Chapter 10

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Grace looked over the security device. She wonders how the device could be disconnected. A screwdriver was taken out of the toolbox. Grace slowly removed the screws holding the device in place. The device was also had some wires holding it in place. Marxes closed the door of the freezer after looking through it. He went to the toolbox to see if there was anything that could help him cut the boxes open in the fridge or the freezer. Grace got the second screw out of the security device. It landed on the floor with a clink. "Marxes, could you help me with this?" Grace asked. Marxes dropped a sharp box cutter that he had back in the toolbox. The second security system was now being held on the hinge with only one screw. Marxes held the security device on top of the spot where the security device had been next to a hinge. The last thing that had to be done was to cut the wires. Marxes carefully looked over each wire. He eventually got one of the wires. Grace closed her eyes. She was afraid that Marxes would accidentally trip the alarm. The pliers clipped at one wire.

The device turned itself off. Marxes and Grace noticed that there was another security device screwed into the other hinge. They were the exact same ones. Grace only disconnected one of the devices. The small flashing lights coming off the security device showed where they were wired. The second device was connected on the upper hinge. The first device clanked to the floor. It was dangling a little from the other two wires that were in it. Grace started to work on disconnecting the other devices. The screwdriver was used to unscrew the first screw. Marxes caught the small screw as it fell to the floor. He also found the other screws on the floor. Marxes collected them and put them in a small pile next to the first step. After second and third screws have fallen out of place. Marxes held the device close to the hinge it was attached to. Grace got the last screw out of the hole that held it on the hinge. Then it was her turn to hold onto the security device. Marxes used the pliers and examined each wire carefully. He then went to look at the other device on the bottom hinge. He examined the wire that he cut. Marxes disconnected the wire that kept the security device running properly. Before Grace opened the door to the store, Marxes grabbed onto her shoulder. "What?" Grace asked. "Let's be very sneaky about it." Marxes told her. He grabbed the small pile of screws and started to screw the devices back onto the hinges. The devices were put back onto the hinges one at a time. The disconnected wire parts were kept away from each other as the device was getting reinstalled into the hinge. The devices were all put back. Marxes and Grace took their scooters and backpacks into the store area. They looked all around the store. It was just as pitch black as the basement. Grace had her flashlight app shining light on the floor. She is being cautious not to let the neighbors know what she and Marxes were up to. They went towards the aisles.

There were some sandwiches on a display shelf. The shelf had a fan keeping the sandwiches cool. But it was not working since there wasn't any power going to it. The two friends picked out what sandwiches they want from the display shelf. They both went to find a drink and a treat. Meanwhile, the undead monster was not far away. He ran on top on a wooden fence before jumping onto a house roof. He observed the convenience store nearby. The undead monster was furious that they were stealing food from the store. The angry creature let out a loud growl. Marxes and Grace could hear the growl. "What was that?" Marxes asked, as he took a soft drink from the fridge counter. "I hope its not trouble." Grace replied as she went to find a treat in one of the aisles. The undead monster ran towards the back of the roof. The creature then readied himself while aiming towards the convenience store across the street. The monster stared at the convenience store it wanted to teach the friends a lesson once and for all. "Should we leave a note?" Marxes questioned Grace. She shrugged. "We might as well take the food. Beside I don't think that the owner would find out that we were here tonight." Marxes felt that they should leave a note behind. Marxes looked around a pencil or pen and some write on. He then saw the open cash register. The Marxes looked inside but was disappointed to see that there was no cash inside. "Hold on!" Grace exclaimed. She stuffed a bag of chips into her bag. "We don't know if there is security device behind the counter." She said. "But what about the food we'll be taking away? I think we're going to be in big trouble if we steal just a few things. The store would not like anybody stealing from the store." Marxes pointed out. "Silly Marxes, don't you forget? We love to cause trouble. Besides, our parents are still shaking from looking at the disgusting monster. We could just leave the store as if nothing ever happened. The undead creature started to run across the roof of the house.

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