Chapter 15

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Before Grace slept, she looked at the time on her cellphone. It was three O' seven. Grace was so tired that she fell asleep at once on the hard-wooden floor. Marxes snored while he slept. The monster stared at the house. The monster was still very mad at the two friends. While Grace slept. She dreamt about what she saw in the cemetery. Images of the monster's face continued to appear in her nightmare. Grace was being chased by the undead monster in the cemetery. She ran while the monster tried to catch up with her. Marxes was at the locked gate on the outside. Grace hid behind a few tombstones. While Grace ran around a corner, she went behind one of the gravestones. The smelly monster arrived at the place where the girl he chased after she disappeared. The creature let out a roar. The agile creature looked behind the few gravestones that were nearby. Grace held her breath. She was hoping that the undead monster wouldn't find her. The smelly creature walked slowly towards another set of tombstones. They were all surround by a wooden fence. Grace peeked from her hiding spot. She waited until the undead creature was examining the small area. The angry monster was feeling a little frustrated. Grace slowly stood up from her hiding place. She walked sideways in the opposite direction that the undead creature was chasing her in.

Grace looked down at her shoes, then at the monster. Grace could smell the stench of rotting food. She then walked backwards while staring at the gray face of the monster. The undead creature finished looking at the third gravestone when he instantly turned around. The monster jumped out from the small fenced in area and landed only two feet away from Grace. She let out a scream and started to run. The monster tripped her. Grace could feel the creature gripping onto her socks with his cold gray hands. She screamed as she tried to kick at its face. The creature let out a snarl. Grace then sat up and started to hit its face with her hands. The monster's foul odor was stuck to her hands. Marxes was calling out to Grace to get out of the cemetery. She tried to blind the monster by covering its eyes. The monster let go of her ankles and tried to get a hold of her wrists. Grace then kicked the monster's face in the chin. The monster didn't feel anything. Grace tried to back away from it. The undead creature let out a monstrous roar. Marxes still shouted for her to get to the cemetery gate. The roar was enough to have Grace get frozen into place. The undead monster stood up from the ground. He also let out a snarl. Grace was trembling. The undead creature then walked past her. One of his hands grabbed Grace's collar from behind. The monster started to drag her away. Grace didn't want to bite into the creature's wrists. She couldn't stand the foul smell that came off of the creature. Grace tried to punch at the monster's arm holding onto her shirt. The monster didn't feel anything. It simply ignored the hitting and continued to move into another part of the cemetery. Grace then grabbed one of the fingers of the hand that held onto her shirt firmly. She started to pull one finger away from her shirt.

The undead creature felt the one finger getting pulled away from the T-shirt. It turned to face Grace. The monster let out another frightening roar. Grace tried to avoid getting one of her wrists being caught by the monster's other hand. Which was the left hand. The monster let out a snarl and tried to grab both of Grace's hands. The monster's face was a little bit close to her face. Grace pushed herself up with her legs and smacked her forehead into both of the monster's eyes. The undead monster felt irritated by being blinded again. It used its left hand to shield its face from any other hits. The right hand still had an iron grip on the T-shirt collar. Grace tried to free herself from the smelly hand. She tried to slap and punch it. The hand did not let go from the T-shirt collar. The sound of Marxes shouting from the other side of the cemetery gate still rang in her ears. Grace tried to kick at the monster's face. The creature's hand dropped to the ground after being hit a few times. The undead monster let out an upset roar. It also felt angrier still. Grace continued to pull the smelly monster's fingers away from the T-shirt. Pulling the fingers away from her hand felt like trying to free herself from the strong grip of a mechanical claw found in a claw machine. After three of the fingers were pulled away from the T-shirt, the undead creature let out another snarl. Marxes was having his own nightmare too. In his dream. He was trying to run away from the creature in an old, abandoned mansion. Marxes was holding his phone in front of him, as the flashlight app was giving him the light he needs to see that he's not running into anything. Marxes was running down a hallway. A long rectangular carpet with a faded apricot rectangle inside a large carnelian rectangle outline. Marxes ran with all of his strength. He struggled not to trip on the carpet. The agile monster was jumping off the ceiling and off the walls. It was only getting three millimeters closer. Marxes felt that he was running through a very long hallway. Finally, he saw a near gray wooden railing coming up on the right. There was some dim white light coming from the area behind the railing. Marxes shined the light from his phone at the monster. It was hard to do at first. Then as the creature tried to push itself and Marxes to the wall, the light from phone blinded the monster. It crashed landed into a small round table holding a book and a reading lamp. The monster let out a snarl as it tried to stand back up.

Marxes only ran towards where the railing first starts. There was open area with a lot of light pouring in. Marxes looked around and saw that there was a set of stairs that went down into the dimly lit room. The monster glared at Marxes and ran across the floor to the stairway. Marxes ran down the hallway to the stairway. He was nearly at the stairway next to a new hallway entrance. Marxes felt that he was going to get away from this monster. Suddenly, it felt as if he wasn't going anywhere anymore. The smelly monster let out snarl from behind. It was still standing in the hallway next to the part that had some dim light. Marxes looked and the staircase was going to be getting away from him. The railing in front of him started to extend in front of him. The staircase felt like five meters ahead of him. The foul smell of rotting food could be smelled behind him. Marxes had an eerie feeling that something was going to jump on him. Marxes looked up and the agile creature was right on top of the ceiling. It stared down at Marxes and let out a snarl. He tried to run away but it was no good. Marxes tried grip onto the railing. It seemed to be slimy for some strange reason. The undead monster let out a growl as it launched itself from the ceiling directly at Marxes. Marxes looked up and tried to avoid the smelly creature falling on him. He moved to the other side of the hallway. The agile monster was still right on top of him. "How did he do that?" Marxes asked as he tried to avoid the undead creature falling on top of him. Marxes looked up and saw that wherever he moved in the hallway, the creature would always end up trying to knock him down to the ground. Marxes quickly took out his cellphone but before he did, the monster fell on him. Marxes was stuck on the floor, with the undead creature looming over him. The creature's unbearable smell could be felt in his nostrils.

Marxes' cellphone was only a few feet away from him. The undead monster growled at Marxes every time he tried to escape from it. The undead creature growled at him some more. Marxes punched the creature in the face. The creature didn't feel anything. Instead, he let out some snarls before grabbing him by the T-shirt collar. Marxes kicked at the smelly monster, but the undead creature ignored the hits. It dragged him back into the part of the corridor that they were chasing in. Marxes struggled to get himself freed while being dragged on the floor on his back. The monster would not let him go. Marxes continued to kick. The undead monster continued on its walk back into the dark hallway. Marxes looked around. He saw one of the creature's feet. It was the right foot. He grabbed onto that foot's ankle. He pulled on it. The smelly monster tripped. The monster let out a growl. It looked back Marxes. A loud growl came out of the undead monster's mouth. Marxes then hit the creature's face. It closed its eyes. Marxes tried to slap the monster at the eyes. The undead monster shielded its eyes with its right hand. Marxes tried to pull himself up. The monster's firm hand tried to keep him on the ground. Marxes pulled up again. He slapped at the undead creature's face again. The undead monster shielded his face from the hitting. That wasn't even enough. Marxes ran to grab his cellphone. The hallway area next to the railing wasn't extending. Marxes picked up his cellphone and ran down the stairs. Marxes did not look back. Marxes heard the monster growling in frustration. He was at the bottom of the stairway. Marxes saw that there was a door with a curtain. In fact, all of the windows that brought light into this big room had some sort of curtain over them. Marxes ran up to the door. He wondered if he should look past the curtain covering the door or open the door. The smelly creature made a snarl. Marxes turned around and saw that the agile creature was trying to get down from the railing and land on the ground below. Grace in her dream got to the cemetery gate. The smelly monster was looking around the whole cemetery for her. The cemetery gate was locked. Marxes past a key thought the strong iron gate. Grace unlocked the gate and Marxes open one of the gate doors. It creaked while being opened. The creature was right behind her. It stopped where it was and just stared. Marxes just opened the door. The undead monster fell to the floor. Marxes' smile turned into a face of fright. There was a zombie like creature snarling at him. Meanwhile, Grace looked at Marxes and could feel the smell of rotting food coming off of him. His skin turned to gray. Marxes was now an undead creature with tattered clothes. The monster snarled at her too. Marxes and Grace both screamed in their nightmares. 

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