Chapter 25

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Marxes and Grace closed their eyes as the monster jumped from roof to roof. The police were chasing the creature. Marxes and Grace both pinched their noses. The bad smell it left behind allowed the police to follow it. The creature also jumped across entire streets just to get from one house roof to another. The undead monster landed on the roof without any problem. Marxes and Grace didn't open their eyes. They would feel dizzy themselves by just looking at different jumps and leaps that the undead monster was doing and how high the undead creature was leaping just to get to another house roof. The sirens blared and the lights flashed as the police cars were in full pursuit. The agile creature landed on one house roof and gave the police officers one snarl before leaping onto another roof. Marxes didn't know where the monster was taking him or his friend. Grace thought that the 'zombie' would be taking them back to the abandoned cemetery. Marxes thought that the monster would be taking them back to the skatepark. Where they would end up in the big cement hole. The monster continued to jump from roof to roof.

Grace and Marxes hanged onto the monster with their free hands. They still held onto their noses for as long as they can. They could feel the pounding feet as they agile monster was running on the shingles. The rising morning sun was blinding the monster. Grace's parents, who were watching the whole thing from the living room, went to get changed. Marxes and Grace didn't think that the monster was going to stop. He leaped onto house roof to house roof. The houses were parallel to the street with the abandoned cemetery, and the route that the two youths take to go to school. The agile creature kept jumping onto house roofs that were on those two routes. The undead creature was moving diagonally. It was almost as if it was trying to confuse the police. Grace and Marxes felt that they were riding a rollercoaster ride. The only problem was the ride was broken and was going out of control. The undead monster changed plans. It jumped onto house roofs next to a street next to one of the streets close to the school. Marxes peeked and saw the middle school parking lot. He then closed his eyes, and they remained shut for the rest of the time that the monster was running. The undead monster even jumped onto the top of the fence that covered the space of the schoolyard. It ran on the fence as if the creature was a ninja. The police cars were catching up with the monster. The angry creature let out a snarl and jumped towards another set of house roofs. He quickly jumped onto the next roofs as if he were parkouring in the city. The monster disappeared out of the police's sight. He vanished at the street behind the house roofs that he went to. The police tried to follow him by the foul stench that he left behind. Some of the officers did not like the idea. The smelly monster slipped away at the next house roofs. For some drivers have spotted it.

The undead creature arrived at one house that was next to the skate park. He set down Marxes and Grace on the solid roof shingles. They stared at the skatepark. Marxes' worst realisation seemed to have come true in a way. They were near the skatepark, but not in the cement hole. The two youths didn't dare jump off from the roof. They simply backed away towards the top. The smell of rotting food was the strongest on that part of the roof the two youths were backing away to. They both turned around and the angry monster snarled at them. Grace and Marxes slowly but carefully got to part of the roof where the creature left them. The two youths thought about why the zombie like creature brought them to the roof of a house next to the skatepark. Marxes thought that the 'zombie' would leave them in the big cement hole and let the police help them out of it. Grace felt that the angry monster would be wanting revenge after having his own gravestone being knocked over. "What do we do?" Marxes whispered to Grace. "We don't have our scooters with us." Grace tried to think of a plan. "Maybe there's a way of repelling the smelly athletic zombie away once and for all. Maybe we could use my computer to find out what weakness that these 'zombies' have." Grace whispered back to Marxes. Before they could do anything else. The angry monster snarled at them. The undead creature crawled on the roof towards the two youths. The monster also scowled at them as well. Then there was a plum colored car that coming down the street towards the house. The agile creature leaped away and disappeared behind the top of the roof. The car was then parked on the side of the road in an available parking space. "That's my parents' car." Grace whispered. "I hope they brought along a big ladder. They would need one if they were to be getting us off this roof." Marxes said looking down at the vehicle. The driver's side door and the passenger side door next to the driver's seat opened at once, just Marxes said those words. Grace's parents shut the doors and stared nervously and upsettingly at the youths.

"Grace how dare you go out and do some terrible things. Breaking into a convenience store and breaking into the school!" Her mother shrieked. "You will be staying home for the rest of the school year, only doing your schoolwork in your room. We will be watching you while you work on your schoolwork and homework." Grace thought that was the least of her worries. Her father started to dial a number on his cellphone. "Why are you two on the roof? Are you really ashamed about what you have done? Why did you even do it?" She continued to shriek at her. "How did you know about the school? Besides, maybe Marxes has a friend that I don't know about." Grace answered back while shouting back. "Mark's parents told us. How did you get up there? Did a friend from outside of school helped you to get on the roof?" She asked. "No, we are kidnapped by a monster." Marxes responded. Grace's mom shook her head. She thought his answer was a little hilarious but really, she was still upset about Grace has done. Grace's parents thought that she was doing all of this just to get attention. Just then there was a snarl coming from behind the house. "Are you sure that I'm just getting attention? That snarl comes from the monster that kidnapped us." Grace spoke with a serious tone of voice. "I don't believe that. It's probably a horror movie that the house owner is watching with the volume turned up." Grace's mother said not willing to believe her. The snarl happened again. Grace's mother had a fake smile on her face. "Alright, very funny. You can come out now." She told her. There was no answer. Grace's mother went to check the spot where the snarl was coming from. "Mom don't go there! It's a real monster! It's a zombie!" Grace screamed. She ignored her daughter. Around the corner. She saw the agile monster clinging to the wall like a spider. His head was close to the back door. He snarled again. "Wow, it's a Halloween decoration. It is a too early for Halloween today." Her mother remarked as she saw the undead monster. The creature leaped from the side of the house and knocked Grace's mother to the ground. It began to growl loudly into her ears. She shrieked for help. Grace's dad dropped his phone and tried to knock the creature off his wife. The monster slammed the left side of his face into the outside wall of the house. Grace's father fell on the sidewalk. The angry monster continued to growl loudly. Grace's mother's face was nearly pale. The smelly creature was staring at her angrily.  

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