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lee hyesoo pov
today was just another day in school. nothing new. I dragged my lifeless body through classes. then, I remembered felix had classes today. just by the thought excited me.

I haven't seen my boyfriend in days due to me being busy. when the bell rang, I rushed out like a madwoman to see his face.

there he was, with bang chan. chan had his arms around felix's shoulders and they were chatting.

it is so difficult to not fall in love with this sweet boy. he is just so perfect in every way. we started dating about 5 months ago. he baked brownies and confessed to me and I just fell.

"hey lix!" I ran to him and was engulfed in a warm hug. we pulled away and I planted a kiss on his cheek much to chan's disgust.

"please don't do that in front of someone single," chan said with a straight face. I laughed at his face.

we arrived at our table where our friends were waiting.

"hey lovebirds and the third wheel!" yunjin greeted us.

"hi yunjin!" I said to her and hugged her side while chan was glaring at her for calling him a 'third wheel'.

the table we sat at consisted of jake, chan, felix, giselle, yunjin and me. it was a table full of english speakers and I sat here together with them because of felix.

"naur way..." that is what chan, felix and jake always say when we gather and gossip.

"hey guys, would you mind if I invite her to join us?" rosé, another local at this table interrupted our conversation. she pointed at a girl, visibly shorter than her. she is very pretty. she had a cute face, large eyes and very nice lips.

"uhm... sure," chan answered and felix scooted closer to me to make some space for her and rosé.

"hi! my name is hanni and I transferred here from australia," hanni said. we all started introducing ourselves and I found hanni staring in my direction. I couldn't tell if she was looking at me or felix.

"so, I was thinking if you all would like to come over today to hang out and we could play video games," felix said in his deep ass voice.

"what game is it?" hanni asked with her sparkly large eyes on felix. I side eyed her and yunjin started snorting when she noticed it.

"girl, are you ok?" chan asked as yunjin slammed the table while laughing like a madwoman and we were just kind of ignoring her.

"it's league of legends," felix turned to hanni and answered her.

"oh! I like to play it too!" she said while all smiley. she looks like she would grab felix and start making out with him right in front of me. what the fuck.

oh my god (hanni x fem oc)Where stories live. Discover now