Chapter 24

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The creature wouldn't budge. The undead creature only scowled at Marxes' mother. "Alright Mark! Tell me the truth! Is this a robot or some strong friend of yours in disguise?" She shouted at him. The undead monster only snarled back. "I wasn't talking to you. Why are you being disrespectful?" Marxes' mother snapped at the monster. The creature used its other hand to grab Marxes' mother in the air. "Yow!" She screamed. The phone she was holding had dropped to the floor with a clang. It was still intact. "Ma'am? Are you still there? Ma'am?" The operator said, trying to still talk to her. "Help is on the way. Keep talking to me." The undead creature looked at the cellphone, then at Marxes' mother. He started to growl loudly into her ears. Marxes' mother screamed back at the creature. Marxes rushed to get the undead monster to let go of his mother. He jumped onto his back. The agile monster simply backed into a wall.

Marxes moaned as he tried to stand himself up. He had slid off the creature's back and landed on the hallway floor. With his hands letting go of the monster and sliding down the wall to sit up straight on the floor. The monster proceeded to loudly growl into Marxes' mother's ears. Grace ran into the hallway. Only to be faced with a loud growl coming from the monster. Grace fell on her behind as she hit the floor while being spooked by the loud growl. "Is anybody there?" The 911 operator's voice stated from the phone. The undead creature was so busy growling at Marxes' mother that it didn't see Grace sliding over to grab the cellphone. She picked up the phone and held it up to her ear. She then backed away until she was in Marxes' room. "Please help us!" Grace pleaded to the operator. Marxes slowly watched as is mother's face slowly became a bit pale by the second. Grace continued to talk on the phone. The operator was confused if this was the same person who was walking to her. Marxes got onto his legs and hands and started to crawl away from the undead monster. He didn't stop until he was in his room. His back was still hurt. Grace still held the phone to her ear. Then suddenly, they heard some sirens. Flashing blue and red lights could be seen flashing outside from the front of Marxes' house. Grace helped her friend as she dragged him into the bedroom. Grace was also careful to have bedroom door closed. Grace continued to talk with the operator. The operator was asking her to calm down. Grace was also overreacting when talking on the phone. She felt that the 'zombie' giving her and Marxes enough trouble as it is. The undead creature continued to growl loudly until he heard a police officer's voice over a loud megaphone. "This is the police, put your hands up! The house is surrounded, come outside!" The undead monster looked at Marxes' mother. She was pale and exhausted. It was almost as if she had seen a ghost. The undead monster let go of Marxes' mother and she fell to the floor. It turned its attention towards the two youths. The undead monster walked up to the doorway. Marxes held his T-shirt over his nose. The smell of rotting food was becoming even strong as the smelly creature moved closer to his bedroom door. The undead creature looked through the open holes left in the door. Marxes tried to get up, but his hands and feet won't let him.

When the undead creature looked at Grace, this made the event even more scared. "There is a guy who has been stalking us and is going to do something bad to us." She said while talking with the operator. The agile monster had a few of his finger go through the two holes. They clutched onto the inside. Then there was a creaking sound. The monster's fingertips slowly crawled back. The wooden door was starting to break. Eventually, the door broke into three pieces. One part was slim and still attached on the hinges from top to bottom. The upper part of the door was the biggest piece. Three quarters of the holes made earlier were apart of the upper part too. The lower part of the door was the smallest it was nearly half of the size of the door. The agile creature held onto the upperpart of the door. The lower part hanged onto the long thin part by one splinter. "Help!" Grace screamed. Suddenly, the front door burst open. It was kicked down and the police officers instantly stormed into the dining room and kitchen. The agile creature threw the big door piece right at the floor next to the stairwell. He also ripped off the lower piece. The officers scrambled to get to Marxes' room. The undead monster threw the door piece right at the wall. Grace was in tears while Marxes, angrily stared at the undead creature as it came up to him and his friend. "Leave us alone!" Marxes yelled at him. He made it seem that he was brave not afraid. But really he was scared on the inside. The yelling did not help as the strong creature shattered the rest of the bedroom window. The tiny wooden fragments landed on the grass. The undead monster turned its attention towards the two friends again. This time it grabbed the two youths and flung them over its shoulder. Grace cried and screamed. Marxes tried to punch at the monster's back. The creature ignored the hitting and had climbed out of the window. The police were hurried into making their way to the bedroom. The undead creature climbed onto the side of the house. For some reason, he was falling off. Marxes felt that he was going to fall into the front lawn. Grace continued to cry. Two of her tears hit the lawn. The undead creature climbed onto the roof. Once there, it stood on its feet. Its two arms were busy keeping Grace and Marxes from falling off his shoulder. The police saw the agile monster. They shouted at it. The monster ignored their pleas. Instead, the monster ran and jumped off the side of the roof. It ran on the next roof. 

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