Chapter 23

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Marxes and Grace were snoring as they slept. The time was six thirty-six. The children from the neighborhood are getting ready for the day. Their parents were making breakfast for them. The kids talked to the parents about what they're excited about for this morning. Some of them have a favorite class. There are some kids who have studied for a test near their bedtime. The agile monster jumped from house roof to house roof. It had its head pointed downwards. It did not let the rising sun blind its eyes. The two youths continued to sleep all until twenty minutes before seven. The angry creature was just on the roof of Marxes house. The smell that it gave off stank more than ever. It was even enough to wake Marxes and Grace up. They had the top of their T-shirts covering their nose and mouth. Marxes was the first to wake up. He looked around him. The youth ran into his room and woke Grace up. Grace hardly needed to be woken up. The awful smell kept her awake for about a minute before Marxes woke her up. Grace got out of the bed. "Do you think that the garbage wasn't taken out this morning?" She asked her friend. Marxes shook her head. He felt that he should go and check where the bad stench was coming from. He did guess about what was causing that smell.

The two youths didn't move outside of Marxes' bedroom. Marxes felt that the monster was behind this somehow. Grace turned towards the covered window. The undead monster crawled towards Marxes' window. "Mark? Is that you?" A voice shouted from downstairs. "It's my dad." Marxes said to Grace. "Are you back? Did you go to a garbage dump or something?" He asked. The sound of pounding footsteps became louder when the father went to check Marxes' room. The youth closed the door. The father pounded the door. "If you don't open that door, I am going to knock it down!" He shouted. Grace and Marxes held their backs against the door. Suddenly, there was thump coming from outside of the bedroom window. A snarl was heard afterwards. Grace and Marxes stared in horror as three fingers pierced through the covered window. The three fingers ripped apart the whole cover off. The tape could be heard as it was being pulled off. "So, you're trying to break out of the house are you? I know that you're here Mark. You or your friend has been sleeping in the hallway. I could tell from the blanket and pillow clogging up the hallway." His father said as he knocked on the door. There was another snarl. Then the undead monster's head popped into view. It looked at the two youths upside down. It smashed the bottom of the windowsill with one of its hands. The piece of sharp glass from the window frame were knocked on the floor. Grace and Marxes stared in horror as the undead monster climbed onto the ceiling and had its feet land on the floor.

It let out a loud growl. "Mark, if you stole a TV and a few movies. You will be in more than just big trouble." His father said. The agile creature reached for the two youths necks. "Alright dad you got me." Marxes said as the monster's hands made two holes in the bedroom door. The father jumped back. "Did you bring a friend along with you?" His father asked. He had one of his hands pinching his own nose. The smell of rotting food was stronger because it was coming off the two hands that made a hole in the door. The angry creature let out a roar. His mother was calling a 911 operator. "What sort of trouble I am in dad? You did say that I am in more than big trouble." Marxes disclosed. His father stood and angrily yelled. "You are in enormous trouble! Even more than that if you don't open that door!" Marxes and Grace scooted along the bed. Trying to move towards the bedroom window. The agile creature pulled its hands from the two holes. There were splinters left behind while the monster got itself unstuck. The father looked into the holes. He could see Marxes and Grace were trying to get out the bedroom window. Marxes' dad felt that his son was making a big scene. He opened the bedroom door. "Quit it. I have played enough games with you Mark." His father shouted. The angry monster turned to face him. The father wasn't scared of the monster at all. The angry creature growl loudly at the father's face. "This creep has been chasing us dad. We were trying to find a place to hide." Marxes said pointing at the monster. The undead creature growled again into his dad's face. It didn't work. "I don't believe you Mark. You better tell me the truth or I'm going to send you to school..." Before, Marxes' dad could say anything else. The monster snatched him by upper front part of his bathroom robe. The monster's firm grip held him above the floor. "Get me down!" Marxes' father shouted. The mother held onto the phone and continued to talk with the 911 operator. Marxes and Grace went to pick up their scooters. They had flung them over their shoulders. Marxes and Grace went over to the window. The two youths had let them fall into the backyard. The angry monster roared into both of Marxes' father's ears. Marxes' mother went towards the room. The 911 operator told her to stay where she was in the dining room. The undead monster continued to roar into the father's ears. The face and hands of Marxes' dad were becoming pale. He was feeling a little bit weak.

Marxes' dad was dropped in the hallway. Marxes and Grace gasped. The two youths noticed that the father was still able to move his hands and feet. He wasn't moving. He was shaking as if he was sitting in a bath of freezing cold water. Marxes tried to get out of the house first. But the monster stopped him. It held a strong grip onto his arm. Marxes screamed for help. "Grace help!" Marxes' mother wasn't sure what she was going to do next. She thought that this was a mean prank that he was throwing with a friend. Then she remembered that she was literally frozen with fear from being growled at by a zombie like creature. Marxes' mother thought that she should go investigate anyhow. The 911 operator begged that she stay in the dining room. The operator didn't want her to confront a criminal who might be dangerous. The mother ignored the pleas from the 911 operator and went to investigate the growling and the bad smell. The mother was only a few feet from the bedroom. She then saw Marxes' dad on the floor. Marxes' mother also knew that the smell of rotting food was coming from Marxes' room. The smell was the strongest inside. Marxes' mother rushed to see if his dad was alright. The angry monster let out a snarl until it was at least an arm's length away from grabbing them. Grace tried to slip away from the undead creature, but it caught her by the back of her neck. Grace tried to break herself free. She also screamed. Marxes' mother turned and saw the undead creature holding Grace by her neck. "Ha! Ha! Very funny you guys. Now get downstairs. The three of you, right now!" The mother shouted. The agile monster let go of Grace and dropped her to the floor. It walked up to Marxes' mother. She covered her face with the upper part of her bathrobe. The creature really reeked of a bad smell. "First of all, you should take a long bath. You must have been spraying yourself with some kind of bad odor. I don't think that costume you're wearing is real at all." She spoke in a near shouting tone of voice. The angry creature just simply stared at her with a scowl not answering back. Marxes' mother grabbed the monster by one of its wrists. "Come with me, and I'll clean that makeup off of you right now." The mother adduced as she tried to drag the monster along the floor.

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