━ six: peeta mellark

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peeta mellark

SIXpeeta mellark

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"OH, I'M SO sorry," apologises Peeta, appearing alarmed as his eyes flit to asses the damage on Cora. "I didn't see you there. Are you okay?"

Truthfully, Cora's nose feels like it has been crushed, her nerves tingling from the force of the impact. But she forces on a smile, figuring she should at least try and make a good impression. It isn't exactly a good look to come across as weak during the Hunger Games. "Fine except for a bit of a sore nose. And you've got a little–" she grimaces as she gestures aimlessly at a make up stain that has formed on his chest. He's wearing a similar outfit to Katniss, a black unitard clinging to his body with his blonde hair slicked back. He doesn't look too bad, Cora has to admit.

Peeta glances down, using his thumb to try and rub the mark away. "Ah. Right. Well, it's already done. I doubt anyone's going to notice anyways," he dismisses. He then looks curiously at her again, soaking her in as if he's only just realising who she is. "You're - uh - Cora, right? Cora Snow?"

She's prepared to flinch when he pronounces her last name, in the way she always does hearing the reproachful tone, the faint disgust, the disapproval of people's voices when they realise her identity. But to Cora's surprise, Peeta sounds normal. Sweet, even. As if the name Snow is just every other common name and it didn't bother him in the slightest. She feels almost touched by the gesture, then tries to swiftly remind herself that Peeta is competition, not a friend.

Still, Cora nods her head in acknowledgement. It couldn't hurt to make an ally like Finnick said. "Yeah, I am." She doesn't bother trying to clarify who he is when pretty much everybody in Panem knew the diplomatic and sweet as sugar fiancée of the Mockingjay. Peeta's face has been plastered all over the tabloids, him and Katniss' upcoming wedding being the talk of the town. Cora couldn't even turn on the TV without seeing some kind of speculation on the two, whether it be their flourishing relationship documented by Ceaser Flickerman or Katniss' choice in wedding gowns. "I'd ask how Victor life is holding up but I suppose that's a pretty obvious answer."

Peeta lets out a humourless laugh. "Yeah, its a shame I didn't really get to experience being one for long. I think I would've made a pretty good face of District 12, don't you think? After Katniss, of course."

You already are, she wants to say, but Cora swallows her words down.

"I'm sure you'd be an improvement from Haymitch," she jokes instead.

"True," he snickers. He then pauses to regard her, as if debating on whether to continue or not. "I watched the District 7 Reaping last night. It was painfully clear how close you and the other 7 Victors are. I just want to say that I - well, I understand. It's not easy going back, especially with someone you care about."

Insanity ━ Peeta MellarkWhere stories live. Discover now