━ ten: as a mole

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as a mole

TENas a mole

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        FOR MOST OF her life, Cora has felt like a Capitol pawn. Whether she's used to symbolise unity and equality between the Districts and the Capitol, or used as an object to trade between her grandfathers friends and enemies, a rare Victor token to be treasured and celebrated in bed, Cora's path in life has been overshadowed by President Snow's relentless commitment in ensuring Capitol supremacy over Panem.

But, for the first time ever, Cora feels an exhilarating rush at the chance of being able to threaten that supremacy, of taking control of her unique position and stabbing her grandfather in the back with the very weapon he carved for her. Truthfully, he shouldn't be surprised - her cunning and penchant for betrayal is from her Snow side of the family after all.

Before, she had always felt conflicted about it - desperate to be known for something other than her tainted blood yet constantly playing the role as the District Snow Princess, a classic rags to riches story. But ever since Johanna had pointed out how how she should embrace her Snow side, using it as a means to fulfil a vengeance she didn't even realise she craved until now, Cora feels like she's been enlightened, finally stepping into her true calling.

Because, at the end of the day, Cora isn't a fighter like Katniss, a songbird whose words cut through stone, who could inspire revolution in the hopeless faces of the Districts, lighting a fire ready to devour the Capitol in flames. No, Cora is a snake, biding her time in the shadows and quietly observing, shedding her skin constantly to fit in, before finally slithering in and injecting her venom - this time, into the Careers.

Maybe she should feel guilty - any normal person would. The Careers are still from the Districts, still slaves and victims to the Capitol's greed and corruption. But Cora has no sympathy to spare, not when innocent people are dying and they feel okay in turning a blind eye. No, fitting in with them almost came naturally to her; Cora has spent the majority of the last two years sucking up to elite Capitol socialites, laughing mirthlessly at their snide jokes and jeering remarks. It felt like the beginning of when she was first crowned Victor, struggling to pretend to be someone she wasn't in order to fit in.

Except now it's a whole lot easier, especially when most people already know her as the "Snow as cold as her name" - as Peeta had described. It was a description that stung a little at the time, but one that she now welcomes with open arms.

Her new cold attitude is evident from the moment she finally stepped in with the Careers, strolling around the Training centre with Cashmere glued at her side. The past two days have felt like a blur, Cora pushing herself to keep up with the vigorous routine of the Careers. She tossed knives with Cashmere, sparred with Gloss, made snares with Brutus, and brawled with Enobaria. Her new switch in sides earned her a glare from Finnick across the cafeteria, his penetrating, ocean eyes searing through her skin. No doubt he looked at her and thought nothing but "traitor", Blight at his side helpless as he could only sit in silence, not saying a word to defend her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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