Worth looking for [20]

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hello pretty darlings~

Mentions of sexism, sexual harassments, toxic relationships and under validation of self-worth will be mentioned in this chapter

so again don't take this to heart there may be a few things out of hand or misinformation i might give, take this lightly doesn't necessarily means anything but despite that always enjoy

If my (Sans) recommendation of beauty standards ever changed your perspective, hope you dig deeper and work for your worth there, I know it is scary and VERY uncomfortable, but hey I'm here for you guys and for that I'm making the chapter longer :DEnjoy!

also fuk u if you're my coworker, get out


"so how's it goin' pretty lady?" he smiled devilishly

Frisk rolled her eyes and grinned at the monster, she knew they were just words to flatter her, to loosen her up from the drenches of her own mind, which deep inside she welcomed him to it.

she shrugged, "nothing much, how about you handsome?" Now that counterattack landed on the skeleton very off guard, he really did not expect her to play his own games, well .. cause no one did, not even his own girl.

"Heh, same as always..." Frisk nodded as she passed him his cigar, she felt much more relieved, relaxed, loose, she even felt energetic, Sans chuckled at her display, she walk more jumpy and on beat so much that Monsters around started to look, but she held herself alright being for the first time not caring about the world around.

Interesting ...

But Sans had to drop the bomb

"so Frisk, have ya been thinking about the deals yet?" Frisk stopped skipping and turned around, facing him shortly she shook her head, "I haven't thought about it to be honest, you guys haven't mention it either" Sans blew his cigar shortly, he hasn't thought about it either but as he tried to better himself, what his brother told him finally gained sense to him, "you are impossible to work with" really laid a heavy weight to him for some reason.

"well I have a perfect place to start with" he winked touching Frisk shoulder once more, Frisk steadily stood up recognizing the place, funnily enough they weren't even far from getting there in the first place

"the Laundromat?"

He nodded once more, even though they made such a scene the other day, Sans knew there wasn't a better place to start any business but there.

he gave his most quick and simple explanation as in what she would have to do.

-Give a good impression and offer herself as some help between them, maybe selling some monster goods, or some jewelry, are being very much appreciated nowadays, and with how humans very slowly could access to it. while monsters very much had a huge harvest of it even that humans weren't aware of

-Brooke, the owner, has a small family business, very famous guy was kind of retiring from major action at the moment and wanted to still stay put in the area but doing less morbid stuff, not getting involved in addictions, or murders just illegal selling's

Frisk tighten her breath as she advanced to the entrance of the laundromat praying the gods that the salesman did not recognize them from earlier he did alright, how not? Recognizing the skeleton from a mile away.

A quick laughter and pat on the back Sans encountered one of his old pals, an Italian who curiously is not the owner of the store, "what brings ya here ol' bag of bones" Sans chuckled at the guy's lost for entertainment to say the least, he was very sharp guy, doing full time he really had no problem into keeping the place an extra hour working tidy and clean, difficult really with all those red stains he has to work with on the back.

Mafiatale Frans ~Life against eachother~ [Still Active]Where stories live. Discover now