━ two: executioner's song

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executioner's song

TWOexecutioner's song

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          EMOTIONS HAVE BEEN running high in Victors Village since President Snow's announcement, bubbling feelings of resentment and anger simmering steadily like a magical concoction brewing in a cauldron. Truthfully, it was only a matter of time before it all boiled over and for Cora, it seems she's finally reached her breaking point - at least, that's her excuse for slamming the door in her fathers face.

But before judgement is passed on her, let Cora get the record straight - the only thing connecting her and Adonis Snow is the blood that runs through both their veins. He's nothing more to her than a face in her family tree, existing as a runaway father trying to desperately escape the consequences of his actions. Adonis had fucked off to the Capitol for most of her life, only showing face after gambling all his money away. Living in District 7 was supposed to be the Presidents punishment for his reckless behaviour, but Adonis practically continued with his life in the Capitol as if Cora never even existed in the first place. Nothing can separate a man from his favourite casino, his excuse would always be.

It's been a week since her grandfather has released the news about the Quarter Quell, and Cora has not heard neither hide nor hair from any of her Snow side of the family since then.

The small part of her, the weak part of her, wants them to reach out and show that they did care, that she had managed to slither her way into the ranks of the family. Since her Games, Cora has attended a multitude of Capitol parties and become closer to some of her cousins, particularly Drusilla, the apple of the President's eye. But the other part of her, the vengeful part of her, wants them all to go die in a ditch because fuck, she had been made to live through the Hunger Games and just about survived it by the skin of her teeth - and now she's expected to go through it all again?

The injustice of it all left her seething, and even if her anger is a little misdirected, Cora can't help but point it at her father. After all, he is the spitting image of President Snow.

"Cora!" yells Adonis from outside, banging his fists on the door. "If you don't open this door this instant."

Cora stubbornly folds her arms. Her mother had left earlier to go to the Drain, informing her that she wouldn't be returning until late this evening. Technically, in her mother's absence, Cora held all control and power over the house, free to dictate who should and should not enter. And faced with the current situation, she sees a rare chance to release some of her pent up anger.

"Or what?" she shouts back at her father. "You're going to kill me? Too late."

Cora hears a frustrated sigh, imagining Adonis angrily running his fingers through his pale hair, sick and tired of the daughter that has done nothing but ruin him and his reputation. "Look, darling, I know you're upset over the news but for goodness sake, let me in. I travelled all the way just to see you, come on!"

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