Chapter 26

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Grace couldn't look at her parents. The monster nearly frightened her mother to death. She was on the ground, but her eyes were wide open. Grace's mother seemed to have seen a ghost. Grace's father got back up and held two fists in front of him. The creature snarled and walked up to him. The undead monster grabbed the top of his shirt and started to growl loudly into his ears. The father shouted for help. His cry for help was heard by the owner of the house that Marxes and Grace were sitting on. She was woken up earlier by the smell of rotting food coming from the roof. The angry monster growled even louder into Grace's dad's ears. His skin soon turned into a pale white. He was scared from the loud growling of the monster. "What's going on?" The owner shouted from the backdoor. The agile creature ducked next to one outside wall of the house. Marxes poked his head and saw the monster hiding. "Pee yew did somebody left some garbage bags nearby?" The owner queried as she held onto her nose.

The owner went to look next to the outside wall of her house. Marxes lay on the house looking at the blue sky. "We need to get out of here!" Marxes adduced, fearing that the owner would find them at the top of her house. "Oh dear, what happened here?" The owner exclaimed when she saw Grace's parents shivering with their pale faces looking up. The owner went inside her house to call the paramedics. Marxes and Grace could still smell the stench of rotting food. Marxes went to look back on where the creature was last hiding. It wasn't there. Marxes rolled back onto the roof, just in time to hear another snarl. Marxes and Grace looked up and saw that the angry monster was staring right at them. The two youths screamed. The undead creature grabbed them both by the top of their T-shirts. It flung them both on his back. The undead creature stood up. It then went to jump on a house roof that was diagonally across. The agile monster then went on to leaping from roof to roof on the nearby houses. Marxes and Grace both pinched their noses. They both tried to block out the horrible smell from their noses. Their clothes even smelled just as bad as the smelly monster. It continued to jump until it came to a street just behind their houses. The agile creature landed on the old cemetery property. The monster than made the two youths sit on the counter. The undead monster pulled out a cellphone. "Hey, that's my dad's phone you thief!" Marxes said nearly shouting at him. The creature ignored him and showed them a picture on the phone. It was a leaning wooden gravestone. He even nearly threw the phone into the youths faces. "So that's why you're scaring us? You're angry at us for knocking over your own tombstone?" Marxes asked. The monster didn't answer. He just scowled at the two youths. "Well, sorry for knocking down your tombstone, but we have to get some beauty sleep." Marxes told the creature.

The youth tried to run for the open window. The undead monster lunged for Marxes and pinned him on the floor. Marxes stared up at the angry creature just as it started to growl in his ears. "Help! Please!" Marxes yelled. Grace slipped off the counter. She turned around and watched as Marxes got growled at. The growling became even louder. Marxes' skin started to change. Grace tried quickly run for the exit. The way out was barricaded using the boards used for the window. They were blocking the upper part of the doorway while the table was blocking the lower part of the doorway. The nails were somehow forced into the rotting door frame. Grace turned around. The agile monster was standing in the coffin room with her. "I am very sorry William. I am really sorry. I should never have leaned on your grave..." Before Grace was about to finish her sentence, the smelly creature lunged at her. What followed was a scream. The firefighters were called. They used a saw cut the top open. A police officer peered inside and found Grace. She was shivering on the floor. Her whole face was pale. "I did it, I messed up the gravestones. I broke into a convenience store..." She murmured to herself. The police helped the firefighters as they pulled Marxes out of the old building. He was murmuring to himself too. The youths admitted to breaking into the middle school, the convenience store and leaning on the wooden gravestones. Marxes and Grace's parents were sent to the hospital, just so they could feel better. They did the same with the two youths. Marxes and Grace continued to repeat what they have done through out the whole evening. The principal, the demolition workers, and the convenience store owner heard the news. The two youths ended up being expelled from school. The convenience store owner sent a note to the two youths especially Marxes. She was happy that they admitted to their mistakes. However, the owner has banned the two friends from ever coming back again. Holly ended up getting expelled too. Her parents were furious at her. Holly didn't brag about herself again. Grace's and Marxes' parents took turns homeschooling the two youths for the next few days. They even had to do community service as well. They both helped the demolition workers as they took down the abandoned cemetery. During the first day that Marxes and Grace worked alongside the demolition workers, ones of the holes has been covered up. It was the same grave that was dug out from the inside. Inside this grave was an old coffin. It was shipped off to a new cemetery. When the demolition workers worked at taking down the old building, they found broken coffin pieces inside. They smell a bit like rotting food. The finished coffin that once stood on the table was gone. The workers often wondered what happened to the remaining grave. Grace and Marxes might tell you that they might have an idea what happened, but nobody would believe them.

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