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tw // violence

lee hyesoo pov
"I'll see you later," I said snd gave hanni a peck on the lips. I was so disappointed we did not have a single class together today.

school sucks without hanni.

I went to class and I stiffened when I saw minjeong there.

why is she everywhere?

she gestured for me to sit next to her. I looked around looking for another empty seat but they was all occupied.

fuck. why does everyone have to be here today in this class? why are they so healthy? I hope one of them falls ill.

anyways, I grumpily went to sit next to minjeong. she did not seem to mind yesterday even after all the harsh things I said.

"hi hyesoo!" she smiled brightly at me.

"hi," I said and gave her a very obvious fake smile.

"I'm so glad we have classes together today!" she chirped. honestly sounded like a dog barking but ok.

"classes? in plural?"

"yeah, we share all classes today."

I will burn the whole school down.

"I don't wanna share classes with you... I aant my hanni..." I mumbled.



"let's have lunch together!" she said and grabbed my hands.

"ew! get your dirty hands off me."

"hey... why do you keep being rude to me?" she asked me while pouting. I only accept hanni pouting.

"because, you can't take a hint."

"is it wrong for me to like you? is it a crime?" she asked and placed a hand on my thigh.

"it is not wrong. but it is wrong when you know I have a partner," I said and picked up her hand with two fingers and tossed it towards her side. 🤏

"but I like you... and I just wanna show it and have a chance with you."

"no. that's my answer."


"no means no," I wagged a finger in front of her face. "hanni doesn't like when I interact with you so please stop."

"why do you even care so much about that shorty? she came between you and felix!" she said and became more aggressive.

"it was a misunderstanding. either way... I would have chosen her. over felix, over you!"

the professor came in just then and I huffed in anger, shifting away from her.

minjeong tried approaching me right after our third class ended.

I was famished and tired. she just kept barking next to my ear and I disliked it. I wanted hanni not her. I will literally call on aliens to destroy school for this torture.

she then ran off, crying because I kept quiet and ignored her.

soon, it was lunchtime. I went to the cafeteria to look for hanni in the crowd.

all of a sudden, the loud crashing of metal tray rang in my ears. the sound of plates breaking could be heard too.

curious, I moved towards the noise along with others.


hanni stood there against three other people. one stood tall in the middle, another stood beside her with her arms crossed. behind them, minjeong stood there, sniffing.

I pushed through to get to hanni.

third person pov
"you little bitch! you made minjeong cry!" karina spat at hanni. she moved forward to slap hanni. she wore a ring on her hand which created a mark. hanni's cheek started bleeding.

"you watch yourself!" hyesoo managed to get through the crowd. she rushed forward and slapped karina.

ningning rushed towards karina and helped her. hyesoo stood protectively in front of hanni.

"what the fuck, minjeong. did you tell your friends hanni did this? she had nothing to do with it! tell them I made you cry instead," hyesoo fumed and threatened.

"no, it is because of her! if you would just stop talking about her and pay more attention to me... then this wouldn't happen!" minjeong sobbed.

"I have had enough. we're not even dating each other and I'm with hanni. stop acting like we are in a relationship," hyesoo said.

"just leave that slut!" winter shouted.

hyesoo's patience ran thin. calling hanni a slut in front of her made her blood boil.

she picked up the tray that was dropped on the ground and approached minjeong menacingly. she raised it high and was about to hit her.

luckily, hanni stopped her before anything bad happened.

"baby, it's not worth it..."

hyesoo could hear her sobbing in pain. she bit her lips and contained the anger that rose in her. she threw the tray away and glared at minjeong.

"you better stay away."

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