. "I haven't seen him for months."
"That so?" Milton started, "Because I heard... a guy matching his description robbed a train belonging to Leviticus Cornwall up near Granite Pass."

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