Chapter 8

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"What is that thing?" Holly shouted. A light turned on in a house on the same street of the school. The owner was woken up by the shouting. The undead creature reached through the window. It couldn't get anybody inside the classroom. "Calm down!" Marxes told the two girls in a near calm tone of voice. The monster let out snarl. It jumped inside the classroom. The creature went towards Marxes first. It let out a loud snarling sound. Grace was picking up one of the classroom chairs in front of her. The undead creature grabbed Marxes by the collar. "Get off of me!" Marxes said, not trying to shout. The monster roared into Marxes ears. Marxes couldn't stand the stench or the loud sound that came from the roar. The creature went to pin Marxes between the classroom wall and its firm arm. Holly and Grace looked at each other. Holly put her hood back on and went to the broken window. Grace grabbed her by one shoulder. "Oh no you don't scoundrel." Grace exclaimed as she had a tight grip on Holly's shoulder.

"Let me go!" Holly shouted. Another house's lights turned on from across the street from the school. Grace had a feeling of dread in her mind. The smelly monster stared at the other two enemies. The undead creature left Marxes on the floor and was quick to pick up Holly and Grace by the collars as well. The undead creature looked into each eye. Grace tried to stay brave. Holly was too frightened by the undead monster. The creature then roared into each ear of the enemies. Marxes stood up from being held against the wall. He had his arms on one desk to make sure he didn't topple. The creature took no notice of Marxes. It kept trying to terrify the two girls. Grace had one of her hands plugging her nose from the bad smell. Holly didn't do that. She paralyzed from seeing the sight of the monster alone. Marxes carefully picked up on of the chairs and swung it against the back of the undead monster. The creature dropped the two girls onto the floor. It looked at Marxes furiously. Grace was trying to get to the closest desk. She pulled herself onto the desk. Grace was standing within ten seconds. Holly didn't move from her spot near the window. She was shaking. The undead creature was swinging its arms as it chased Marxes towards the school hallway. Marxes ducked and the monster rammed into the wooden door. The wooden door didn't break down. It was still on its hinges. Grace looked around the classroom. She started to pickup her backpack and her scooter. The undead creature slowly got itself standing again. It let out a loud roar. It looked at Marxes and Grace. They were both standing at different spots in the room. The undead creature wondered which of the youths should it go after. It was not interested in Holly. The smelly monster let out a loud roar of frustration. The undead creature went to grab Marxes. He was standing next to the second closest window next to the teacher's desk. The undead creature lunged at Marxes. The boy dodged, and the creature hit the window. It only cracked from the inside. A scooter rolled towards Marxes. The undead monster also shook his head for two seconds.

Marxes recognized the scooter. It was his. "Let's get out of here!" Graces told him. She threw his backpack to him. Marxes soon had the backpack on his back. The undead creature ran towards Marxes. He got on his scooter. The smelly monster held onto his shoulder. He wasn't going to let him leave the classroom. Grace ran up to the creature and kicked him in the knee. The undead creature didn't feel a thing. Grace then tried to punch or slap at the creature. It still didn't feel a thing. The monster roared as it pulled Marxes away from his scooter. The monster used its free hand to grab both of his wrists. Grace punched the monster again. The blow was delivered to his shoulder. Marxes used his one free hand to hit the undead creature in its face. The smelly monster roared loudly. More people living across the street from the school turned on their lights. They saw the two beams of lights coming from inside of the school. Some of the neighbors went to grab their cellphones. Grace eventually kicked the creature near its thigh. The monster let go of Marxes' shoulder, but not his hands. Marxes punched the hand that had a strong grip on his other hand. The smell of rotting food got onto their hands and shoes. The smelly monster roared as two hands covered his eyes. The monster eventually released its grip on Marxes wrist. Grace let go of the creature's eyes. She ran away from the creature. The two friends soon ran out of the classroom. They both opened the classroom door. An alarmed rang throughout the building. They rode their scooters towards the nearest exit. The youths opened the door to the schoolyard. There was a makeshift baseball diamond. The two friends ran outside. They carried theirs scooters all the way to the fence. Their legs ran as fast as they could let them. The undead monster chased the two friends outside. It bounced off some of the lockers. The agile creature also leaped off the walls until it was next to the exit. The monster eventually ran till it was outside of the school building. Holly was still in the classroom. She remembered the classroom door as it closed while the undead monster ran outside. She wanted to get up but was still shaking from seeing a real monster. Grace and Marxes were nearing the section of gate that was the furthest away from the school. The creature upon seeing them, let out a loud snarl. It saw a section of fence that ended next to the side of the building from where the monster was standing.

The undead monster ran to that section and climbed till was at the top of the fence. The monster then ran down the fence like a speeding ninja. Marxes and Grace threw their scooters over the fence, they landed on the other side with high sounding thud. Marxes climbed the fence first. He had both of his hands on the edge of the fence. Grace also started to climb the fence too. There were also the sounds of police sirens. Three police cars stopped next to the middle's school's front door. The officers climbed out of their vehicles and started to search. One of the officers noticed a broken window on the first floor of the middle school. He immediately went to investigate. He shined the light in the somewhat dark classroom. The loud alarm kept ringing throughout the school. He then discovered the rock on the floor of the classroom. He peeked his head inside of the classroom. There was a weak stench of rotting food nearby. That's when he discovered Holly. She was still shaking in the corner. She knew that the police were here, but she didn't know what to do. Marxes was on the other side of the fence. The stench of rotting food slowly coming off of his hands. He slowly clambered down near the sidewalk. Grace was nearly close to setting a foot on the side of the fence. She heard a growl from her right. The fence was shaking. The smell of rotting food was getting stronger. Grace quickly climbed and saw the agile monster running towards her from the right. The monster growled at her. Grace climbed till she was halfway over the fence. A beam from an officer's flashlight swooped down the grass. It was going to be shining on Grace in any minute. She put her two feet on the other side of the fence. She didn't want to fall from where she was holding onto the gate. The light from the police officer's flashlight nearly shined on the Grace and Marxes. Grace fell from the fence and landed on the grass. The undead creature let out a snarl. He was not happy with Marxes and Grace getting away. Marxes helped Grace to stand back up.

The flashlight shined on Marxes and Grace. "Hey, what are you doing?" The officer yelled. Marxes pointed to the top of the fence. He was pointing to where the monster was on the fence. There was a low growl. Before the light shined on where the smelly creature was standing. It leaped off the top and ran towards the house. "Hey, stop right there!" The officer hollered again. Two more officers joined in. They shined their flashlights on the creature. Marxes and Grace ran away. They ran towards a street that connected to the street parallel to the school yard. The two friends dropped their scooters and ran down that street. The officer shined his light on where Marxes and Grace were. He then spotted them going down the street. "Stop!" The officer shouted. The two youths ran behind the one of the parked cars and hid behind there. One of the police cars that arrived at the school went to catch Marxes and Grace. The smelly monster climbed on the outside walls off a nearby house and ran on the roof. "What the..." The officer exclaimed as he watched the undead creature running on the house rooftops nearby. His colleague was stunned. Meanwhile the patrol car pulled into the street that Marxes and Grace went to. The police car was nearly side by side with the car that the friends were hiding behind. The officer on the passenger side went to start searching. She looked around the car thoroughly. She even looked under it. The officer started to shine her flashlight on the car seats. Marxes and Grace couldn't be seen in the car. The officer was stumped. She went back into the police cruiser. She didn't find the youths anywhere near the car. The patrol car passed an alleyway. It's searchlight was shined in the road sized area. There was only the front bumper of a car that was showing. The police car moved along. Marxes and Grace slowly came out from behind the vehicle. The two friends stayed in the alley for a while. It wasn't easy sneaking into the alleyway, while the flashlight shining on them went elsewhere. They scrambled into the alleyway and quickly found a place to hide. Marxes went to the end of the alleyway. He looked back at the middle school. The flashing lights of the police cars still flashed. Holly was being brought to a cruiser. She was trembling out of fear. 

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